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Name short Description
ziAPIServerVersionCheck Check the versions of API and Data Server match
ziAutoConnect Create a connection to a Zurich Instruments server (Deprecated: See ziCreateAPISession).
ziAutoDetect Return the ID of a connected device (if only one device is connected)
ziBW2TC Convert demodulator 3dB bandwidth to timeconstant
ziCheckPathInData Check whether a node is present in data and non-empty
ziCreateAPISession Create an API session for the specified device with the correct Data Server.
ziDevices Return a cell array of connected Zurich Instruments devices
ziDisableEverything Disable all functional units and streaming nodes
ziGetDefaultSettingsPath Get the default settings file path from the ziDeviceSettings ziCore module
ziGetDefaultSigoutMixerChannel return the default output mixer channel
ziLoadSettings Load instrument settings from file
ziSaveSettings Save instrument settings to file
ziSiginAutorange Activate the device's autorange functionality
ziSystemtime2Matlabtime Convert the LabOne system time to Matlab time
ziTC2BW Convert demodulator timeconstants to 3 dB Bandwidth


function versionsMatch = ziApiServerVersionCheck()

Check the versions of API and Data Server match.


Flag if the release version of the API used in the current session does have the same release version as the Data Server (that the API is connected to).


function ziAutoConnect(defaultPort, APILevel)

Create a connection to a Zurich Instruments server for HF2 and UHF instruments


ziAutoConnect does not support MFLI devices.

Try to connect to a Zurich Instruments server with an available HF2 or UHFLI device. First check if a device is found by connecting to a server on defaultPort, if so create and return a connection to that ziServer. If no devices are found on that server, check if a device is found on the secondary port, if so create and return a connection to that server. A runtime error is thrown if no devices are found.


Name Description
defaultPort default port to create the connection on (must be either 8004 (UHF) or 8005 (HF2)). If not specified both ports will be tried.
APILevel API level to use for the connection (default = 1)


function device = ziAutoDetect()

Return the ID of a connected device (if only one device is connected).


Device ID of the connected device.


function timeconstant = ziBW2TC(bandwidth, order)

Convert the demod 3 dB bandwidth to its timeconstant.

Convert the specified 3 dB bandwidths in bandwidth to its equivalent timeconstant for the specified demodulator order.


Name Description
bandwidth 3dB bandwidth
order Demodulator order




function pathExists = ziCheckPathInData(data, path)

Check whether a node is present in data and non-empty

Return true or false, depending whether the path from the device node tree is present in data, where data is a structure typically returned by poll() or, e.g.,


Wildcards are not supported.


Name Description
data data structure (typically returned by poll or, e.g.,
path path to search


Flag if the path is present in data


function [device, props] = ziCreateAPISession(device_serial, maximum_supported_apilevel, varargin)

Create an API session for the specified device.


Name Description
device_serial The device's ID, this is the string that specifies the device's xnode branch in the data server's node tree.
maximum_supported_apilevel The maximum API Level that is supported by the Matlab code where the returned API session will be used. The maximum API Level you may use is defined by the device class. HF2 only supports API Level 1 and other devices support API Level 5. You should try to use the maximum level possible to enable extended API features.
required_devtype The required device type, e.g., 'HF2LI' or 'MFLI'. This is given by the value of the device node '/devX/features/devtype' or the 'devicetype' discovery property. Raise an error if the device's devtype does not match the required_devtype. (default = .*)
required_options The required device option set. This should be in the same format as returned by the 'options' property as returned by 'discoveryGet', e.g., {'PID', 'DIG'}, although the entry may be a regular expression, e.g., {'MFK|MF|MD', 'DIG'} if the required option functionality has a different name on different device classes. Raise an error if the device's option set does contain the required_options. (default = empty)
required_err_msg An additional error message to print if either the device specified by the device_serial is not the required_devtype or does not have the required_options. (default = ``)


device: device id

props: device properties


function devices = ziDevices()

Return a cell array of devices that are currently connected to the server using the connection previously initiated by ziDAQ('connect').


Cell array of devices connected to the server.


function settings = ziDisableEverything(device)

Disable device streaming nodes and functionality

Put the device in a known base configuration: disable all extended functionality; disable all streaming nodes.


This function is intended as a helper function for the API's examples and it's signature or implementation may change in future releases.


Name Description
device device id of the device


A cell array of (set-function, node, value) triples containing the settings that were configured.


function settings_path = ziGetDefaultSettingsPath()

Return a string containing the default path for LabOne settings files as defined in the ziCore Module ziDeviceSettings.


Default path for LabOne settings files.


function output_mixer_channel = ziGetDefaultSigoutMixerChannel(discovery_props, output_channel)

Return the instrument's default Signal Output mixer channel used by the hardware Signal Output channel specified by output_channel.


Name Description
discovery_props Device's discovery properties as returned by discoveryGet
output_channel Hardware Signal Output channel


Instrument's default Signal Output mixer channel


function ziLoadSettings(device, filename)

Load the settings from the LabOne settings file FILENAME to the specified device, e.g., 'dev1234'.


Name Description
device device id (e.g., 'dev1234').
filename Filepath to LabOne settings file.


Load a settings file located in the current directory:

dev = ziAutoDetect()
ziLoadSettings(dev, 'my_settings.xml')

Load a settings file from the default LabOne settings path:

dev = ziAutoDetect()
filename = 'default_ui.xml'
default_path = ziGetDefaultSettingsPath()
ziLoadSettings(dev, [default_path, filesep, 'default_ui.xml'])


function ziSaveSettings(device, filename)

Save the settings from device, e.g., 'dev1234', to the LabOne settings file.


Name Description
device device id (e.g., 'dev1234').
filename Filepath to LabOne settings file.


Save a settings file in the current directory:

dev = ziAutoDetect()
ziSaveSettings(dev, 'my_settings.xml')

Save a settings file to the default LabOne settings path:

filename = 'default_ui.xml'
default_path = ziGetDefaultSettingsPath()
ziSaveSettings(dev, [default_path, filesep, 'default_ui.xml'])


function range = ziSiginAutorange(device, in_channel)

Perform an automatic adjustment of device's signal input channel and return the final range set. This utility function starts the functionality implemented in the device's firmware and waits until it has completed. The range is set by the firmware based on the measured input signal's amplitude measured over approximately 100 ms.


  1. A device type that supports autorange functionality on the firmware level, e.g., UHFLI, MFLI, MFIA. For HF2 Instruments see the example hf2_example_autorange().

  2. The ziDAQ API Session (connection to the device's Data Server) has already been initialised.


Name Description
device The device ID on which to perform the signal input autorange, e.g., 'dev2006'
in_channel The index of the signal input channel to autorange.


Final range set.


function matlabtime = ziSystemtime2Matlabtime(systemtime)

Convert the LabOne data header systemtime field (UINT64, microseconds since unix epoch) to a Matlab serial date number.


Name Description
systemtime LabOne data header systemtime field


Matlab serial date number.


function bandwidth = ziTC2BW(timeconstant, order)

Convert the specified timeconstant to the equivalent 3dB bandwidth for the specified demodulator order.


Name Description
timeconstant Timeconstant
order Demodulator order


3dB bandwidth.