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PID Advisor Module

The PID Advisor Module provides the functionality available in the Advisor, Tuner and Display sub-tabs of the LabOne User Interface’s PID / PLL tab. The PID Advisor is a mathematical model of the instrument’s PID and can be used to calculate PID controller parameters for optimal feedback loop performance. The controller gains calculated by the module can be easily transferred to the device via the API and the results of the Advisor’s modeling are available as Bode and step response plot data as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1: example_pid_advisor_pll_bode_step_combined

PID Advisor Module Work-Flow

PID Advisor usage via the LabOne APIs closely follows the work-flow used in the LabOne User Interface. Here are the steps required to calculate optimal PID parameters, transfer the parameters to an instrument and then continually modify the instrument's parameters to minimize the residual error using Auto Tune.

  1. Create an instance of the PID Advisor module.
  2. Configure the module's parameters using set() to specify, for example, which of the instrument's PIDs to use and which type of device under test (DUT) to model. If values are specified for the P, I and D gains they serve as initial values for the optimization process. See node documentation for a full list of PID Advisor parameters.
  3. Start the module by calling execute().
  4. Start optimization of the PID parameters by setting the /calculate parameter to 1. The optimization process has finished when the value of /calculate returns to 0. Optimization may take up to a minute to complete, but is much quicker in most cases.
  5. Read out the optimized parameters, Bode and step response plot data for inspection using get().
  6. Transfer the optimized gain parameters from the Advisor Module to the instrument's nodes by setting the /todevice parameter to 1.
  7. Enable the instrument's PID (/DEV..../PIDS/n/ENABLE).
  8. The Auto Tune functionality may be additionally enabled by setting /tune to 1 and configuring the parameters in the /tuner branch. This functionality continuously updates the instrument's PID parameters specified by /tuner/mode in order to minimize the residual error signal. Note, Auto Tune is not available for HF2 instruments.

The reader is encouraged to refer to the instrument-specific User Manual for more details on the Advisor optimization and Tuner process. Each of the LabOne APIs include an example to help get started programming with PID Advisor Module.

PLL Parameter Optimization on HF2 Instruments

On HF2 instruments the PID and PLL are implemented as two separate entities in the device's firmware. On all other devices there is only a PID unit and a PLL is created by configuring a PID appropriately (by setting the device node /devN/pids/0/mode to 1, see your instrument User Manual for more information). Since both a PID and a PLL exist on HF2 devices, when the PID Advisor Module is used to model a PLL, the /pid/type parameter must be set to either pid or pll to indicate which hardware unit on the HF2 is to be modeled by the Advisor.

Instrument Settings written by todevice

This section lists which device nodes are configured upon setting the /todevice parameter to 1. Note, the parameter is immediately set back to 0 and no sync() is performed, if a synchronization of instrument settings is required before proceeding, the user must execute a sync command manually.

For HF2 instruments there are two main cases to differentiate between, defined by whether /type is set to "pid" or "pll" (see previous section for an explanation). For all other devices /type can only be set to "pid". The following tables describe which device nodes are configured.

The following device nodes are configured when /type is "pid" (default behavior). The value of n in device nodes corresponds to the value of /index.

Device node (/DEV.../) Value set (prefix `` omitted) Device class
PIDS/n/P Advised pid/p. All devices
PIDS/n/I Advised pid/i. All devices
PIDS/n/D Advised pid/d. All devices
PIDS/n/DEMOD/TIMECONSTANT User-configured or advised /pid/timeconstant. All devices
PIDS/n/DEMOD/ORDER User-configured /pid/order. All devices
PIDS/n/DEMOD/HARMONIC User-configured /pid/harmonic. All devices
PIDS/n/RATE User-configured /pid/rate. Not HF2
PIDS/n/DLIMITTIMECONSTANT User-configured or advised /pid/dlimittimeconstant. Not HF2

The following additional device nodes configured when /type is "pid" (default behavior) and /dut/source = 4 (internal PLL).

Device node (/DEV.../) Value set Device class
PIDS/n/CENTER User-configured /dut/fcenter. All devices
PIDS/n/LIMITLOWER Calculated -bw*2, if /autolimit = 1. Not HF2
PIDS/n/LIMITUPPER Calculated bw*2, if /autolimit = 1. Not HF2
PIDS/n/RANGE Calculated bw*2, if /autolimit = 1. HF2 only

The following device nodes configured when /type is "pll" (HF2 instruments only).

Device node (/DEV.../) Value set
PLLS/n/AUTOPID Set to 0.
PLLS/n/P Advised pid/p.
PLLS/n/I Advised pid/i.
PLLS/n/D Advised pid/d.
PLLS/n/HARMONIC Advised demod/harmonic.
PLLS/n/ORDER Advised demod/order.
PLLS/n/TIMECONSTANT User-configured or advised demod/timeconstant.

Monitoring the PID's Output

This section is not directly related to the functionality of the PID Advisor itself, but describes how to monitor the PID's behavior by accessing the corresponding device's nodes on the Data Server.

Non HF2 Instruments

The PID's error, shift and output value are available from the device's PID streaming nodes:


These are high-speed streaming nodes with timestamps available for each value. They may be recorded using the Data Acquisition Module (recommended) or via the subscribe and poll commands (very high-performance applications). The PID streams are aligned by timestamp with demodulator streams. A specific streaming rate may be requested by setting the /DEV.../PIDS/n/STREAM/RATE node; the device firmware will set the next lowest configurable rate (which corresponds to a legal demodulator rate). The configured rate can be read out from the /DEV.../PIDS/n/STREAM/EFFECTIVERATE node. If the instrument has the DIG Option installed, the PID's outputs can also be obtained using the instrument's scope at rates of up to 1.8 GHz (although not continuously). Note, that /DEV.../PIDS/n/STREAM/{RATE EFFECTIVERATE} do not effect the rate of the PID itself, only the rate at which data is transferred to the PC. The rate of an instrument's PID is configured by /DEV.../PIDS/n/RATE.

=== HF2 Instruments

On HF2 instruments the PID's error, shift and center values are available using the device nodes:

  • /DEV..../PIDS/n/ERROR (output node),
  • /DEV..../PIDS/n/SHIFT (output node),
  • /DEV..../PIDS/n/CENTER (setting node),

where the PID's output can be calculated as OUT = CENTER + SHIFT. When data is acquired from these nodes using the subscribe and poll commands the node values do not have timestamps associated with them (since the HF2 Data Server only supports API Level 1). Additionally, these nodes are not high-speed streaming nodes; they are updated at a low rate that depends on the rate of the PID, this is a approximately 10 Hz if one PID is enabled. It is not possible to configure the rate of the PID on HF2 instruments. It is possible, however, to subscribe to the /DEV.../PIDS/n/ERROR node in the Data Acquisition Module, here, timestamps are approximated for each error value. It is not possible to view these values in the HF2 scope.

Deprecation Notice

The PLL Advisor Module introduced in LabOne 14.08 became deprecated as of LabOne 16.12. In LabOne 16.12 the PLL Advisor's functionality was combined within the PID Advisor module. Users of the PLL Advisor Module should use the PID Advisor Module instead.

Node Documentation

This section describes all the nodes in the PID Advisor Module node tree organized by branch.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If enabled, automatically calculate the start and stop value used in the Bode and step response plots.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If enabled, automatically trigger a new optimization process upon an input parameter value change.



Properties: Read
Type: ZIAdvisorWave
Unit: None

Contains the resulting bode plot of the PID simulation.



Properties: Read
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Calculated system bandwidth.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Set to 1 to start the PID Advisor's modelling process and calculation of optimal parameters. The module sets calculate to 0 when the calculation is finished.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Only relevant when /DEV.../PIDS/n/INPUT is configured to be a demodulator output. Specifies the demodulator's harmonic to use in the PID Advisor model. This value will be transferred to the instrument node (/DEV..../DEMODS/m/HARMONIC) when the PID is enabled.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Only relevant when /DEV.../PIDS/n/INPUT is configured to be a demodulator output. Specifies the demodulator's order to use in the PID Advisor model. This value will be transferred to the instrument node (/DEV..../DEMODS/m/ORDER) when the PID is enabled.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Seconds

Only relevant when /DEV.../PIDS/n/INPUT is configured to be a demodulator output and pidAdvisor/pid/autobw=0. Specify the demodulator's timeconstant to use in the PID Advisor model. This value will be transferred to the instrument node (/DEV..../DEMODS/m/TIMECONSTANT) when the PID is enabled.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: String
Unit: None

Device string specifying the device for which the PID advisor is performed.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Start frequency for Bode plot. If advancedmode=0 the start value is automatically derived from the system properties.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Stop frequency for Bode plot.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Seconds

Start time for step response. If advancedmode=0 the start value is 0.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Seconds

Stop time for step response.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Bandwidth of the DUT (device under test).


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: None

Damping of the second order low pass filter.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Seconds

IO Delay of the feedback system describing the earliest response for a step change.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Resonant frequency of the of the modelled resonator.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Depends on Input, Output, and DUT model

Gain of the DUT transfer function.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: None

Quality factor of the modelled resonator.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (enumerated)
Unit: None

Specifies the model used for the external DUT (device under test) to be controlled by the PID.

Value Description
1 "low_pass_1st_order": Low-pass first order.
2 "low_pass_2nd_order": Low-pass second order.
3 "resonator_frequency": Resonator frequency.
4 "internal_pll": Internal PLL.
5 "vco": Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO).
6 "resonator_amplitude": Resonator amplitude.



Properties: Read
Type: ZIAdvisorWave
Unit: None

Reserved for future use - not yet supported.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

The 0-based index of the PID on the instrument to use for parameter detection.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If enabled, adjust the demodulator bandwidth to fit best to the specified target bandwidth of the full system. In this case, demod/timeconstant is ignored.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If enabled, set the instrument PID limits based upon the calculated bw value.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: (Output Unit . s) / Input Unit

The initial value to use in the Advisor for the differential gain. After optimization has finished it contains the optimal value calculated by the Advisor.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Seconds

The initial value to use in the Advisor for the differential filter timeconstant gain. After optimization has finished it contains the optimal value calculated by the Advisor.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Output Unit / (Input Unit . s)

The initial value to use in the Advisor for the integral gain. After optimization has finished it contains the optimal value calculated by the Advisor.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Select PID Advisor mode. Bit encoded: bit 0 -- optimize P gain; bit 1 -- optimize I gain; bit 2 -- optimize D gain; bit 3 -- optimize D filter limit


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Output Unit / Input Unit

The initial value to use in the Advisor for the proportional gain. After optimization has finished it contains the optimal value calculated by the Advisor.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

PID Advisor sampling rate of the PID control loop.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

PID system target bandwidth.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: String
Unit: None

HF2 instruments only. Specify whether to model the instrument's PLL or PID hardware unit when dut/source=4 (internal PLL).



Properties: Read
Type: Double
Unit: deg

Simulated phase margin of the PID with the current settings. The phase margin should be greater than 45 deg and preferably greater than 65 deg for stable conditions.



Properties: Read
Type: Double
Unit: Hz

Simulated phase margin frequency.



Properties: Read
Type: Double
Unit: None

Reports the progress of a PID Advisor action as a value between 0 and 1.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Set to 1 to calculate the Bode and the step response plot data from the current pid/* parameters (only relevant when auto=0). The module sets response back to 0 when the plot data has been calculated.



Properties: Read
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If equal to 1, the PID Advisor found a stable solution with the given settings. If equal to 0, the solution was deemed instable - revise your settings and rerun the PID Advisor.



Properties: Read
Type: ZIAdvisorWave
Unit: None

The resulting step response data of the PID Advisor's simulation.



Properties: Read
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

A value of 1 indicates the simulated PID BW is smaller than the Target BW.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Switch the response calculation mode between closed or open loop.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Start point for the plant response simulation for open or closed loops.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

End point for the plant response simulation for open or closed loops.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Set to 1 to transfer the calculated PID advisor data to the device, the module will immediately reset the parameter to 0 and configure the instrument's nodes.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

If enabled, optimize the instrument's PID parameters so that the noise of the closed- loop system gets minimized. The HF2 doesn't support tuning.



Properties: Read, Write
Type: Double
Unit: Seconds

Time for a tuner iteration.


Properties: Read, Write
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Select tuner mode. Bit encoded: bit 0 -- tune P gain; bit 1 -- tune I gain; bit 2 -- tune D gain; bit 3 -- tune D filter limit