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LabView API

The Labview API is a binary package that directly exposes the LabOne Client functionalities into LabView. The available features are similar to the other LabOne APIs, although due to the graphical programming interface the usage is quite differently.

block diagram
Figure 1: block diagram


block diagram
Figure 2: block diagram

Creates a connection to a Data Server. Address is of the format {<host>}{:<port>}{::<Device ID>}. Usually it is sufficient to provide the Device ID only. The host and port are then determined by network discovery. Should the discovery not work, prepend <host\>:<port\>:: to the Device ID. Examples are localhost:8004::dev2345 or In the latter case the first found instrument on the data server listening on will be selected.


Although often preferred it is not mandatory to specify a device and one can instead use the Hostname and Port input to specify a LabOne Data Server which should be connected. Device can be connected later on through the ziConnectDevice VI.


It is recommended to terminate each session through the ziClose VI. Otherwise the session will never be closed and can cause undesired behaviour.


Name Type Description
Address block diagram string Device Address /Serial (e.g DEV2345)
Hostname (auto) block diagram string Server host (default = localhost)
Port (auto) block diagram uint16 Server port (default = 8004)
Error in block diagram error Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called


Name Type Description
Handle Out block diagram LabOne Session Handle LabOne Session Handle representing the Session to the connected Data Server.
Selected Device block diagram string Device Address/Serial of the connected device (If any device was connected)
auto-connected block diagram bool Flag if the specified device was auto connected through discovery.
Error Out block diagram error Error Out Contains the Error information if there are any.


block diagram
Figure 3: block diagram

Disconnects from a ziServer and frees resources. Use this vi to terminate a connection.


Name Type Description
Handle In block diagram LabOne Session Handle LabOne Session Handle representing the Session to the connected Data Server.
Error in block diagram error Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called


Name Type Description
Handle Out block diagram LabOne Session Handle disconnected LabOne Session Handle (can not be used to reconnect and is only for debugging)
Error Out block diagram error Error Out Contains the Error information if there are any.