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The DIO tab provides access to the settings and controls of the digital I/O as well as the Marker outputs and Trigger inputs and is available on all HDAWG instruments.


  • Monitor and control of digital I/O connectors
  • Control settings for marker outputs and trigger inputs


The DIO tab is the main panel to control the digital inputs and outputs as well as the trigger levels . Whenever the tab is closed or an additional one of the same type is needed, clicking the following icon will open a new instance of the tab.

Table 1: App icon and short description
Control/Tool Option/Range Description
DIO Gives access to all controls relevant for the digital inputs and outputs including DIO, Trigger Inputs, Trigger Outputs, and Marker Outputs.

Figure 1: LabOne UI: DIO tab

The Digital I/O section provides numerical monitors to observe the states of the digital inputs and outputs. Moreover, with the values set in the Output column and the Drive button activated the states can also be actively set in different numerical formats.

The Trigger In section shows the settings for the 4 or 8 Trig inputs on the front panel. The LED status indicator helps in monitoring the input signal state and selecting the threshold. The Trigger Stream section allows the user to control streaming of trigger signals to the computer and monitor them in the Plotter tool over time. The Marker Out section allows assigning internal marker bits to the 4 or 8 Mark outputs on the front panel. Alternatively, the outputs can be set to static high or low values.

Functional Elements

Table 2: Digital input and output channels, reference and trigger
Control/Tool Option/Range Description
DIO mode Select DIO mode
Manual Enables manual control of the DIO output bits.
AWG Sequencer Enables setting the DIO output values by AWG sequencer commands and forwards DIO input values to the AWG sequencer. The DIO interface operates at a clock frequency of 150 MHz.
DIO Codeword Enables setting the DIO output values by AWG sequencer commands and forwards DIO input values to the AWG sequencer. This mode is equivalent to the mode AWG Sequencer, except for the DIO interface clock frequency which is set to 50 MHz.
QCCS Enables setting the DIO output values by the ZSync input values. Forwards the ZSync input values to the AWG sequencer. Forwards the DIO input values to the ZSync output. Select this mode when the instrument is connected via ZSync to a PQSC.
QA Result Overflow grey/yellow/red Red: present overflow condition on the DIO interface during readout. Yellow: indicates an overflow occurred in the past. An overflow can happen if readouts are triggered faster than the maximum possible data-rate of the DIO interface.
DIO bits label Partitioning of the 32 bits of the DIO into 4 buses of 8 bits each. Each bus can be used as an input or output.
DIO input numeric value in either Hex or Binary format Current digital values at the DIO input port.
DIO output numeric value in either hexadecimal or binary format Digital output values. Enable drive to apply the signals to the output.
DIO drive ON / OFF When on, the corresponding 8-bit bus is in output mode. When off, it is in input mode.
Format Select DIO view format.
Hexadecimal DIO view format is hexadecimal.
Binary DIO view format is binary.
Clock Select DIO internal or external clocking.
Interface Selects the interface standard to use on the 32-bit DIO interface. This setting is persistent across device reboots. Choose LVCMOS if connecting to a UHFQA through the DIO interface.
LVCMOS A single-ended, 3.3V CMOS interface is used.
LVDS A differential, LVDS compatible interface is used.
Enable ON / OFF Enables trigger streaming.
Holdoff Time time in seconds Sets the holdoff time of the trigger unit.
Trigger Source Selects a trigger source for the stream. The mask is bit encoded where bit 0..7 are the input triggers and bit 8..11 are AWG triggers. The "Mask" setting allows for an arbitrary combination of trigger sources using the bit encoding in the "Mask" field.
Mask Triggers Masks triggers for the current stream. Only enabled if "Mask" is selected as trigger stream source. The mask is bit encoded where bit 0..7 are the input triggers and bit 8..11 are AWG triggers.
Trigger level -10 V to 10 V Trigger voltage level at which the trigger input toggles between low and high. Use 50% amplitude for digital input and consider the trigger hysteresis.
50 Ω 50 Ω/1 kΩ Trigger input impedance: When on, the trigger input impedance is 50 Ω, when off 1 kΩ.
Trigger Input Low status Indicates the current low level trigger state.
Off A low state is not being triggered.
On A low state is being triggered.
Trigger Input High status Indicates the current high level trigger state.
Off A high state is not being triggered.
On A high state is being triggered.
Marker output signal Select the signal assigned to the marker output.
AWG Trigger 1 Trigger output is assigned to one of the AWG Trigger channels controlled by AWG sequencer commands.
AWG Trigger 2 Trigger output is assigned to one of the AWG Trigger channels controlled by AWG sequencer commands.
AWG Trigger 3 Trigger output is assigned to one of the AWG Trigger channels controlled by AWG sequencer commands.
AWG Trigger 4 Trigger output is assigned to one of the AWG Trigger channels controlled by AWG sequencer commands.
Output 1 Marker 1 Output is assigned to Output 1 Marker 1.
Output 1 Marker 2 Output is assigned to Output 1 Marker 2.
Output 2 Marker 1 Output is assigned to Output 2 Marker 1.
Output 2 Marker 2 Output is assigned to Output 2 Marker 2.
Trigger Input 1 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 1.
Trigger Input 2 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 2.
Trigger Input 3 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 3.
Trigger Input 4 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 4.
Trigger Input 5 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 5.
Trigger Input 6 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 6.
Trigger Input 7 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 7.
Trigger Input 8 Output is assigned to Trigger Input 8.
High Output is set to high.
Low Output is set to low.
Delay (s) This delay adds an offset that acts only on the trigger/marker output. The total delay to the trigger/marker output is the sum of this value and the value of the output delay node.
Delay Approximately -15 ns to 30 ns (depends on sampling clock frequency) Controls the fine delay of the Marker output, range approximately -15 ns to 30 ns (depends on sampling clock frequency)