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Release Notes

Release 2.34.0

Release date 19.07.2024

Notes & Important Changes


  • Improved the self-triggering mechanism for standalone HDAWGs to use the internal ready-check mechanism.
  • Added support for openQASM branching statements of the type if (a) {...} and if (a) {...} else {...} for variables a that are known at compilation time.
  • Added support for openQASM logical operators like logical AND (a && b), OR (a || b), negation (!a), comparison (a > b, a >= b, a < b, and a <= b), and equality (a == b, a != b) for variables a and b that are known at compilation time.


The OpenQASM importer is not yet considered stable and the API will likely change in future versions. Comments and feedback regarding its use and what additional functionality may be required are especially welcome.


The Qubit and Transmon classes are not yet considered stable and their APIs might still change in future versions. Comments and feedback regarding the current implementation of these objects and their use in your experiments are welcome.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the usage of multiple measure pulses on a single readout signal was silently ignored. This will lead to an explicit error at compile time now. Please use a single readout pulse per measure signal.
  • Fixed a bug where a SweepParameter that was defined in a SignalCalibration but not actively swept in the Experiment was silently ignored. This situation will now lead to an error at compile time.
  • Fixed a bug where an Experiment that did not contain an acquire_loop did compile into an empty CompiledExperiment. This situation will now lead to an error at compile time.
  • Fixed a bug that interfered with the transfer of partial results to the user code when experiment execution was interrupted by an exception.
  • Fixed a bug when using multiple SHFPPC in a single setup - in this situation it was previously not possible to use the instruments individually.
  • Fixed a bug when using the pipeliner, where in some rare cases instrument settings were not being set in time to be effective for the next job.
  • Fixed a bug in the Oscillator object that caused a deprecated field to be set by default, resulting in spurious FutureWarning during serialisation.
  • Fixed a bug in emulation mode that in some cases led to a divide by zero warning when preparing the emulated results.

Known Issues

  • When using the pipeliner in an experiment by specifying a chunk_count parameter in a sweep, the number of acquire commands in each chunk currently needs to be equal. Typically this means that the number of sweep steps within each chunk has to be the same.
  • When using OutputSimulator or pulse sheet viewer with an experiment using the pipeliner or near-time sweeping, currently only the first sequence step will be displayed.
  • When delaying logical signal lines of type rf_signal via the delay_signal calibration property, all rf_signals on the same sequencer core must be set to the same delay.
  • When delaying logical signal lines on the SHFQA via the delay_signal calibration property, the delays for the measure and acquire line must be the same; the measure pulse delay is not added to the acquire pulse delay as on the UHFQA. We recommend to use port_delay for now.
  • When creating a section with very short content (below the device’s minimum waveform length), the compiler may fail to map the experiment to valid SeqC, and will generate an error. As a workaround in these cases, manually add delays to the sequence.

Previous versions