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OpenTelemetry instrumentation for tracing LabOne Q.

LabOne Q will NEVER transmit telemetry data to Zurich Instruments (or any other party) on its own. This Python package purely serves to enable optional instrumentation of LabOne Q internals, so that user-supplied OpenTelemetry tracers can 'see inside' the LabOne Q. Users must still provide their own tracers, and their own back-end for storing or visualizing the acquired tracing data.

Using the feature requires the following dependencies, which are not provided in the base installation:

  • opentelemetry-instrumentation
  • opentelemetry-api
  • wrapt


laboneq.instrumentation provides an instrumentor which follows OpenTelemetry BaseInstrumentor API.

The configuration of the tracer is left up to the user, laboneq will attach the recorded spans to the active span, if one exists when laboneq code is executed.

from laboneq.instrumentation import LabOneQInstrumentor

# <Tracer configuration>


# <Some code that executes laboneq>



Bases: BaseInstrumentor

Opentelemetry instrumentor for LabOne Q.
