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C API ZISpectrumHeader StructΒΆ

Name Type Description
sampleCount uint64_t Total sample count considered for spectrum.
flags uint8_t Flags Bit 0: Power Bit 1: Spectral density Bit 2: Absolute frequency Bit 3: Full span.
sampleFormat uint8_t Sample format Demodulator = 0.
spectrumMode uint8_t Spectrum mode FFT(x+iy) = 0, FFT(r) = 1, FFT(theta) = 2, FFT(freq) = 3, FFT(dtheta/dt)/2pi = 4.
window uint8_t Window Rectangular = 0, Hann = 1, Hamming = 2, Blackman Harris = 3, Exponential = 16 (ring-down), Cosine = 17 (ring-down), Cosine squared = 18 (ring-down)
reserved0 uint8_t Reserved space for future use.
reserved1 uint8_t Reserved space for future use.
bandwidth double Filter bandwidth.
rate double Rate of the sampled data.
center double FFT center value.
resolution double FFT bin resolution.
aliasingReject double Aliasing reject (dB)
nenbw double Correction factor for the used window when calculating spectral density.
overlap double FFT overlap [0 .. 1[.