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LabView API Utility


block diagram
Figure 1: block diagram



Name Type Description
Handle in block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.
Error in block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
File path block diagram path string Path to file where the settings are stored/loaded. (default = dialog if empty)
Path block diagram string LabOne node path.


Name Type Description
Handle out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
Error out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.


block diagram
Figure 2: block diagram



Name Type Description
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
Path block diagram string LabOne node path. (default = "")
file path block diagram path string Path to file where the settings are stored/loaded. (default = dialog if empty)


Name Type Description
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Saved Array block diagram string array Array of the saved data


block diagram
Figure 3: block diagram

Automatically set the input range of signalinputs/{0,1} to half full level.


Name Type Description
Handle in block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.
Error in block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
Path block diagram string LabOne node path.


Name Type Description
Handle out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
Error out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Success block diagram bool Flag if the operation was successful.


block diagram
Figure 4: block diagram

Checks if Version of API and DataServer are the same and reports a user dialog with warning if not.


Name Type Description
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.


Name Type Description
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
Message block diagram string Message reported by the VI.


block diagram
Figure 5: block diagram

Returns a list of nodes found at the specified path. The path may contain wild cards so that the rertuned nodes do not necessarily have to have the same parents.


Name Type Description
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
Path block diagram string LabOne node path. (default = "")
Flags block diagram LabOne handle in Optional flags to control the result. (default = None)
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.


Name Type Description
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Nodes block diagram string array Reported nodes.
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.


block diagram
Figure 6: block diagram

Returns a list of ZI Instruments that are available in the connected Data Server.


Name Type Description
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.


Name Type Description
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Devices block diagram string array Reported devices


block diagram
Figure 7: block diagram

Returns nodes documentation found at the specified path. The path may contain wild cards so that the rertuned nodes do not necessarily have to have the same parents.


Name Type Description
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
Path block diagram string LabOne node path. (default = "")
Flags block diagram LabOne handle in Optional flags to control the result. (default = None)
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.


Name Type Description
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
Doc block diagram string array node documentation


block diagram
Figure 8: block diagram



Name Type Description
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
Device Serial block diagram string Device serial/id (e.g. DEV2345).
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.
Device Interface block diagram string Interface that should be used to connect to the device (e.g. 1GbE)
Device Interface Params block diagram string Additional flags for the device interface (only for debugging). (default = "")


Name Type Description
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.


block diagram
Figure 9: block diagram



Name Type Description
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
Device Serial block diagram string Device serial/id (e.g. DEV2345).
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.


Name Type Description
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.


block diagram
Figure 10: block diagram

Enables multiDeviceSync (MDS) on the Master and Slave devices and returns the status of the MDS.


Name Type Description
Master block diagram string ID of leading device.
Slaves block diagram string array List of follower devices.


Name Type Description
Status block diagram double Status
Message block diagram string Message reported by the VI.
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
ModHandle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne Module handle out.
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
MDS_Devices block diagram string array Included devices.


block diagram
Figure 11: block diagram

Selects to the default device to use.


Name Type Description
Handle In block diagram LabOne handle in LabOne handle in.
Error In block diagram error in Error In can accept error information wired from VIs previously called.
Device block diagram string device to use. by default the first device will be used. (default = first)


Name Type Description
Handle Out block diagram LabOne handle out LabOne handle out.
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.
Selected Device block diagram string Device that was selected.


block diagram
Figure 12: block diagram

Convert a scalara or vector value from the machine unit ticks to the SI unit second.


Name Type Description


Name Type Description


block diagram
Figure 13: block diagram

Convert an effective signal bandwidth value and an order value to the required timeconstant per filter order.


Name Type Description
Order block diagram integer (32 bit) The demodulator order (1 to 8) for which to convert the bandwidth. (default = 1)
BW block diagram double The demodulator 3dB bandwidth to convert. (default = Hz)
Eq BW block diagram bool (default = F)


Name Type Description
TC block diagram double time constant


block diagram
Figure 14: block diagram

Convert a timeconstant value and order value to an effective signal bandwidth.


Name Type Description
TC block diagram double time constant (default = s)
Order block diagram integer (32 bit) The demodulator order (1 to 8) for which to convert the bandwidth. (default = 1)
Eq BW block diagram bool (default = F)


Name Type Description
BW block diagram double The demodulator 3dB bandwidth to convert.


block diagram
Figure 15: block diagram

Allow to Update MFLI/UHF devices via the Labview API.


Name Type Description
file path block diagram path string Path to file where the settings are stored/loaded. (default = use dialog)
Address block diagram string Device address


Name Type Description
Error Out block diagram error out Contains the Error information, if there are any.