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C API ZISweeperImpedanceSample StructΒΆ

Name Type Description
grid double Grid value (x-axis)
bandwidth double Demodulator bandwidth used for the specific sweep point.
count uint64_t Sample count used for statistic calculation.
tc double Time constant calculated for the specific sweep point.
tcMeas double Time constant used by the device.
settling double Settling time (s) used to wait until averaging operation is started.
setTimeStamp ZITimeStamp Time stamp when the grid value was set on the device.
nextTimeStamp ZITimeStamp Time stamp when the first statistic value was recorded.
realz ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of X.
imagz ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of Y.
absz ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of R.
phasez ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of phase.
frequency ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of frequency.
param0 ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of param0.
param1 ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of param1.
drive ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of drive amplitude.
bias ZIStatisticSample Sweep point statistic result of bias.
flags uint32_t Flags (see ZIImpFlags_enum)