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LabOne Data Server Nodes

This section describes all the nodes in the data server's node tree organized by branch.



Properties: Read
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Contains the revision number of the Zurich Instruments Data Server.


Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Contains the version of the LabOne software.


Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Contains the commit hash of the source code used to build this version of the LabOne software.


Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Holds the copyright notice.


Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Contains information about the Zurich Instruments Data Server.


Properties: Read
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Contains the revision of the device firmware.



Properties: Read
Type: Double
Unit: None

A fallback clock frequency that can be used by clients for calculating time bases when no other is available.



Properties: Read, Write, Setting
Type: Integer (enumerated)
Unit: None

Enable communication with the LabOne Data Server from other computers in the network.

Value Description
0 "local": Communication only possible with the local machine.
1 "network": Communication possible with other machines in the network.

Properties: Read
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

The IP port on which the LabOne Data Server listens.



Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Returns the path of the log directory.


Properties: Read, Write, Setting
Type: Integer (enumerated)
Unit: None

Set the logging level (amount of detail) of the LabOne Data Server.

Value Description
0 "trace": Trace. Messages designated as traces are logged.
1 "debug": Debug. Messages designated as debugging info are logged.
2 "info": Info. Messages designated as informational are logged.
3 "status": Status. Messages designated as status info are logged.
4 "warning": Warning. Messages designated as warnings are logged.
5 "error": Error. Messages designated as errors are logged.
6 "fatal": Fatal. Messages designated as fatal errors are logged.

Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Returns the logfile text of the LabOne Data Server.



Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Contains a list of devices in the network visible to the LabOne Data Server.


Properties: Read
Type: String
Unit: None

Contains a list of devices connected to the LabOne Data Server.



Properties: Read, Write, Setting
Type: String
Unit: None

Contains a list of devices in this synchronization group.


Properties: Read, Write, Setting
Type: Integer (enumerated)
Unit: None

Indicates the status the synchronization group.

Value Description
-1 Error. An error occurred in the synchronization process.
0 New
1 Sync
2 Alive

Properties: Read, Write, Setting
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Indicates whether the device group is locked by a MDS module.


Properties: Read, Write, Setting
Type: Integer (64 bit)
Unit: None

Set by the MDS module to indicate control over this synchronization group.