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Functional Overview

This chapter provides the overview of the features provided by the SHFQC Instrument. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all contents of the manual apply to both the original SHFQC as well as the SHFQC+. The first section contains the description of the functional diagram and the hardware and software feature list. The next section details the front panel and the back panel of the measurement instrument. The following section provides product selection and ordering support.


The SHFQC+ Instrument consists of one Quantum Analyzer readout channel, and 6 Signal Generator control channels. Both types of channels consists of several interface units processing analog signals (dark blue color), and several internal units that process digital data (light blue color). On the Signal Generator channels, the internal units that process digital data are called Digital Signal Units (or DSUs). The interface units that connect to the front panel are depicted on the left-hand side and the units at the back panel are depicted on the right-hand side of the Figure. Arrows between the panels and the interface units indicate selected physical connections and data flow, whereas double arrows indicate complex-valued information processing. Information indicated in orange is linked to options that can be either ordered at purchase or upgraded later. The ordering guide details the available upgrade options for the SHFQC+ Qubit Controller and whether the option can be upgraded directly in the field.

Figure 1: SHFQC+ Instrument functional diagram

Quantum Analyzer Channel

The Quantum Analyzer readout channel has signal generation (Readout Pulse Generator, Oscillator) and signal analysis (Qubit Measurement Unit) functionality, as well as a Monitor Scope. The digital, complex-valued signal from the signal generation is up-converted to microwave frequencies in the analog domain using the Quantum Analyzer Signal Output Module. After passing through the device under test, the analog signal is first down-converted and then digitized in the Quantum Analyzer Signal Input before the complex-valued signal is being analyzed in the Qubit Measurement Unit.

The Quantum Analyzer channel can be configured in two modes:

Qubit Readout

In the Qubit Readout mode, the Readout Pulse Generator outputs the sum of up to 16 individual, user-defined arbitrary waveforms that are stored in separate Waveform Memory blocks, controlled by the Generator Sequencer. In the Qubit Measurement Unit, the signal is then first integrated using up to 16 user-defined, complex-valued Integration Weight Memories. The results of the integration are then discriminated between different qubit states, and the results are forwarded to either the Signal Generator channels or other instruments in real time using either the 32-bit DIO or the ZSync links.


In the Spectroscopy mode, the Readout Pulse Generator controls an Oscillator, hence a single frequency microwave signal is sent to the experiment. The Qubit Measurement Unit then correlates this signal with the original oscillator signal and displays transmission data in the Sweeper module.

Super-high-frequency Signal Inputs

  • Low-noise SHF Inputs, 0.5 - 8.5 GHz frequency range with 1 GHz bandwidth when using the RF path, DC - 800 MHz when using the LF path
  • Broadband double super-heterodyne frequency down-conversion, free from mixer calibration
  • Calibrated (Input) Power Range, selectable from -50 dBm to 10 dBm when using the RF path, from -30 dBm to +10 dBm when using the LF path

Super-high-frequency Signal Outputs

  • Low-noise SHF Outputs, 0.5 - 8.5 GHz frequency range with 1 GHz bandwidth when using the RF path, DC - 800 MHz when using the LF path
  • Broadband double super-heterodyne frequency up-conversion, free from mixer calibration
  • Calibrated (Output) Power Range, selectable from -30 dBm to 10 dBm when using the RF path, from -30 dBm to +5 dBm when using the LF path

Readout Pulse Generator

  • Arbitrary waveform capability
  • Advanced sequencing
    • looping, branching
    • advanced trigger control
  • Up to 16 freely configurable waveform memory blocks of 4 kSa (total 64 kSa)

Qubit Measurement Unit

  • Up to 16 complex integrators with programmable Integration Weight memory (this requires the SHFQC-16W option.)
  • Multistate Discrimination for up to 4 states per qubit
  • Result Logger with real-time averaging and data logging


  • Real-time scope to view Input Signals
  • Displays complex signals in time and frequency domain

Available Options

  • SHFQC-16W: Readout up to 16 qubits instead of 8 qubits
  • SHFQC-LRT: Integration length up to 32 \(\mu\)s instead of 2 \(\mu\)s for up to 6 qubits in parallel

Signal Generator Channel

Each of the 6 control channels has an arbitrary waveform generator AWG and Modulation functionality. The digital, complex-valued signal from the Digital Signal Unit is up-converted to microwave frequencies in the analog domain using the Signal Generator Signal Output Module.

Super-high-frequency Signal Outputs

  • Low-noise SHF Outputs, DC - 8.5 GHz frequency range, 1 GHz modulation bandwidth
  • Broadband double super-heterodyne frequency up-conversion
  • Calibrated (Output) Power Range, selectable from -30 dBm to 10 dBm when using the RF path and from -30 dBm to 5 dBm when using the LF path

Advanced Pulse Sequencer

  • Arbitrary Waveform Generator capability
  • Advanced sequencing
    • looping, branching
    • command table
    • advanced trigger control
  • Digital modulation

Available Options

  • SHFQC-LRT: Signals from up to 3 additional Digital Signal Units can be routed and added to any Output

Shared Resources

The Quantum Analyzer and Signal Generator channels share several functionalities that are used for communication (32-bit DIO, ZSync) and inter-channel synchronization.

Hardware Trigger Engine

  • shared between all channels and modes
  • 2 Marker Outputs and Trigger Inputs of the Quantum Analyzer channel
  • 1 Marker Output and Trigger Input for each Signal Generator channel

High-speed Connectivity

  • SMA connectors on front and back panel for triggers, signals and external clock
  • USB 3.0 high-speed host interface
  • Maintenance USB connection
  • LAN/Ethernet 1 Gbit/s controller interface
  • DIO: 32-bit digital input-output port
  • ZSync connection for clock synchronization and fast data transfer
  • Clock input/output connectors (10/100 MHz)

Software Features

  • LabOne Graphic User Interface: Web-based with multi-instrument control
  • Zurich Instruments LabOne Q software for high-level programming of quantum computing experiments.
  • Data server with multi-client support
  • LabOne APIs, including Python, C, LabVIEW, MATLAB, .NET
  • Turnkey software and firmware features for fast system tune-up

Front Panel Tour

The front panel SMA connectors and control LEDs are arranged as shown in Figure 2 and listed in Table 1.

Figure 2: SHFQC+ Qubit Controller 8.5 GHz front panel

Table 1: SHFQC+ Qubit Controller front panel description
Position Label / Name Description
A Aux In analog Auxiliary Input, max. 10 V
B Out single-ended waveform Quantum Analyzer Signal Output, 0.5-8.5 GHz, max. 10 dBm
C Mark Quantum Analyzer TTL Marker Outputs A and B
D Trig Quantum Analyzer TTL Trigger Inputs A and B
E Input Signal Over

power of input signal within the input power range


power of input signal exceeds the input power range

F In single-ended waveform Quantum Analyzer Signal Input, DC-8.5 GHz, max. 10 dBm
G Trig Signal Generator TTL Trigger Input
H Mark Signal Generator TTL Marker Output
I Out single-ended waveform Signal Generator Signal Output, DC-8.5 GHz, max. 10 dBm
J Aux In analog Auxiliary Input, max. 10 V
K Aux In Over unused
L Output On

Output disabled


Output enabled

M multicolor LEDs
Instrument off or uninitialized
all LEDs blink for 5 seconds → indicator used by the Identify Device functionality
  Busy unused
  Ext Ref
External Reference Signal not present/detected
External Reference Signal is present and locked on to
External Reference Signal present, but not locked on to
External Reference Signal present, but lock failed
no connection
  • steady: ZSync fully connected AND synchronized
  • blinking: ZSync synchronized but not yet fully connected
ZSync plugged in, but not connected
ZSync interface error
Instrument off or uninitialized
Instrument is initialized and has no warnings or errors
Instrument has warnings
Instrument has errors
Soft power button
Power button with incorporated status LED
Instrument off and disconnected from mains power
  • flashing rapidly (>1/sec): Firmware is starting
  • flashing slow (<1/sec): Firmware ready, waiting for connection
  • constant: Instrument ready and active connection over USB or Ethernet
  • breathing: Instrument off but connected to mains power → safe to power off using the rear panel switch, or restart using the soft power button
  • flashing: Instrument booting up
  • constant: Fatal error occurred

Back Panel Tour

The back panel is the main interface for power, control, service and connectivity to other ZI instruments. Please refer to Figure 3 and Table 2 for the detailed description of the items.

Figure 3: SHFQC+ back panel

Table 2: SHFQC+ Instrument back panel description
Position Label / Name Description
Earth ground
4 mm banana jack connector for earth ground, electrically connected to the chassis and the earth pin of the power inlet
B AC 100 - 240 V Power inlet, fuse holder, and power switch
C MDS 1 Unused
D MDS 2 Unused
E USB 1 Maintenance USB port. Only for instrument maintenance, not regular operation. Please use USB 2 port (see position H) instead.
Note: some instruments indicate Maintenance on the back panel instead of USB 1.
F LAN 1GbE 1 Gbit LAN connector for instrument control
G DIO 32bit 32-bit digital input/output (DIO) connector
H USB 2 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.0 port connector for instrument control (LabOne version ≥ 24.01)
I ZSync Secondary Unused
Attention: This is not an Ethernet plug, connection to an Ethernet network might damage the Instrument.
J ZSync Primary Primary inter-instrument synchronization bus connector
Attention: This is not an Ethernet plug, connection to an Ethernet network might damage the instrument.
K External Clk In External Reference Clock Input (10 MHz/100 MHz) for synchronization with other instruments
L External Clk Out External Reference Clock Output (10 MHz/100 MHz) for synchronization with other instruments

Ordering Guide

Table 3 provides an overview of the available SHFQC+ products and options. Upgradeable features are options that can be purchased anytime without the need to send the Instrument back to Zurich Instruments.

Table 3: SHFQC+ Instrument product codes for ordering
Product code Product name Description Field upgrade possible
SHFQC2+ SHFQC+ Qubit Controller 2-Channel Configuration Base instrument with 2 SG channels enabled -
SHFQC4+ SHFQC+ Qubit Controller 4-Channel Configuration Base instrument with 4 SG channels enabled -
SHFQC6+ SHFQC+ Qubit Controller 6-Channel Configuration Base instrument with 6 SG channels enabled -
SHFQC-2T4 SHFQC2+ to SHFQC4+ Upgrade Option Software Upgrades the SHFQC2+ to a SHFQC4+ or the SHFQC2 to a SHFQC4 yes
SHFQC-2T6 SHFQC2+ to SHFQC6+ Upgrade Option Software Upgrades the SHFQC2+ to a SHFQC6+ or the SHFQC2 to a SHFQC6 yes
SHFQC-4T6 SHFQC4+ to SHFQC6+ Upgrade Option Software Upgrades the SHFQC4+ to a SHFQC6+ or the SHFQC4 to a SHFQC6 yes
SHFQC-16W SHFQC-16W Integration Weights Extension Option Option for all variants of the SHFQC+ and SHFQC yes
SHFQC-RTR SHFQC+ Output Router and Adder Option Option for all variants of the SHFQC+ and SHFQC yes
SHFQC-LRT SHFQC+ Long Readout Time Option Option for all variants of the SHFQC+ and SHFQC yes
Table 4: Product selector SHFQC+
Channel Feature SHFQC2+
Quantum Analyzer Readout Channels 1 input and 1 output      
  Frequency range DC - 8.5 GHz      
  Vertical resolution Input/Output 14 bit      
  Total number of Markers/Triggers 2/2      
  Number of integration weights 8 16 8 8
  Number of readout waveforms 8 16 8 8
  Oscillators 1 1 1 6
  Sequencing yes      
Signal Generator Control Channels 2/4/6      
  Frequency range DC - 8.5 GHz      
  Number of independent RF control bands (>1 GHz) 1/2/3      
  Vertical resolution Output 14 bit      
  Total number of Markers/Triggers 2/2 (SHFQC2+)
4/4 (SHFQC4+)
6/6 (SHFQC6+)
  Digital oscillators per channel 8      
  Digital signal units 2/4/6 2/4/6 6 2/4/6
  Digital signal routing and adding not applicable not applicable up to 3 digital signals can be routed and added to any output channel not applicable
  Pulse-level Sequencing yes      
Shared resources ZSync capability yes      
  USB 3.0 yes      
  LAN 1 Gbit/s yes      
Table 5: Differences between SHFQC and SHFQC+
Description Base instrument Improved phase noise
Improved output noise
Fast output muting functionality
External differences Base instrument Holographic "+" sticker on front panel
Product image
Upgrading from SHFQC to SHFQC+ Contact us to discuss the possibilities for your instruments! -