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Python Core API Error Handling

Catching errors

In versions <22.08 zhinst.ziPython raised RuntimeError in most error cases. This made users to parse error message for a specific error type or code.

In version 22.08, the exceptions are overhauled and instead of RuntimeError, a base error CoreError or its derivatives are raised.

To not break the existing 22.02 API, CoreError derives from RuntimeError and the error message format is unchanged.

The package errors can be caught:

from zhinst.core import errors

except errors.CoreError as error:
    error_code = error.code
    error_message = error.args[0]

Or if a specific zhinst.core error is meant to be caught:

from zhinst.core import errors

except errors.DeviceInUseError as error:
    # Some action to handle the error

RuntimeError can be used to catch the errors, but it is recommended to catch the CoreError or other package errors.

   except RuntimeError as error:

zhinst.core error classes

zhinst.core.errors.CoreError(message, code=None)

Bases: RuntimeError

Base error class for all zhinst.core exceptions.

All exceptions raised by this library should inherit from this class.


Name Type Description Default
message str

The error message

code Optional[int]

Optional internal LabOne error code


code: t.Optional[int] property

Error code reported by LabOne.

Available error types:

Error Class Base Classes
zhinst.core.errors.TimeoutError CoreError,TimeoutError
zhinst.core.errors.ConnectionError CoreError, ConnectionError
zhinst.core.errors.ReadOnlyError CoreError
zhinst.core.errors.NotFoundError CoreError
zhinst.core.errors.DeviceInUseError CoreError
zhinst.core.errors.DeviceNotFoundError CoreError
zhinst.core.errors.InvalidArgumentError CoreError
zhinst.core.errors.InvalidKeywordError CoreError
zhinst.core.errors.DeviceInterfaceError CoreError
zhinst.core.errors.SampleLossError CoreError, EOFError