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C API StructsΒΆ

Name Brief Description
AuxInSample The AuxInSample struct holds data for the ZI_DATA_AUXINSAMPLE data type. Deprecated: See ZIAuxInSample.
ByteArrayData The ByteArrayData struct holds data for the ZI_DATA_BYTEARRAY data type. Deprecated: See ZIByteArray.
DemodSample The DemodSample struct holds data for the ZI_DATA_DEMODSAMPLE data type. Deprecated: See ZIDemodSample.
DIOSample The DIOSample struct holds data for the ZI_DATA_DIOSAMPLE data type. Deprecated: See ZIDIOSample.
ScopeWave The structure used to hold a single scope shot (API Level 1). If the client is connected to the Data Server using API Level 4 (recommended if supported by your device class) please see ZIScopeWave instead ( ZIScopeWaveEx for API Level 5 and above).
TreeChange The structure used to hold info about added or removed nodes. This is the version without timestamp used in API v1 compatibility mode.
ZIAuxInSample The structure used to hold data for a single auxiliary inputs sample.
ZIByteArray The structure used to hold an arbitrary array of bytes. This is the version without timestamp used in API Level 1 compatibility mode.
ZIByteArrayTS The structure used to hold an arbitrary array of bytes. This is the same as ZIByteArray, but with timestamp.
ZIChunkHeader Structure to hold generic chunk data header information.
ZICntSample The structure used to hold data for a single counter sample.
ZICompileResult Defines the return structure for ziAPICompileSeqC.
ZIComplexData The structure used to hold a complex double value.
ZIDemodSample The structure used to hold data for a single demodulator sample.
ZIDIOSample The structure used to hold data for a single digital I/O sample.
ZIDoubleDataTS The structure used to hold a single IEEE double value. Same as ZIDoubleData, but with timestamp.
ZIEvent This struct holds event data forwarded by the Data Server.
ZIImpedanceSample The structure used to hold data for a single impedance sample.
ZIIntegerDataTS The structure used to hold a single 64bit signed integer value. Same as ZIIntegerData, but with timestamp.
ZIModuleEvent This struct holds data of a single chunk from module lookup.
ZIPWASample Single PWA sample value.
ZIScopeWave The structure used to hold scope data (when using API Level 4). Note that ZIScopeWave does not contain the structure member channelOffset, whereas ZIScopeWaveEx does. The data may be formatted differently, depending on settings. See the description of the structure members for details.
ZIScopeWaveEx The structure used to hold scope data (extended, when using API Level 5). Note that ZIScopeWaveEx contains the structure member channelOffset; ZIScopeWave does not. The data may be formatted differently, depending on settings. See the description of the structure members for details.
ZITreeChangeData The struct is holding info about added or removed nodes.
ZITrigSample The structure used to hold data for a single counter sample.
ZIVectorData The structure used to hold vector data block. See the description of the structure members for details.