C API Enums¶
Defines return value for all ziAPI functions. Divided into 3 regions: info, warning and error.
Enumerates all types that data in a ZIEvent may have.
Name | Value | Description |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_NONE | 0 | No data type, event is invalid. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE_DATA | 1 | ZIDoubleData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.doubleData pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER_DATA | 2 | ZIIntegerData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.integerData pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_DEMOD_SAMPLE | 3 | ZIDemodSample type. Use the ZIEvent.value.demodSample pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SCOPE_WAVE_OLD | 4 | ScopeWave type, used in v1 compatibility mode. use the ZIEvent.value.scopeWaveOld pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_AUXIN_SAMPLE | 5 | ZIAuxInSample type. Use the ZIEvent.value.auxInSample pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_DIO_SAMPLE | 6 | ZIDIOSample type. Use the ZIEvent.value.dioSample pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY | 7 | ZIByteArray type. Use the ZIEvent.value.byteArray pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_PWA_WAVE | 8 | ZIPWAWave type. Use the ZIEvent.value.pwaWave pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_TREE_CHANGE_DATA_OLD | 16 | TreeChange type - a list of added or removed nodes, used in v1 compatibility mode. Use the ZIEvent.value.treeChangeDataOld pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE_DATA_TS | 32 | ZIDoubleDataTS type. Use the ZIEvent.value.doubleDataTS pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER_DATA_TS | 33 | ZIIntegerDataTS type. Use the ZIEvent.value.integerDataTS pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_COMPLEX_DATA | 34 | ZIComplexData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.complexData pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SCOPE_WAVE | 35 | ZIScopeWave type. Use the ZIEvent.value.scopeWave pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SCOPE_WAVE_EX | 36 | ZIScopeWaveEx type. Use the ZIEvent.value.scopeWaveEx pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY_TS | 38 | ZIByteArrayTS type. Use the ZIEvent.value.byteArrayTS pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_CNT_SAMPLE | 46 | ZICntSample type. Use the ZIEvent.value.cntSample pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_TRIG_SAMPLE | 47 | ZITrigSample type. Use the ZIEvent.value.trigSample pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_TREE_CHANGE_DATA | 48 | ZITreeChangeData type - a list of added or removed nodes. Use the ZIEvent.value.treeChangeData pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_ASYNC_REPLY | 50 | ZIAsyncReply type. Use the ZIEvent.value.asyncReply pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SWEEPER_WAVE | 64 | ZISweeperWave type. Use the ZIEvent.value.sweeperWave pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SPECTRUM_WAVE | 65 | ZISpectrumWave type. Use the ZIEvent.value.spectrumWave pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_ADVISOR_WAVE | 66 | ZIAdvisorWave type. Use the ZIEvent.value.advisorWave pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_VECTOR_DATA | 67 | ZIVectorData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.vectorData pointer to access the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_IMPEDANCE_SAMPLE | 68 | ZIImpedanceSample type. Use the ZIEvent.value.impedanceSample pointer to access the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SHF_GENERATOR_WAVEFORM_VECTOR_DATA | 69 | ZISHFWaveformVectorData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.vectorData pointer to access the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SHF_RESULT_LOGGER_VECTOR_DATA | 70 | ZISHFResultLoggerVectorData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.vectorData pointer to access the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SHF_SCOPE_VECTOR_DATA | 71 | ZISHFScopeOutputVectorData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.vectorData pointer to access the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SHF_DEMODULATOR_VECTOR_DATA | 72 | ZISHFDemodulatorVectorData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.vectorData pointer to access the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR | 73 | ZIError type. Use the ZIEvent.value.error pointer to read the data of the event. |
ZI_VALUE_TYPE_SHF_PID_VECTOR_DATA | 74 | ZISHFDemodulatorVectorData type. Use the ZIEvent.value.vectorData pointer to access the data of the event. |
Defines the actions that are performed on a tree, as returned in the ZITreeChangeData::action or ZITreeChangeDataOld::action.
Name | Value | Description |
ZI_TREE_ACTION_REMOVE | 0 | A node has been removed. |
ZI_TREE_ACTION_ADD | 1 | A node has been added. |
ZI_TREE_ACTION_CHANGE | 2 | A node has been changed. |
Defines the data format of scope samples:
Helper enum to enable testing certain properties of the scope sample format.
Enumerates the bits set in an ZIImpedanceSample's flags.
Enumerates all the types that a ZIVectorData::elementType may have.
Enumerates all the used error kinds that are supported within the ZIError. The error kind advises the user on how to handle the error.
Name | Value | Description |
ZI_API_VERSION_0 | 0 | |
ZI_API_VERSION_1 | 1 | |
ZI_API_VERSION_4 | 4 | |
ZI_API_VERSION_5 | 5 | |
ZI_API_VERSION_6 | 6 | |
Defines the values of the flags used in ziAPIListNodes.
Defines the flags returned in the chunk header for all modules.
Defines flags returned in the chunk header that only apply for certain modules.
Defines the values of the Discovery property 'statusflags' retrieved by ziAPIDiscoveryGetValueI.
TREE_ACTION defines the values for the TreeChange::Action Variable.
Name | Value | Description |