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The tutorials in this chapter have been created to allow users to become more familiar with the basic technique of lock-in amplification, the operation of host-based lock-in amplifiers, the LabOne web browser based user interface, as well as some more advanced lock-in measurement techniques. In order to successfully carry out the tutorials, users are required to have certain laboratory equipment and basic equipment handling knowledge. The equipment list is given below.


For all tutorials, you must have LabOne installed as described in the Getting Started.

  • 1 USB 2.0 cable, 1 LAN cable (supplied with your UHF Instrument)
  • 3 BNC cables
  • SMA cable and adaptors
  • 1 male BNC shorting cap (optional)
  • 1 oscilloscope (optional)
  • 1 BNC T-piece (optional)
  • 1 resonator (for the PLL tutorial)