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This module contains functions for rotating raw experiment data.

The raw data needs to be translated into qubit populations. This is done either by using principal-component analysis or rotating and projecting the data along the line in the complex plane given by data obtained from calibration traces. The latter is obtained by measuring the qubit after preparing it in a known state, for instance g, e, or f.


Options for the calculate_qubit_population task.


Name Type Description
do_rotation bool

Whether to rotate the raw data based on calibration traces or principal component analysis. Default: True.

do_pca bool

Whether to perform principal component analysis on the raw data independent of whether there were calibration traces in the experiment. Default: False.

use_cal_traces bool

Whether to include calibration traces in the experiment. Default: True.

cal_states str | tuple

The states to prepare in the calibration traces. Can be any string or tuple made from combining the characters 'g', 'e', 'f'. Default: same as transition

cal_states: str | tuple = option_field('ge', description='The states to prepare in the calibration traces.') class-attribute instance-attribute

do_pca: bool = option_field(False, description='Whether to perform principal component analysis on the raw data independent of whether there were calibration traces in the experiment.') class-attribute instance-attribute

do_rotation: bool = option_field(True, description='Whether to rotate the raw data based on calibration traces or principal component analysis.') class-attribute instance-attribute

use_cal_traces: bool = option_field(True, description='Whether to include calibration traces in the experiment.') class-attribute instance-attribute

calculate_population_1d(raw_data, sweep_points, calibration_traces=None, *, do_pca=False)

Rotate and project 1D data.

The data is projected along the line between the points in the calibration traces.


Name Type Description Default
raw_data ArrayLike

array of complex data corresponding to the results of an integrated average result, usually of dimension (nr_sweep_points, 1).

sweep_points ArrayLike

Sweep points of the acquisition.

calibration_traces list[ArrayLike | complex] | None

A list with two entries of the complex data corresponding to the calibration traces, from the lowest transmon state to the highest.

do_pca bool

whether to do principal component analysis on the data. If False, the data will be rotated along the line in the complex plane between the two calibration points and then projected onto it.



Type Description

dictionary with the following data: sweep_points, sweep_points extended with as many points as there are cal traces, the artificially added sweep_points for the cal traces, raw data, raw data with calibration traces appended, raw data of the calibration traces, rotated data, rotated data with the rotated calibration traces appended, rotated calibration traces data

calculate_qubit_population(qubits, result, sweep_points, options=None)

Calculates the qubit population from the raw data.

The data is processed in the following way:

  • If calibration traces were used in the experiment, the raw data is rotated based on the calibration traces. See [] for more details.
  • If no calibration traces were used in the experiment, or do_pca = True is passed in options, principal-component analysis is performed on the data. See [] for more details.


Name Type Description Default
qubits QuantumElements

The qubits on which the amplitude-Rabi experiments was run. May be either a single qubit or a list of qubits.

result RunExperimentResults

the result of the experiment, returned by the run_experiment task.

sweep_points QubitSweepPoints

The sweep points used in the experiment for each qubit. If qubits is a single qubit, sweep_points must be an array. Otherwise, it must be a list of arrays.

options CalculateQubitPopulationOptions | None

The options for building the workflow as an instance of [CalculateQubitPopulationOptions]. See the docstrings of this class for more details.



Type Description
dict[str, dict[str, ArrayLike]]

dict with qubit UIDs as keys and the dictionary of processed data for each qubit

dict[str, dict[str, ArrayLike]]

as values. See [] for what

dict[str, dict[str, ArrayLike]]

this dictionary looks like.


Type Description

If result is not an instance of RunExperimentResults.


If the conditions in validate_and_convert_qubits_sweeps are not met.

calculate_rotation_matrix(delta_i, delta_q)

Calculates the matrix that rotates the data to lie along the Q-axis.

Input can be either the I and Q coordinates of the zero cal_point or the difference between the 1 and 0 cal points.


Name Type Description Default
delta_i float | ArrayLike

difference between the real parts of the first and second cal-state data, usually of dimension (nr_sweep_points, 1).

delta_q float | ArrayLike

difference between the imaginary parts of the first and second cal-state data, usually of dimension (nr_sweep_points, 1).



Type Description

the 2x2 rotation matrix as a numpy array

extract_raw_data_dict(raw_data, sweep_points, calibration_traces=None)

Extract the raw data information.


Name Type Description Default
raw_data ArrayLike

array of complex data corresponding to the results of an integrated average result, usually of dimension (nr_sweep_points, 1).

sweep_points ArrayLike

Sweep points of the acquisition.

calibration_traces list[ArrayLike | complex] | None

A list with two entries of the complex data corresponding to the calibration traces, from the lowest transmon state to the highest.



Type Description

dictionary with the following data: sweep_points, sweep_points extended with as many points as there are cal traces, the artificially added sweep_points for the cal traces, raw data, raw data with calibration traces appended, raw data of the calibration traces.


Rotates and projects 1D data using principal component analysis (PCA).


Name Type Description Default
raw_data ArrayLike

Array of complex data corresponding to the results of an integrated average result, usually of dimension (nr_sweep_points, 1).



Type Description

data array after PCA with the same dimension as raw_data.

rotate_data_to_cal_trace_results(raw_data, raw_data_cal_pt_0, raw_data_cal_pt_1)

Rotates and projects the raw data.

The raw data is projected onto the line in the IQ plane between two calibration points, then normalised to the distance in the IQ plane between the two calibration points. The calibration points are the results of preparing two transmon states.

If more than one calibration point per state (i.e. len(raw_data_cal_pt_0) > 1), the mean of the cal points will be taken.


Name Type Description Default
raw_data ArrayLike

array of complex data corresponding to the results of an integrated average result, usually of dimension (nr_sweep_points, 1).

raw_data_cal_pt_0 ArrayLike | complex

array of complex data or a single complex number corresponding to the data recorded when the qubit is prepared in the first calibration state. "First" here means the lowest transmon state. For example, g if the cal traces measured were g and e or g and f; e if the cal traces measured were e an f

raw_data_cal_pt_1 ArrayLike | complex

array of complex data or a single complex number corresponding to the data recorded when the qubit is prepared in the second calibration state. "Second" here means the highest transmon state. For example, e if the cal traces measured were g and e; f if the cal traces measured were g and f or e an f



Type Description

rotated, projected, and normalised real-data array with the same dimension as

