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Impedance Module

The Impedance Module corresponds to the Cal sub-tab in the LabOne User Interface Impedance Analyzer tab. It allows the user to perform a compensation that will be applied to impedance measurements.

Node Documentation

This section describes all the nodes in the Impedance Module node tree organized by branch.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If set to true will execute a compensation for the specified compensation condition.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: String
Unit: None

Comment string that will be saved together with the compensation data.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: String
Unit: None

Device string defining the device on which the compensation is performed.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: String
Unit: None

The directory where files are saved.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Bit field of the load condition that the corresponds a full compensation. If status is equal the expected status the compensation is complete.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: String
Unit: None

The name of the file to use for user compensation.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Number of samples of a compensation trace.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Start frequency of compensation traces.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Stop frequency of compensation traces.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Enable a second high impedance load compensation for the low current ranges.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Load the impedance user compensation data from the file specified by filename.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: F

Parallel capacitance of the first compensation load (SHORT).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Ohm

Resistance value of first compensation load (SHORT).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: F

Parallel capacitance of the first compensation load (SHORT).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Ohm

Resistance value of first compensation load (SHORT).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: F

Parallel capacitance of the first compensation load (SHORT).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Ohm

Resistance value of first compensation load (SHORT).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: F

Parallel capacitance of the first compensation load (SHORT).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Ohm

Resistance value of first compensation load (SHORT).



Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Message string containing information, warnings or error messages during compensation.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (enumerated)
Unit: None

Compensation mode to be used. Defines which load steps need to be compensated.

Value Description
0 "none": None
1 "short": S (Short)
2 "open": O (Open)
3 "short_open": SO (Short-Open)
4 "load": L (Load)
5 "short_load": SL (Short-Load)
6 "open_load": OL (Open-Load)
7 "short_open_load": SOL (Short-Open-Load)
8 "load_load_load": LLL (Load-Load-Load)



Properties: Read, Write
Type: String
Unit: None

The path of the directory where the user compensation file is located.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (enumerated)
Unit: None

Precision of the compensation. Will affect time of a compensation and reduces the noise on compensation traces.

Value Description
0 "standard": Standard speed
1 "high": Low speed / high precision



Properties: Read
Type: Double
Unit: None

Progress of a compensation condition.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Save the current impedance user compensation data to the file specified by filename.



Properties: Read
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Bit coded field of the already compensated load conditions (bit 0 = first compensation step, bit 1 = second compensation step, ...).



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (enumerated)
Unit: None

Compensation step to be performed when calibrate indicator is set to true.

Value Description
0 "first_load": First load
1 "second_load": Second load
2 "third_load": Third load
3 "fourth_load": Fourth load



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If enabled will automatically transfer compensation data to the persistent flash memory in case of a valid compensation.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Enable the validation of compensation data. If enabled the compensation is checked for too big deviation from specified load.