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This module contains helper function for experiment analyses.


Bases: TaskOptions

Options for the plot_raw_complex_data_1d task.


Name Type Description
use_cal_traces bool

Whether to include calibration traces in the experiment. Default: True.

cal_states str | tuple

The states to prepare in the calibration traces. Can be any string or tuple made from combining the characters 'g', 'e', 'f'. Default: same as transition

save_figures bool

Whether to save the figures. Default: True.

close_figures bool

Whether to close the figures. Default: True.

cal_states: str | tuple = workflow.option_field('ge', description="The states to prepare in the calibration traces.Can be any string or tuple made from combining the characters 'g', 'e', 'f'.") class-attribute instance-attribute

close_figures: bool = workflow.option_field(True, description='Whether to close the figures.') class-attribute instance-attribute

save_figures: bool = workflow.option_field(True, description='Whether to save the figures.') class-attribute instance-attribute

use_cal_traces: bool = workflow.option_field(True, description='Whether to include calibration traces in the experiment.') class-attribute instance-attribute

plot_raw_complex_data_1d(qubits, result, sweep_points, xlabel, xscaling=1.0, options=None)

Creates plots of raw complex data acquired in integration mode.


Name Type Description Default
qubits QuantumElements

The qubits on which the amplitude-Rabi experiments was run. May be either a single qubit or a list of qubits.

result RunExperimentResults | tuple[RunExperimentResults, Results]

the result of the experiment, returned by the run_experiment task.

sweep_points QubitSweepPoints

The sweep points used in the experiment for each qubit. If qubits is a single qubit, sweep_points must be a list of numbers or an array. Otherwise, it must be a list of lists of numbers or arrays.

xlabel str

x-axis label

xscaling float

value by which to scale the sweep_points

options PlotRawDataOptions | None

The options for processing the raw data as an instance of [PlotRawDataOptions].



Type Description
dict[str, dict[str, ArrayLike]]

dict with qubit UIDs as keys and the figures for each qubit as keys.

timestamped_title(title, dt=None)

Return a plot title with a timestamp in the local timezone.


Name Type Description Default
title str

The title of the plot without a timestamp.

dt datetime | None

The time to use to create the timestamp. If None, the workflow start time is used. If there is no active workflow, the current time is used.


The timestamp is generated using the function local_timestamp and thus has the same format as the timestamps used by the FolderStore in the logbook folders it creates.


Type Description

The title with a timestamp, formatted as "TIMESTAMP - TITLE".