VQE with LabOne Q and Qiskit¶
The following example demonstrates a simple end-to-end implementation of the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) with LabOne Q.
Qiskit is used to generate the quantum circuits to prepare a parameterized state ansatz and to perform the transformations needed to compute the Hamiltonian expectation value.
The circuits are then exported as OpenQASM programs and subsequently transformed into a LabOne Q experiment. The compiled experiment is then used in an example implementation of a VQE objective function that updates the parameters of the state ansatz, executes the experiment, and returns the expectation value. Finally, this objective function is then minimized with the help of an external optimizer.
Note, there are many ways to improve the efficiency of the VQE algorithm. The comparatively simple implementation demonstrated in this example serves to illustrate basic concepts and might serve as a starting point for users to optimize its performance.
# Numpy:
import numpy as np
from laboneq._utils import id_generator
from laboneq.contrib.example_helpers.generate_device_setup import (
from laboneq.openqasm3.gate_store import GateStore
# LabOne Q:
from laboneq.simple import *
# Qiskit:
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, qasm3
from qiskit.circuit.library import EfficientSU2
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
# scipy optimizer
from scipy.optimize import minimize
# Enable/disable emulation mode
use_emulation = True
Hamiltonian (Qiskit)¶
The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is an algorithm to approximate the ground state $\psi_{0}$ with eigenvalue $\epsilon_{0}$ of a problem described by a Hamiltonian $\hat{H}$. VQE achieves this by minimizing the expectation value of $\hat{H}$
$\epsilon_{\theta} = \langle\psi_{\theta}|\hat{H}|\psi_{\theta}\rangle$
with respect to a trial ansatz $\psi_{\theta}$ parameterized by $\theta$. Because of the variational principle $\epsilon_{\theta}$ is always an upper bound for $\epsilon_{0}$. A successful minimization of $\epsilon_{\theta}$ will thus provide an increasingly accurate approximation to the sought solution.
VQE requires the repeated computation of expectation values. This can be done efficiently for Hamiltonians which have the form of a (sparse) series,
$\hat{H} = \sum\limits_{i}c_{i}\ \hat{P}_{i}$
of multi-qubit Pauli operators $\hat{P}_{i} \in \{\hat{I}, \hat{X}, \hat{Y}, \hat{Z}\}^{\otimes n}$ with coefficients $c_{i}$.
Quantum computing software packages like Qiskit have dedicated modules that construct Hamiltonians in this form for various quantum computational applications.
For this example, we use Qiskit's SparsePauliOp
class to define such a Hamiltonian explicitly.
ham = SparsePauliOp.from_list(
[("YZ", 0.3980), ("ZI", -0.3980), ("ZZ", -1.0113), ("XX", 0.1810)]
Parameterized wavefunction ansatz (Qiskit)¶
In this section, we construct a parameterized circuit that prepares the trial state $\psi_{\theta}$.
Qiskit's EfficientSU2
class allows us to define an ansatz for this state.
For two qubits this results in four layers.
Each layer applies two parameterized SU2 gates (here Rx
and Ry
) to each qubit, respectively, followed by a cnot
gate to create an entangled state.
Note, that we use the Rx
pair of SU2 gates over the default Ry
, Rz
pair since optimizing over virtual z-gate angles would require replacing phase increments in compiled LabOne Q experiments, which at the time of writing is still an experimental feature.
The resulting circuit is appended to the initial state reset.
trial_state = EfficientSU2(ham.num_qubits, su2_gates=["rx", "ry"], insert_barriers=True)
┌──────────┐┌──────────┐ ░ ░ ┌──────────┐┌──────────┐ ░ ░ » q_0: ┤ Rx(θ[0]) ├┤ Ry(θ[2]) ├─░───■───░─┤ Rx(θ[4]) ├┤ Ry(θ[6]) ├─░───■───░─» ├──────────┤├──────────┤ ░ ┌─┴─┐ ░ ├──────────┤├──────────┤ ░ ┌─┴─┐ ░ » q_1: ┤ Rx(θ[1]) ├┤ Ry(θ[3]) ├─░─┤ X ├─░─┤ Rx(θ[5]) ├┤ Ry(θ[7]) ├─░─┤ X ├─░─» └──────────┘└──────────┘ ░ └───┘ ░ └──────────┘└──────────┘ ░ └───┘ ░ » « ┌──────────┐┌───────────┐ ░ ░ ┌───────────┐┌───────────┐ ░ «q_0: ┤ Rx(θ[8]) ├┤ Ry(θ[10]) ├─░───■───░─┤ Rx(θ[12]) ├┤ Ry(θ[14]) ├─░─ « ├──────────┤├───────────┤ ░ ┌─┴─┐ ░ ├───────────┤├───────────┤ ░ «q_1: ┤ Rx(θ[9]) ├┤ Ry(θ[11]) ├─░─┤ X ├─░─┤ Rx(θ[13]) ├┤ Ry(θ[15]) ├─░─ « └──────────┘└───────────┘ ░ └───┘ ░ └───────────┘└───────────┘ ░
The above trial state $|\psi_{\theta}\rangle$ is parameterized by $\theta=(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1}, \dots, \theta_{15})$.
Transformation to Pauli eigenbasis (Qiskit)¶
After preparing the parameterized trial state $|\psi_{\theta}\rangle$ we need to evaluate the Hamiltonian expectation value for this state. We note the following aspects:
- Expectation values are computed for each Pauli term $\hat{P}_{i}$ individually. For the sake of simplicity, we use circuits and ultimately separate LabOne Q experiments. We note here, that optimizing the approach discussed here is
- We can only obtain information from a quantum circuit by measuring states in the computational basis $\left\{|0\rangle, |1\rangle\right\}$.
- The computational basis of a qubit corresponds to the eigenfunctions of the Pauli $\hat{Z}$ operator acting on that qubit. All occurrences of $\hat{X}$ or $\hat{Y}$ in a Pauli term are therefore transformed into $\hat{Z}$ operators by applying a transformation $\hat{U}$ to the trial state $|\psi_{\theta}\rangle$.
vqe_terms = []
for p in ham.paulis:
P_i = p.to_label()
u_transform = QuantumCircuit(ham.num_qubits, ham.num_qubits)
for q in range(ham.num_qubits):
if P_i[q] == "X":
elif P_i[q] == "Y":
# u_transform.barrier()
# for q in range(ham.num_qubits):
# u_transform.measure(q, q)
vqe_terms.append(trial_state & u_transform)
We can now inspect the final circuits of the VQE algorithm.
# vqe_terms[1].decompose().draw(style="iqp")
# vqe_terms[2].decompose().draw(style="iqp")
# vqe_terms[3].decompose().draw(style="iqp")
┌──────────┐┌──────────┐ ░ ░ ┌──────────┐┌──────────┐ ░ ░ » q_0: ┤ Rx(θ[0]) ├┤ Ry(θ[2]) ├─░───■───░─┤ Rx(θ[4]) ├┤ Ry(θ[6]) ├─░───■───░─» ├──────────┤├──────────┤ ░ ┌─┴─┐ ░ ├──────────┤├──────────┤ ░ ┌─┴─┐ ░ » q_1: ┤ Rx(θ[1]) ├┤ Ry(θ[3]) ├─░─┤ X ├─░─┤ Rx(θ[5]) ├┤ Ry(θ[7]) ├─░─┤ X ├─░─» └──────────┘└──────────┘ ░ └───┘ ░ └──────────┘└──────────┘ ░ └───┘ ░ » c: 2/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════» » « ┌──────────┐┌───────────┐ ░ ░ ┌───────────┐┌───────────┐ ░ » «q_0: ┤ Rx(θ[8]) ├┤ Ry(θ[10]) ├─░───■───░─┤ Rx(θ[12]) ├┤ Ry(θ[14]) ├─░─» « ├──────────┤├───────────┤ ░ ┌─┴─┐ ░ ├───────────┤├───────────┤ ░ » «q_1: ┤ Rx(θ[9]) ├┤ Ry(θ[11]) ├─░─┤ X ├─░─┤ Rx(θ[13]) ├┤ Ry(θ[15]) ├─░─» « └──────────┘└───────────┘ ░ └───┘ ░ └───────────┘└───────────┘ ░ » «c: 2/═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════» « » « ┌──────────┐┌─────────┐ «q_0: ┤ U1(-π/2) ├┤ U2(0,π) ├ « └──────────┘└─────────┘ «q_1: ─────────────────────── « «c: 2/═══════════════════════ «
Conversion to OpenQASM code (Qiskit)¶
We can use Qiskit's qasm3 functionality to turn the circuits defined above into qasm programs.
qasm_programs = [qasm3.dumps(c.decompose()) for c in vqe_terms]
OPENQASM 3.0; include "stdgates.inc"; input float[64] _θ_0_; input float[64] _θ_1_; input float[64] _θ_2_; input float[64] _θ_3_; input float[64] _θ_4_; input float[64] _θ_5_; input float[64] _θ_6_; input float[64] _θ_7_; input float[64] _θ_8_; input float[64] _θ_9_; input float[64] _θ_10_; input float[64] _θ_11_; input float[64] _θ_12_; input float[64] _θ_13_; input float[64] _θ_14_; input float[64] _θ_15_; bit[2] c; qubit[2] q; rx(_θ_0_) q[0]; ry(_θ_2_) q[0]; rx(_θ_1_) q[1]; ry(_θ_3_) q[1]; barrier q[0], q[1]; cx q[0], q[1]; barrier q[0], q[1]; rx(_θ_4_) q[0]; ry(_θ_6_) q[0]; rx(_θ_5_) q[1]; ry(_θ_7_) q[1]; barrier q[0], q[1]; cx q[0], q[1]; barrier q[0], q[1]; rx(_θ_8_) q[0]; ry(_θ_10_) q[0]; rx(_θ_9_) q[1]; ry(_θ_11_) q[1]; barrier q[0], q[1]; cx q[0], q[1]; barrier q[0], q[1]; rx(_θ_12_) q[0]; ry(_θ_14_) q[0]; rx(_θ_13_) q[1]; ry(_θ_15_) q[1]; barrier q[0], q[1]; u1(-pi/2) q[0]; u2(0, pi) q[0];
Note, that the parameters now appear as input variables _θ_0_
to _θ_15_
Parameter Initialization¶
When later assigning values to these parameters, we will need to provide matching parameter names.
Also parameter updates to the objective function are achieved by replacing the pulses containing these parameters. For this we need to be able to identify such parameter dependent pulses in the compiled experiments.
To achieve this, we define the ScalarParameter
class that holds the parameter value as well as its name.
class ScalarParameter:
def __init__(self, val, identifier):
self.val = val
self.identifier = identifier
We initialize the parameters with random values in the interval $[0, 1)$.
theta = [
ScalarParameter(np.random.random(), f"_θ_{i}_")
for i in range(trial_state.num_parameters)
Gate Definitions (LabOne Q)¶
The construction of circuits and qasm programs made use of abstract gate definitions. To run the VQE algorithm on actual hardware, we need to define the gates $U_1$, $U_2$, $CX$, $R_x$, and $R_y$ as well as reset and measurement operations in terms of pulse sequences in LabOne Q.
Note that the definitions below are for demonstration purposes. Actual gate and pulse implementations are typically hardware-specific might even vary for individual qubits.
def u1(qubit: Qubit):
"""Return a parameterized U1 gate for the specified qubit.
The gate is a function that takes the angle to rotate and
returns a LabOne Q section that performs the rotation.
def u1_gate(angle):
"""Equivalent to Rz(theta) as U1(theta) differs from it only by a global phase which is ignored.
Theta is in radians - implements a virtual z-gate.
gate = Section(uid=id_generator(f"p_{qubit.uid}_u1_{int(180 * angle / np.pi)}"))
return gate
return u1_gate
def u2(qubit: Qubit):
"""Return a parameterized U2 gate for the specified qubit.
The gate is a function that takes two angles to rotate and
returns a LabOne Q section that performs the rotation.
def u2_gate(phi, lam):
"""U2(ϕ,λ) = RZ(ϕ).RY(π/2).RZ(λ) - following definition in qiskit.circuit.library.U2Gate.
Variables phi and lambda are in radians and serve to implement
the two virtual z-gates.
pulse = pulse_library.drag(
amplitude=qubit.parameters.user_defined["amplitude_pi"] / 2,
gate = Section(
f"p_{qubit.uid}_u2_{int(180 * phi / np.pi)}_{int(180 * lam / np.pi)}"
phase=np.pi / 2,
return gate
return u2_gate
def cx(control: Qubit, target: Qubit):
"""Return a controlled X gate for the specified control and target qubits.
The CX gate function takes no arguments and returns a LabOne Q section that performs
the controlled X gate.
def cx_gate():
cx_id = f"cx_{control.uid}_{target.uid}"
gate = Section(uid=id_generator(cx_id))
# define X pulses for target and control
x180_pulse_control = pulse_library.drag(
x180_pulse_target = pulse_library.drag(
# define cancellation pulses for target and control
cancellation_control_n = pulse_library.gaussian_square(uid="CR-")
cancellation_control_p = pulse_library.gaussian_square(uid="CR+")
cancellation_target_p = pulse_library.gaussian_square(uid="q1+")
cancellation_target_n = pulse_library.gaussian_square(uid="q1-")
# play X pulses on both target and control
x180_both = Section(uid=id_generator(f"{cx_id}_x_both"))
x180_both.play(signal=control.signals["drive"], pulse=x180_pulse_control)
x180_both.play(signal=target.signals["drive"], pulse=x180_pulse_target)
# First cross-resonance component
cancellation_p = Section(
uid=id_generator(f"{cx_id}_canc_p"), play_after=x180_both
cancellation_p.play(signal=target.signals["drive"], pulse=cancellation_target_p)
signal=control.signals["flux"], pulse=cancellation_control_n
# play X pulse on control
x180_control = Section(
uid=id_generator(f"{cx_id}_x_q0"), play_after=cancellation_p
x180_control.play(signal=control.signals["drive"], pulse=x180_pulse_control)
# Second cross-resonance component
cancellation_n = Section(
uid=id_generator(f"cx_{cx_id}_canc_n"), play_after=x180_control
cancellation_n.play(signal=target.signals["drive"], pulse=cancellation_target_n)
signal=control.signals["flux"], pulse=cancellation_control_p
return gate
return cx_gate
def measurement(qubit: Qubit):
"""Return a measurement operation of the specified qubit.
The operation is a function that takes the measurement handle (a string)
and returns a LabOne Q section that performs the measurement.
def measurement_gate(handle: str):
"""Perform a measurement.
Handle is the name of where to store the measurement result. E.g. "meas[0]".
measure_pulse = pulse_library.gaussian_square(
integration_kernel = pulse_library.const(
gate = Section(uid=id_generator(f"meas_{qubit.uid}_{handle}"))
gate.play(signal=qubit.signals["measure"], pulse=measure_pulse)
return gate
return measurement_gate
def reset(qubit: Qubit):
"""Reset the specified qubit to the ground state with the supplied reset pulse.
The reset gate function takes no arguments and returns a LabOne Q section that performs
the reset.
def reset_gate():
reset_pulse = pulse_library.drag(
# Reset Section
reset = Section(uid=f"{qubit.uid}_reset")
# qubit state readout
readout = measurement(qubit)(f"{qubit.uid}_reset")
# delay after measurement
# real-time feedback, fetching measurement data identified
# by handle locally from the QA unit of the SHFQC
match_case = Match(
# measurement result 0 - ground state
case_0 = Case(uid=f"{qubit.uid}_0_Case", state=0)
case_0.play(signal=qubit.signals["drive"], pulse=reset_pulse, amplitude=0.01)
# measurement result 1 - excited state
case_1 = Case(uid=f"{qubit.uid}_1_Case", state=1)
# play x180 pulse
case_1.play(signal=qubit.signals["drive"], pulse=reset_pulse)
return reset
return reset_gate
The remaining Rx
and Ry
gates depend on the parameters θ.
The following function generates a drag pulse from an amplitude parameter.
def pulse_from_parameter(theta):
val = theta.val % 2.0 # full rotations
identifier = f"pulse{theta.identifier}"
return pulse_library.drag(
uid=identifier, amplitude=val if val <= 1.0 else val - 2.0
def rx(qubit: Qubit):
"""Return a parameterized Rx gate for the specified qubit.
The gate is a function that takes the angle to rotate and
returns a LabOne Q section that performs the rotation.
def rx_gate(angle: ScalarParameter):
Theta is in units of pi - pulse amplitude
is adjusted according to the chosen angle.
gate = Section(uid=id_generator(f"p_{qubit.uid}_rx_{int(180 * angle.val)}"))
return gate
return rx_gate
def ry(qubit: Qubit):
"""Return a parameterized Ry gate for the specified qubit.
The gate is a function that takes the angle to rotate and
returns a LabOne Q section that performs the rotation.
def ry_gate(angle: ScalarParameter):
Theta is in units of pi - pulse amplitude
is adjusted according to the chosen angle.
gate = Section(uid=id_generator(f"p_{qubit.uid}_ry_{int(180 * angle.val)}"))
phase=np.pi / 2,
return gate
return ry_gate
Device setup, qubits, and gate store (LabOne Q)¶
Before we can proceed with LabOne Q, we need to define the necessary qubit objects (and their respective parameters). Here we use a helper function to generate the device_setup
and qubit objects from a pre-defined parameter set.
# specify the number of qubits you want to use
number_of_qubits = 2
# generate the device setup and the qubit objects using a helper function
device_setup, qubits = generate_device_setup_qubits(
pqsc=[{"serial": "DEV10001"}],
hdawg=[{"serial": "DEV8001", "zsync": 0, "number_of_channels": 8, "options": None}],
"serial": "DEV12001",
"zsync": 1,
"number_of_channels": 6,
"readout_multiplex": 6,
"options": None,
q0, q1 = qubits[:2]
The gate store defines the mapping between logical operations (i.e. those that appear in OpenQASM statements) and the physical operations (i.e. functions that define LabOne Q sections to play) above.
The qubit names provided in this mapping therefore need to match the qubit names of the OpenQASM program.
# Initialize
gate_store = GateStore()
# map LabOne Q qubits to qasm qubits
qubit_map = {"q[0]": device_setup.qubits[0], "q[1]": device_setup.qubits[1]}
# Single qubit gates:
for q in qubit_map:
gate_store.register_gate_section("rx", (q,), rx(qubit_map[q]))
gate_store.register_gate_section("ry", (q,), ry(qubit_map[q]))
gate_store.register_gate_section("u1", (q,), u1(qubit_map[q]))
gate_store.register_gate_section("u2", (q,), u2(qubit_map[q]))
gate_store.register_gate_section("measure", (q,), measurement(qubit_map[q]))
gate_store.register_gate_section("reset", (q,), reset(qubit_map[q]))
# Two qubit gates:
gate_store.register_gate_section("cx", ("q[0]", "q[1]"), cx(q0, q1))
/tmp/ipykernel_8088/3121741620.py:2: FutureWarning: GateStore is deprecated. Use `OpenQASMTranspiler()` and `QuantumOperations()` instead. gate_store = GateStore()
LabOne Q Experiment (LabOne Q)¶
We are now ready to use LabOne Q's exp_from_qasm_list
function to convert the OpenQASM programs into a single Experiment
instance and note the following
- the initial parameter values are assigned to the
argument averaging_mode
are set to allow to use the state indices for the computation of the expectation value- we set the repetition time to the approximative length of the VQE sequence manually
- the
option is used to initialize all qubits to the ground state before each VQE sequence - the
option allows to add measurements of all qubit after each VQE sequence
exp = exp_from_qasm_list(
inputs={t.identifier: t for t in theta},
/tmp/ipykernel_8088/2518688964.py:1: FutureWarning: `exp_from_qasm_list()` is deprecated. Use `OpenQASMTranspiler.batch_experiment()` instead. exp = exp_from_qasm_list(
A Session
instance is created and used to compile all experiments.
session = Session(device_setup=device_setup)
cexp = session.compile(exp)
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.658] INFO Logging initialized from [Default inline config in laboneq.laboneq_logging] logdir is /builds/qccs/laboneq-applications/docs/sources/how-to-guides/sources/04_qasm/laboneq_output/log
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.660] INFO VERSION: laboneq 2.44.0
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.661] INFO Connecting to data server at localhost:8004
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.663] INFO Connected to Zurich Instruments LabOne Data Server version 24.10 at localhost:8004
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.664] WARNING HDAWG:dev8001: Include the device options 'HDAWG8/MF/ME/SKW/PC' in the device setup ('options' field of the 'instruments' list in the device setup descriptor, 'device_options' argument when constructing instrument objects to be added to 'DeviceSetup' instances). This will become a strict requirement in the future.
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.666] WARNING SHFQC/QA:dev12001: Include the device options 'SHFQC/QC6CH' in the device setup ('options' field of the 'instruments' list in the device setup descriptor, 'device_options' argument when constructing instrument objects to be added to 'DeviceSetup' instances). This will become a strict requirement in the future.
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.666] INFO Configuring the device setup
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.702] INFO The device setup is configured
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.727] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q0_readout_acquire_osc' on signal 'q0/acquire' to SOFTWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.728] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q0_drive_ge_osc' on signal 'q0/drive' to HARDWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.728] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q1_readout_acquire_osc' on signal 'q1/acquire' to SOFTWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.729] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q1_drive_ge_osc' on signal 'q1/drive' to HARDWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.730] INFO Starting LabOne Q Compiler run...
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.740] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:47.740] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:47.740] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.740] INFO Schedule completed. [0.006 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.769] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.028 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.769] INFO Completed compilation step 1 of 4. [0.035 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.774] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:47.774] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:47.774] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:47.774] INFO [2 similar messages suppressed, see log file for full set of messages.]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.774] INFO Schedule completed. [0.004 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.800] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.025 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.801] INFO Completed compilation step 2 of 4. [0.031 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.805] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:47.805] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:47.805] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:47.805] INFO [4 similar messages suppressed, see log file for full set of messages.]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.806] INFO Schedule completed. [0.004 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.831] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.025 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.833] INFO Completed compilation step 3 of 4. [0.031 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.837] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:47.837] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:47.837] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:47.837] INFO [6 similar messages suppressed, see log file for full set of messages.]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.838] INFO Schedule completed. [0.004 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.865] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.027 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.866] INFO Completed compilation step 4 of 4. [0.033 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.877] INFO ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.877] INFO Step Device AWG SeqC LOC CT entries Waveforms Samples
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.878] INFO ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.878] INFO 0 hdawg_0 0 23 3 2 832
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.878] INFO shfqc_0 0 9 0 2 16000
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.879] INFO shfqc_0_sg 0 62 13 10 5696
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.879] INFO shfqc_0_sg 1 58 12 10 6464
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.879] INFO ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.880] INFO 1 hdawg_0 0 23 3 2 832
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.880] INFO shfqc_0 0 9 0 2 16000
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.880] INFO shfqc_0_sg 0 48 8 6 4032
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.880] INFO shfqc_0_sg 1 48 9 7 4832
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.881] INFO ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.881] INFO 2 hdawg_0 0 23 3 2 832
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.881] INFO shfqc_0 0 9 0 2 16000
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.882] INFO shfqc_0_sg 0 48 8 6 4032
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.882] INFO shfqc_0_sg 1 48 9 7 4832
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.882] INFO ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.882] INFO 3 hdawg_0 0 23 3 2 832
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.883] INFO shfqc_0 0 9 0 2 16000
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.883] INFO shfqc_0_sg 0 62 13 10 5696
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.883] INFO shfqc_0_sg 1 59 13 10 6848
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.884] INFO ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.885] INFO TOTAL 415 77 52064
[2025.01.21 09:44:47.886] INFO ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.016] INFO Finished LabOne Q Compiler run.
We can use the pulse sheet viewer to inspect the compiled experiment. Note, that the VQE experiments are relatively long and we need to raise the number of events to see a full sequence of all VQE terms.
show_pulse_sheet("vqe", cexp, max_events_to_publish=3000)
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.028] INFO Recompiling the experiment due to missing extra information in the compiled experiment. Compile with `OUTPUT_EXTRAS=True` and `MAX_EVENTS_TO_PUBLISH=3000` to bypass this step with a small impact on the compilation time.
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.046] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q0_readout_acquire_osc' on signal 'q0/acquire' to SOFTWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.046] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q0_drive_ge_osc' on signal 'q0/drive' to HARDWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.046] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q1_readout_acquire_osc' on signal 'q1/acquire' to SOFTWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.047] INFO Resolved modulation type of oscillator 'q1_drive_ge_osc' on signal 'q1/drive' to HARDWARE
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.048] INFO Starting LabOne Q Compiler run...
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.058] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:48.058] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:48.058] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.069] INFO Schedule completed. [0.016 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.097] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.027 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.097] INFO Completed compilation step 1 of 4. [0.045 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.101] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:48.101] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:48.101] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:48.101] INFO [2 similar messages suppressed, see log file for full set of messages.]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.113] INFO Schedule completed. [0.015 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.138] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.024 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.139] INFO Completed compilation step 2 of 4. [0.041 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.143] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:48.143] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:48.143] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:48.143] INFO [4 similar messages suppressed, see log file for full set of messages.]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.154] INFO Schedule completed. [0.015 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.179] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.025 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.181] INFO Completed compilation step 3 of 4. [0.042 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.186] INFO Due to feedback latency constraints, the timing of the following match sections with corresponding handles were changed: [2025.01.21 09:44:48.186] INFO - 'q0_feedback' with handle 'q0_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:48.186] INFO - 'q1_feedback' with handle 'q1_reset', delayed by 272.00 ns [2025.01.21 09:44:48.186] INFO [6 similar messages suppressed, see log file for full set of messages.]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.197] INFO Schedule completed. [0.015 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.224] INFO Code generation completed for all AWGs. [0.027 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.226] INFO Completed compilation step 4 of 4. [0.044 s]
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.229] INFO Finished LabOne Q Compiler run.
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.273] INFO Writing html file to /builds/qccs/laboneq-applications/docs/sources/how-to-guides/sources/04_qasm/vqe_2025-01-21-09-44-48.html
VQE objective function¶
We have now established the parts needed to compute the expectation value $\epsilon_{\theta} = \langle\psi_{\theta}|\hat{H}|\psi_{\theta}\rangle$. For this we first define the following auxiliary functions:
At present, the emulation mode does not provide the the qubit state indices. To make the acquired results compatible, the function format_emulated_results
defines the measured qubit states as random integer vectors with entries $\{0, 1\}$.
def format_emulated_results(results, num_qubits):
for i in range(num_qubits):
results.acquired_results[f"q{i}"].data = np.array(
0, 2, size=results.acquired_results[f"q{i}"].data.shape
return results
The function expectation_value_vqe
computes $\langle\psi_{\theta}|\hat{P}_{i}|\psi_{\theta}\rangle$.
- The acquired results (qubit state indices) are collected into a single array with axes spanning 1. qubits, 2. single shots, and 3. VQE terms.
- The expectation value of each multi-qubit Pauli operator is either $1$ or $-1$ depending on whether an even or odd number of contributing qubits is found in state 1. Note, that this corresponds to the parity of the sum of the state indices. The parity is computed over all qubits that contribute to the expectation value, i.e. onto which a Pauli operator acts.
- The resulting parities are then averaged over the number of single shots, converted into expectation values contributions and summed up to the final $\epsilon_{\theta}$.
def expectation_value_vqe(acquired_results, ham):
# sort measurement data
state_indices = np.array(
[acquired_results[f"q{q}"].data for q in range(ham.num_qubits)]
).transpose((2, 1, 0))
# expectation value
exp_val = 0.0
for i, (pauli, c) in enumerate(ham.to_list()):
exp_val += (
- c.real
* np.mean(
np.sum(state_indices[i], axis=-1, where=[p for p in pauli if p != "I"])
% 2,
* 2.0
return exp_val
Finally, we collect all the above functionality for parameter updates, experiment execution, results emulation, and VQE-postprocessing into a single objective function that returns $\langle\psi_{\theta}|\hat{P}_{i}|\psi_{\theta}\rangle$ in terms of a vector of parameter values.
def objective_function_vqe(ham, theta, cexp, session):
def hamiltonian_expectation_value(x):
if use_emulation: # ensure consistent results at every pass
# Parameter Update
for xx, t in zip(x, theta):
t.val = xx
new_pulse = pulse_from_parameter(t)
cexp.replace_pulse(new_pulse.uid, new_pulse)
# Execute Experiment
res = session.run(cexp)
# Format Results
if use_emulation:
res = format_emulated_results(res, ham.num_qubits)
# Obtain expectation value
y = expectation_value_vqe(res.acquired_results, ham)
# Log iteration result and return
print(f"VQE expectation value {y:20.4e}")
return y
return hamiltonian_expectation_value
The objective function constructed in the previous section can now directly be used for minimization. We use the "constrained optimization by linear approximation" (COBYLA) method from the scipy library for this. However, any gradient-less optimization method should be suitable for this step.
Note, that we restrict the number of evaluation steps to 1 in emulation mode as we would otherwise optimize a constant function.
res = minimize(
fun=objective_function_vqe(ham, theta, cexp, session),
x0=[t.val for t in theta],
options={"maxiter": 1} if use_emulation else {},
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.316] INFO Starting near-time execution...
[2025.01.21 09:44:48.387] INFO Finished near-time execution.
VQE expectation value 3.5789e-03
Finally, we can retrieve $\min\limits_{\theta}\{\epsilon_{\theta}\}$ as VQE approximation of the ground state energy of $\hat{H}$
We can also inspect the full results object returned by the minimizer for the metainformation of the optimization.
message: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded. success: False status: 2 fun: 0.0035789062500000968 x: [ 3.745e-01 9.507e-01 ... 1.818e-01 1.834e-01] nfev: 1 maxcv: 0.0