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Change Log

Release 25.01

Release date: 30-Jan-2025

Release 24.10

Release date: 31-Oct-2024

Release 24.07

Release date: 31-Jul-2024

  • Output:
  • Adds correction factor to output delay calibration if instrument has been calibrated before May 2024. This resolves a potential variation of the output delay by one sample.

  • AWG:

  • Introduced sequencer command configureFeedbackProcessing() for dynamic feedback configuration. Documentation on how to change code can be found in Flexible Feedback Processing.
  • Sequencer now reports an error if an AWG program executes a command table entry that has not been defined.
  • Sequencer now reports an error if a command uses a trigger counter argument and the counter value has already been surpassed.
  • Removed setWaveDIO instruction, as the command table provides the same functionality. Documentation on how to change code is provided at DIO feedback.
  • Fixed a bug that led to unsynchronized playback of waves on multiple HDAWG cores, if the waves being played were not multiple of 16 samples. It is advised to always use explicitly waveforms with such granularity.

  • Precompensation (PC Option):

  • Fixed a bug that could reload the LabOne UI session when selecting the Input Wave of Precompensation tool while AWG sequencer was running.

  • Counter (CNT Option):

  • Fixed a bug that could cause disconnects when streaming counter data

Release 24.04

Release date: 30-Apr-2024

  • Improved connection stability when communicating data to the device (ELF and waveform data) and when receiving data from the device (streaming counter data).
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in delayed counter data read by getCnt() following a waitCntTrigger command
  • Improved the optimization pass of the AWG compiler that removes unused registers.
  • Support for sequencer command setRate has been removed.
  • Support for sequencer command waitTrigger has been removed, use waitDigTrigger instead.
  • Removed sequencer access to node awgs/n/outputs/m/modulation/mode.

Release 24.01

Release date: 31-Jan-2024

  • SeqC command setDIO now has constant latency, no matter its arguments.

Release 23.10

Release date: 31-Oct-2023

  • Added automatic fallback to a link-local IP address in case no DHCP server could be found.
  • Introduced a new high-performance data-server kernel. It improves reliability and performances of communication with the instrument.

Release 23.06

Release date: 30-Jun-2023

  • Changed the naming of the nodes available in the AWG compiler to be more consistent with the node tree. The following nodes have been renamed: MODULATION/n/MODULATION_MODE(m) to AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/MODULATION/MODE; MODULATION/n/GAIN_k(m) to AWGS/n/OUTPUTS/m/GAINS/k.
  • Removed several nodes available in the AWG compiler to better reflect what is possible to control within the AWG, or because better alternatives exist. The following nodes have been removed: MODULATION/n/GAIN(m), MODULATION/n/HOLD(m). Other undocumented nodes have been removed as well.
  • Sine generator nodes can now be set within the AWG compiler only if the sine generator is either physically associated with that particular AWG core, or part of the same channel grouping of AWG cores. For example, without channel grouping, it is possible to use the AWG compiler of AWG core index 0 to set the nodes only of sine generator indices 0 and 1.
  • Introduced the /DEV…​/AWGS/n/SYNCHRONIZATION/ENABLE and DEV*/SYSTEM/SYNCHRONIZATION/SOURCE nodes to make it possible to keep waveform playback synchronized across a full QCCS setup, even in the presence of non-deterministic data transfer times.
  • Manual: Added a section on how to use the synchronization check in the AWG Tab.
  • Manual: Updated description of available nodes within the sequencer.

Release 23.02

Release date: 28-Feb-2023

  • AWG: Added a new sequencer command playHold to allow the AWG to hold waveform and marker data for a specified number of samples.
  • LabOne: Added ability for the device to prevent LabOne changes that are incompatible with the device hardware.
  • AWG: Added a model to reliably predict feedback latency.
  • Manual: Added tutorial on the usage of playHold. Added additional documentation on playZero and playHold.
  • AWG: Improved efficiency of playZero and playHold to use fewer assembly instructions.
  • AWG: Improved support for alternative hardware components.
  • AWG: Improved handling of sequencer command setPrecompClear and introduced error reporting for unsupported usage.
  • Precompensation: Fixed a bug that prevented the integrator of the high-pass compensator of the precompensation option from being cleared when setting the precompClear attribute in the command table.

Release 22.08

Release date: 31-Aug-2022

  • AWG: Added amplitude registers to the command table, to enable multi-dimensional amplitude sweeps.
  • AWG: /DEV…​/AWGS/n/ELF/DATA node accepts raw data as 8-, 16-, and 64-bit integer vectors in addition to 32-bit words.
  • AWG: Fixed a bug in which the ELF file upload would sometimes fail when using long waveforms.
  • AWG: Fixed a bug that prevented the user from changing grouped mode after running a sequence.
  • AWG: Fixed a bug in which the command table always required a waveform to make parameter changes.
  • AWG: Fixed a bug when using grouped mode in which using a transactional set to upload many waveforms at once would cause playback errors.
  • ZSync/DIO: Fixed a bug in which the DIO bits would sometimes all switch to one when enabling drive node.

Release 22.02

Release date: 28-Feb-2022

  • QCCS: New Real-Time Logger that logs history of received ZSync and DIO messages facilitating setup of feedback data communication
  • QCCS: Improved ZSync link stability and deterministic ZSync trigger latency
  • Precompensation: Increased supported range for high-pass compensation time constant
  • Add support for disabling Sample Clock Output to reduce radio frequency emission

Release 21.08

Release date: 30-Aug-2021

  • AWG: New Mixer Calibration modulation mode to support complex modulation including correction of external mixer imperfections
  • AWG: Reduced memory consumption when compiling sequence programs with long placeholder waveforms
  • AWG: Increased update rate of /DEV../AWGS/n/ENABLE node such that AWG state may be probed within 10 ms (previously >100 ms)
  • LabOne: Reduced CPU load caused by the LabOne discovery service in networks with many Zurich Instruments devices

Release 21.02

Release date: 28-Feb-2021

  • LabOne API: Added online Programming Manual and Documentation
  • Added option to load factory defaults in Device tab
  • AWG: Sequencer instruction playZero now supports hardware loops through the use of run-time variable arguments
  • Counter: Improved timestamp resolution to 300 MHz

Release 20.07

Release date: 20-Aug-2020

  • NEW accessory HDIQ IQ Modulator: 4 RF channels, RF frequency range 4-8 GHz, switchable signal routing for automated mixer calibration
  • AWG: New FIFO memory architecture for reliable playback of long waveforms from main memory
  • AWG: New command table feature for memory-efficient sequencing with real-time amplitude/phase changes
  • AWG: Real-time pseudo-random number generation feature
  • AWG: New sequencer instruction playZero improving the generation of gaps in signals
  • AWG: New sequencer instructions placeholder and assignWaveIndex removing the need to upload unnecessary waveform data when using direct waveform upload from API
  • AWG: Discontinued playWaveIndexed sequencer instruction due to incompatibility with FIFO memory architecture
  • QCCS: New DIO mode QA Results QCCS and new sequencer instruction setReadoutRegisterAddress for readout result feedback operation in combination with PQSC and HDAWG
  • QCCS: New sequencer instruction waitZSyncTrigger and getZSyncData for triggering and data communication with PQSC over ZSync
  • Specifications: doubled sequencer instruction memory to 16,384 instructions per AWG core

Release 20.01

Release date: 28-Feb-2020

  • AWG: new dual-phase digital IQ modulation at full sampling rate
  • AWG Sequencer: new instructions resetOscPhase, setSinePhase, and incrementSinePhase for real-time control of digital oscillators
  • AWG: improved stability and predictability of the sequencer
  • AWG: consistent alignment of waveform outputs in grouped channel mode in combination with with external triggering
  • Precompensation Simulator: CSV import of step response measurement signal
  • LabOne: improved stability of AWG Compiler
  • LabOne: reduced memory footprint to improve responsiveness when multiple instruments are connected
  • Math: added linear fit to the Sweeper and DAQ tabs
  • LabOne: saving of histogram data
  • LabOne: improved compatibility of saved SVG figures with popular vector graphics editors
  • NEW option HDAWG-SKW Output Skew Control: 10 ps resolution skew control of Wave signal outputs with 10 ps resolution. HDAWG instruments purchased in 2019 or earlier are equivalent to the HDAWG with the HDAWG-SKW option purchased from 2020 onwards.
  • Specifications: added Wave output level accuracy and resolution, offset voltage accuracy, RMS voltage noise, overshoot.
  • Specifications: added Marker output rise time, jitter, skew control range/resolution.
  • Specifications: added reference clock output jitter and clock initial accuracy.
  • Specifications: added trigger input threshold hysteresis, min pulse width, input impedance.
  • Specifications: direct marker output on DIO connector not supported and functionality replaced by setDIO instruction with improved timing control when issued at high rate.

Release 19.05

Release date: 12-Aug-2019

  • NEW option HDAWG-PC Real-time Precompensation: configurable digital filter for each Wave output to minimize effects of external wiring on the signal
  • AWG Sequencer: new instruction waitSineOscPhase to align waveform playback with oscillators
  • AWG Sequencer: improved compilation and uploaded speed
  • AWG Sequencer: the waveform viewer now supports waveforms up to 10 MSa length.
  • AWG Sequencer: the sequencer program memory has been increased to 8192 hardware instructions and restricted to the cache memory
  • Outputs: Marker output delay is now adjustable
  • Reference clock: faster external clock locking
  • LabOne: macOS support
  • LabOne: plots can be saved in PNG or JPEG format
  • LabOne: support of HDF5 file format
  • LabOne: add context menus for plots, input fields and device connection dialog
  • LabOne API: waveform update using vectorWrite replaced by faster and more robust method setVector. Waveforms are now ordered according to the sequence in which they are defined in the sequence program, rather than alphabetically.
  • LabOne API: waveform update now uses integer format. It’s advised to use the helper functions convert_awg_waveform and parse_awg_waveform to convert to the new format.
  • Specifications: minimum base sample clock changed to 100 MHz (previously 50 MHz). Lower sampling rates can be achieved using sampling rate division.
  • Specifications: added documentation of DIOLink as high-speed interface to external controllers for dynamic sequencing
  • Specifications: added Wave output worst harmonic component, second and third and harmonic distortion
  • Specifications: added output period jitter
  • Specifications: added performance diagram for Wave output phase noise

Release 18.12

Release date: 20-Dec-2018

  • USB 3.0 interface support
  • Improved alignment of marker and waveform output signals
  • AWG Sequencer: new instruction playWaveDigTrigger to achieve 50 ns trigger delay to output
  • AWG Sequencer: new instructions prefetch and prefetchIndexed for improved control over waveform cache memory management
  • AWG Sequencer: expanded random waveform generation with new instructions randomSeed, randomGauss, and randomUniform
  • AWG Sequencer: improved speed and stability for large pattern upload
  • MDS: support of multiple instruments in the same LabOne UI session
  • MDS: visual device identification via front panel LEDs
  • Manual check for LabOne update in startup screen
  • Chinese LabOne tooltips
  • Specifications: added damage thresholds for all connectors, reduced damage threshold of Reference and Sample Clk In/Out to ±4 V (previously ±5 V)
  • Specifications: Wave output phase noise (configuration 100 MHz, offset 10 kHz) changed to –135 dBc/Hz (previously –130 dBc/Hz), added phase noise –148 dBc/Hz (configuration 100 MHz, offset 1 MHz)
  • Specifications: added Wave output spurious free dynamic range 80 dBc
  • Specifications: added bandwidth 80 MHz of switchable Wave output filter
  • Specifications: changed Wave output rise time for 1 V step to 800 ps (previously 550 ps), added rise time 450 ps for 0.2 V, and 1100 ps for 5 V step
  • Specifications: changed maximum trigger delay to 180 ns (previously 270 ns), minimum trigger delay using playWaveDigTrigger instruction is 50 ns

A more detailed list of all technical changes can be found in the LabOne release notes.