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AcquireLoopNt() dataclass

Bases: Section

Near time acquire loop.

Deprecated in 2.14

Use .sweep outside of an acquire_loop_rt instead. For example:

param = SweepParameter(values=[1, 2, 3])
with exp.sweep(param):  # <-- outer near-time sweep
    with exp.acquire_loop_rt(count=2):  # <-- inner real-time sweep


Name Type Description
averaging_mode AveragingMode

Averaging method. One of sequential, cyclic or single shot. Default: AveragingMode.CYCLIC.

count int

Number of loops to perform.

AcquireLoopNt inherits all the attributes of Section.

The execution type of AcquireLoopNt sections is always ExecutionType.NEAR_TIME and should not be altered.

AcquireLoopRt() dataclass

Bases: Section

Real time acquire loop.


Name Type Description
acquisition_type AcquisitionType

Type of the acquisition. One of integration, spectroscopy, discrimination and RAW. Default: AcquisitionType.INTEGRATION.

averaging_mode AveragingMode

Averaging method. One of sequential, cyclic or single shot. Default: AveragingMode.CYCLIC.

count int

Number of loops to perform.

repetition_mode RepetitionMode

Repetition method. One of fastest, constant and auto. Default: RepetitionMode.FASTEST

repetition_time float | None

The repetition time, when repetition_mode is RepetitionMode.CONSTANT.

reset_oscillator_phase bool

When true, reset all oscillators at the start of every step. Default: False.

AcquireLoopRt inherits all the attributes of Section.

The execution type of AcquireLoopRt sections is always ExecutionType.REAL_TIME and should not be altered.

Case() dataclass

Bases: Section

Branch in a match section.


Name Type Description
state int

Which state value this case is for. Default: 0.

Case inherits all the attributes of Section.

A Case may only be added to a Match section and not to any other kind of section.

Unless matching a sweep parameter, a Case may only contain PlayPulse and Delay operations and not other kinds of operations or sections.


Add a child to the Case section.

from_section(section, state) classmethod

Convert a section to a case section.


Name Type Description Default
section Section

The section to convert.

state int

The state the generated case is for.



Name Type Description
case Case

A case section for the specified state with the same contents as the original section.


This method may only be used with sections that are of the base Section. type. Sub-classes may not be used.

Match() dataclass

Bases: Section

Execute one of the child branches depending on condition.


Name Type Description
handle str | None

Handle from which to obtain results. See Section.measure and Section.acquire for where handles are specified.

user_register int | None

User register on which to match.

prng_sample PRNGSample | None

PRNG sample to match.

sweep_parameter SweepParameter | None

Sweep parameter to match.

local bool

Whether to fetch the codeword via the PQSC (False), SHFQC-internal bus (True) or automatic (None). Default: None.

Match inherits all the attributes of Section.

Only subsections of type Case may be added to a Match section.


Add a branch to which to switch.


Name Type Description Default
case Case

Branch that is added.


Section() dataclass

Representation of a section. A section is a logical concept that groups multiple operations into a single entity that can be though of a container. A section can either contain other sections or a list of operations (but not both at the same time). Operations within a section can be aligned in various ways (left, right). Sections can have a offset and/or a predefined length, and they can be specified to play after another section.


Name Type Description
uid str | None

Unique identifier for the section. Maybe be omitted if one is not required. Default: None.

name str

A name for the section. The name need not be unique. The name may, in future, be used as a prefix for generating a uid for the section if one is not specified. Default: "unnamed".

alignment SectionAlignment

Specifies the time alignment of operations and sections within this section. Left alignment positions operations and sections as early in time as possible, right alignment positions them as late as possible. Default: SectionAlignment.LEFT.

execution_type ExecutionType | None

Whether the section is near-time or real-time. If None the section infers its execution type from its parent. Default: None.

length float | None

Minimum length of the section in seconds. The scheduled section length will be the greater of this minimum length and the length of the section contents, plus a small extra amount of times so that the section length is a multiple of the section timing grid. If None, the section has no minimum length and will be as short as possible. Default: None.

play_after str | Section | list[str | Section] | None

A list of sections that must complete before this section may be played. If None, the section is played as soon as allowed by the signal lines required. Default: None.

children list[Section | Operation]

List of children. Each child may be another section or an operation. Default: [].

trigger dict[str, dict]

Optional trigger pulses to play during this section. See Experiment.section. Default: {}.

on_system_grid bool

If True, the section boundaries are always rounded to the system grid, even if the contained signals would allow for tighter alignment. Default: False.

Changed in version 2.0.0

Removed offset member variable.

Added in version 2.26.0

Added name member variable.

operations: tuple[Operation, ...] property

A list of operations in the section.

Note that there may be other children of a section which are not operations but subsections.

sections: tuple[Section, ...] property

A list of subsections of this section.

acquire(signal, handle, kernel=None, length=None, pulse_parameters=None)

Acquisition of results of a signal.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

Unique identifier of the signal where the result should be acquired.

handle str

Unique identifier of the handle that will be used to access the acquired result.

kernel Pulse | list[Pulse] | None

Pulse base used for the acquisition. In case of multistate discrimination, a list of kernels.

length float | None

Integration length (only valid in spectroscopy mode).

pulse_parameters dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any] | None] | None

Dictionary with user pulse function parameters (re)binding. In case of multistate discrimination, a list of dicts.



Add a subsection or operation to the section.


Name Type Description Default
section Section | Operation | SetNode

Item that is added.


call(func_name, **kwargs)

Function call.


Name Type Description Default
func_name str | Callable

Function that should be called.

kwargs dict

Arguments of the function call.


delay(signal, time, precompensation_clear=None)

Adds a delay on the signal with a specified time.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

Unique identifier of the signal where the delay should be applied.

time float | Parameter

Duration of the delay.

precompensation_clear bool | None

Clear the precompensation filter during the delay.


measure(acquire_signal, handle, integration_kernel=None, integration_kernel_parameters=None, integration_length=None, measure_signal=None, measure_pulse=None, measure_pulse_length=None, measure_pulse_parameters=None, measure_pulse_amplitude=None, acquire_delay=None, reset_delay=None)

Execute a measurement.

Unifies the optional playback of a measurement pulse, the acquisition of the return signal and an optional delay after the signal acquisition.

For pulsed spectroscopy, set integration_length and either measure_pulse or measure_pulse_length. For CW spectroscopy, set only integration_length and do not specify the measure signal. For all other measurements, set either length or pulse for both the measure pulse and integration kernel.


Name Type Description Default
acquire_signal str

A string that specifies the signal for the data acquisition.

handle str

A string that specifies the handle of the acquired results.

integration_kernel Pulse | list[Pulse] | None

An optional Pulse object that specifies the kernel for integration. In case of multistate discrimination, a list of kernels.

integration_kernel_parameters dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any] | None] | None

An optional dictionary that contains pulse parameters for the integration kernel. In case of multistate discrimination, a list of kernels.

integration_length float | None

An optional float that specifies the integration length.

measure_signal str | None

An optional string that specifies the signal to measure.

measure_pulse Pulse | None

An optional Pulse object that specifies the readout pulse for measurement.

If this parameter is not supplied, no pulse will be played back for the measurement, which enables CW spectroscopy on SHFQA instruments.

measure_pulse_length float | None

An optional float that specifies the length of the measurement pulse.

measure_pulse_parameters dict[str, Any] | None

An optional dictionary that contains parameters for the measurement pulse.

measure_pulse_amplitude float | None

An optional float that specifies the amplitude of the measurement pulse.

acquire_delay float | None

An optional float that specifies the delay between the acquisition and the measurement.

reset_delay float | None

An optional float that specifies the delay after the acquisition to allow for state relaxation or signal processing.


play(signal, pulse, amplitude=None, phase=None, increment_oscillator_phase=None, set_oscillator_phase=None, length=None, pulse_parameters=None, precompensation_clear=None, marker=None)

Play a pulse on a signal.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

Signal the pulse should be played on.

pulse Pulse

Pulse that should be played on the signal.

amplitude float | complex | Parameter | None

Amplitude of the pulse that should be played.

phase float | None

Phase of the pulse that should be played.

increment_oscillator_phase float | Parameter | None

Increment the phase angle of the modulating oscillator at the start of playing this pulse by this angle (in radians).

set_oscillator_phase float | None

Set the phase of the modulating oscillator at the start of playing this pulse to this angle (in radians).

length float | Parameter | None

Modify the length of the pulse to the given value.

pulse_parameters dict[str, Any] | None

Dictionary with user pulse function parameters (re)binding.

precompensation_clear bool | None

Clear the precompensation filter during the pulse.

marker dict[str, Any] | None

Instruction for playing marker signals along with the pulse.



Operation to reserve a signal for the active section.

Reserving an experiment signal in a section means that if there is no osperation defined on that signal, it is not available for other sections as long as the active section is scoped.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

Signal that should be reserved.


set_node(path, value)

Set the value of an instrument node.


Name Type Description Default
path str

Path to the node whose value should be set.

value Any

Value that should be set.


Sweep() dataclass

Bases: Section

Sweep loops.

Sweeps are used to sample through a range of parameter values.


Name Type Description
parameters list[Parameter] | Parameter

Parameters that should be swept. Default: [].

reset_oscillator_phase bool

When True, reset all oscillators at the start of every step. Default: False.

chunk_count int

Split the sweep into N chunks. Default: 1.

Sweep inherits all the attributes of Section.

Changed in 2.24.0

parameters now accepts a single Parameter in addition to accepting a list.


Experiment() dataclass

LabOne Q Experiment.


Name Type Description
uid str | None

Unique identifier for the experiment. If not specified, it will remain None.

name str

A name for the experiment. The name need not be unique. Default: "unnamed".

signals dict[str, ExperimentSignal] | list[ExperimentSignal | str]

Experiment signals. Default: {}.

version DSLVersion

Used DSL version. Default: DSLVersion.V3_0_0

epsilon float

Epsilon. Not used. Default: 0.0.

sections list[Section]

Sections defined in the experiment. Default: [].

Changed in version 2.27.0

The uid attribute is not longer automatically generated and will be left as None if unspecified.

The name attribute was added.

experiment_signals_uids: list[str] property

A list of experiment signal UIDs defined in this experiment.


Name Type Description
signal_uids list[str]

A list of the UIDs for the signals defined in this experiment.

signal_mapping_status: dict[str, Any] property

Get an overview of the signal mapping.


Name Type Description
signal_mapping dict[str, Any]

A dictionary with entries for:

  • is_all_mapped: True if all experiment signals are mapped to a logical signal, False otherwise.
  • mapped_signals: A list of experiment signal uids that have a mapping to a logical signal.
  • not_mapped_signals: A list of experiment signal uids that have no mapping to a logical signal.

accept_section_visitor(visitor, sections=None)

acquire(signal, handle, kernel=None, length=None, pulse_parameters=None)

Acquire a signal and make it available in Result.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

The input signal to acquire data on.

handle str

A unique identifier string that allows to retrieve the acquired data in the Result object.

kernel Pulse | list[Pulse] | None

Pulse(s) for filtering the acquired signal.

length float | None

Integration length for spectroscopy mode.

pulse_parameters dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any] | None] | None

Dictionary with user pulse function parameters (re)binding.


acquire_loop_nt(count, averaging_mode=AveragingMode.CYCLIC, uid=None)

Define an acquire section with averaging in near time.

Deprecated in 2.14

Use .sweep outside of an acquire_loop_rt instead. For example:

param = SweepParameter(values=[1, 2, 3])
with exp.sweep(param):  # <-- outer near-time sweep
    with exp.acquire_loop_rt(count=2):  # <-- inner real-time sweep

Sections need to open a scope in the following way:

with exp.acquire_loop_nt(...):
    # here come the operations that shall be executed in
    # the acquire_loop_nt section


A near time section cannot be defined in the scope of a real time section.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

count int

The number of acquire iterations.

averaging_mode AveragingMode

The mode of how to average the acquired data. Defaults to AveragingMode.CYCLIC.


acquire_loop_rt(count, averaging_mode=AveragingMode.CYCLIC, repetition_mode=RepetitionMode.FASTEST, repetition_time=None, acquisition_type=AcquisitionType.INTEGRATION, uid=None, reset_oscillator_phase=False)

Define an acquire section with averaging in real time.

Sections need to open a scope in the following way:

    with exp.acquire_loop_rt(...):
        # here come the operations that shall be executed in the acquire_loop_rt section


A near time section cannot be defined in the scope of a real time section.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

count int

The number of acquire iterations.

averaging_mode AveragingMode

The mode of how to average the acquired data. Defaults to AveragingMode.CYCLIC. Further options: AveragingMode.SEQUENTIAL and AveragingMode.SINGLE_SHOT. Single shot measurements are always averaged in cyclic mode.

repetition_mode RepetitionMode

Defines the shot repetition mode. Defaults to RepetitionMode.FASTEST. Further options are RepetitionMode.CONSTANT and RepetitionMode.AUTO.

repetition_time float | None

This is the shot repetition time in seconds. This argument is only required and valid if repetition_mode is RepetitionMode.CONSTANT. The parameter can either be given as a float or as a sweep parameter (Parameter).

acquisition_type AcquisitionType

This is the acquisition type. Defaults to AcquisitionType.INTEGRATION. Further options are AcquisitionType.SPECTROSCOPY, AcquisitionType.DISCRIMINATION and AcquisitionType.RAW.

reset_oscillator_phase bool

When True, the phase of every oscillator is reset at the start of the each step of the acquire loop.



Add a sweep, a section or an acquire loop to the experiment.


Name Type Description Default
section Section

The object to add.


add_signal(uid=None, connect_to=None)

Add an experiment signal to the experiment.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique id of the new experiment signal (optional).

connect_to LogicalSignalRef | None

The LogicalSignal this experiment signal shall be connected to. Defaults to None, meaning that there is no connection defined yet.



Name Type Description
signal ExperimentSignal

The created and added signal.

See also map_signal.


Return a list of all sections contained within this experiment.

The list includes sections recursively, so all subsections are included to.


Name Type Description
sections list[Section]

A list of all sections from this experiment.

call(func_name, **kwargs)

Add a near-time callback function in the execution of the experiment.

The near-time callback is called by the LabOne Q software as part of executing the experiment and in sequence with the other experiment operations.


Name Type Description Default
func_name str | Callable[..., Any]

The callback function.

kwargs dict

These arguments are passed to the callback function as is.


case(state, uid=None)

Define a section which plays after matching with the given value to the result of a QA measurement.

Case needs to open a scope in the following way:

        # here come the operations that shall be executed in the section


No subsections are allowed, only play and delay.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

state int

The state that this section is executed for.


delay(signal, time, precompensation_clear=None)

Delay execution of next operation on the given experiment signal.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

The unique id of the signal to delay execution of next operation.

time float | Parameter

The delay time in seconds. The parameter can either be given as a float or as a sweep parameter.

precompensation_clear bool | None

Clear the precompensation filter during this delay.



Return the current calibration of the experiment.


Name Type Description
calibration Calibration

The calibration of the experiment. The return calibration is built up from the calibration items of the device setup the experiment was or will be executed on.


Return the real-time acquire loop object.


Return a dictionary of mapped experiment signals.

Signals that have not yet been mapped are excluded from the returned dictionary.


Name Type Description
signals dict[str, str]

A dictionary of mapped signals. The keys are the experiment signal UIDs. The values are the logical signal path that the experiment signal is mapped to.


Check if an experiment signal is defined for this experiment.


Name Type Description Default
uid str

The unique id of the experiment signal to check for.



Name Type Description
is_experiment_signal bool

True if the experiment signal is defined in this experiment, False otherwise.


Return a dictionary of calibration creation information for the device setup signals mapped to this experiment.

This may be used to introspect an experiment to see the full list of items that may be calibrated.


Name Type Description
calibratables dict[str, dict]

Return a dictionary of calibratable signal UIDs and their corresponding creation information. Each value is itself a dictionary with the keys:

  • type (str): which specifies the type of signal.
  • is_calibrated (bool): which specified whether the signal is currently calibrated.


A list of experiment signals defined in this experiment.


Name Type Description
signals list[ExperimentSignal]

List of defined experiment signals.

load(filename) staticmethod

Load an experiment from a JSON file.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

The name of the file to load the experiment from.



Name Type Description
experiment Experiment

The experiment loaded.


Load a signal map from a file and apply it to this experiment.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

The name of the file to load the signal map from.


map_signal(experiment_signal_uid, logical_signal)

Connect an experiment signal to a logical signal.

In order to relate an experiment signal to a logical signal defined in a device setup (DeviceSetup), you need to make a connection between these two types of signals.


Name Type Description Default
experiment_signal_uid str

The unique id of the experiment signal to be connected.

logical_signal LogicalSignalRef

The logical signal to connect to.


See also add_signal.

match(handle=None, user_register=None, sweep_parameter=None, uid=None, play_after=None, local=None)

Define a section which switches between different child sections based on a QA measurement (using handle) or a user register (using user_register).

In case of the QA measurement option, the feedback path (local, or global, via PQSC) is determined by the local argument.

Match needs to open a scope in the following way:

    with exp.match(...):
        # here come the different branches to be selected


Only subsections of type Case are allowed. Exactly one of handle or user_register must be specified, the other one must be None. The user register is evaluated only at the beginning of the experiment, not during the experiment, and only a few user registers per AWG can be used due to the limited number of processor registers.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

handle str | None

A unique identifier string that allows to retrieve the acquired data.

user_register int | None

The user register to use for the match.

sweep_parameter Parameter | None

The sweep_parameter to use for the match.

play_after str | Section | list[str | Section] | None

Play this section after the end of the section(s) with the given ID(s). Defaults to None.

local bool | None

Selects whether the feedback path should be local (exclusively on an SHFQC) or global via PQSC. Defaults to None, which lets the LabOne Q compiler to choose the shortest path given device constraints.


match_global(handle, uid=None, play_after=None)

Define a section which switches between different child sections based on a QA measurement via the PQSC.

Match needs to open a scope in the following way:

    with exp.match_global(...):
        # here come the different branches to be selected


Only subsections of type Case are allowed.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

handle str

A unique identifier string that allows to retrieve the acquired data.

play_after str | Section | list[str | Section] | None

Play this section after the end of the section(s) with the given ID(s). Defaults to None.


match_local(handle, uid=None, play_after=None)

Define a section which switches between different child sections based on a QA measurement on an SHFQC.

Match needs to open a scope in the following way:

    with exp.match_local(...):
        # here come the different branches to be selected


Only subsections of type Case are allowed.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

handle str

A unique identifier string that allows to retrieve the acquired data.

play_after str | Section | list[str | Section] | None

Play this section after the end of the section(s) with the given ID(s). Defaults to None.


measure(acquire_signal, handle, integration_kernel=None, integration_kernel_parameters=None, integration_length=None, measure_signal=None, measure_pulse=None, measure_pulse_length=None, measure_pulse_parameters=None, measure_pulse_amplitude=None, acquire_delay=None, reset_delay=None)

Execute a measurement.

Unifies the optional playback of a measurement pulse, the acquisition of the return signal and an optional delay after the signal acquisition.

For pulsed spectroscopy, set integration_length and either measure_pulse or measure_pulse_length.

For CW spectroscopy, set only integration_length and do not specify the measure signal.

For multistate discrimination, use lists of equal length for integration_kernel and integration_kernel_parameters.

For all other measurements, set either length or pulse for both the measure pulse and integration kernel.


Name Type Description Default
acquire_signal str

A string that specifies the signal for the data acquisition.

handle str

A string that specifies the handle of the acquired results.

integration_kernel Pulse | list[Pulse] | None

An optional Pulse object or list of Pulse objects that specifies the kernel(s) for integration.

integration_kernel_parameters dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any] | None] | None

An optional dictionary (or list thereof) that contains pulse parameters for the integration kernel.

integration_length float | None

An optional float that specifies the integration length.

measure_signal str | None

An optional string that specifies the signal to measure.

measure_pulse Pulse | None

An optional Pulse object that specifies the readout pulse for measurement.

If this parameter is not supplied, no pulse will be played back for the measurement, which enables CW spectroscopy on SHFQA instruments.

measure_pulse_length float | None

An optional float that specifies the length of the measurement pulse.

measure_pulse_parameters dict[str, Any] | None

An optional dictionary that contains parameters for the measurement pulse.

measure_pulse_amplitude float | None

An optional float that specifies the amplitude of the measurement pulse.

acquire_delay float | None

An optional float that specifies the delay between the acquisition and the measurement.

reset_delay float | None

An optional float that specifies the delay after the acquisition to allow for state relaxation or signal processing.


play(signal, pulse, amplitude=None, phase=None, increment_oscillator_phase=None, set_oscillator_phase=None, length=None, pulse_parameters=None, precompensation_clear=None, marker=None)

Play a pulse on a signal line.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

The unique id of the signal to play the pulse on.

pulse Pulse

The pulse description of the pulse to be played.

amplitude float | Parameter

Amplitude the pulse shall be played with. Defaults to None, meaning that the pulse is played as is.

length float | Parameter

Length for which the pulse shall be played. Defaults to None, meaning that the pulse is played for its whole length.

phase float

The desired baseband phase (baseband rotation) with which the pulse shall be played. Given in radians, defaults to None, meaning that the pulse is played with its phase as defined.

set_oscillator_phase float

The desired oscillator phase at the start of the played pulse, in radians. The phase setting affects the pulse played in this command, and all following pulses. Defaults to None, meaning no change is made and the phase remains continuous.

increment_oscillator_phase float

The desired phase increment of the oscillator phase at the start of the played pulse, in radians. The new, incremented phase affects the pulse played in this command, and all following pulses. Defaults to None, meaning no change is made and the phase remains continuous.

pulse_parameters dict

Dictionary with user pulse function parameters (re)binding.

marker dict

Dictionary with markers to play. Example: marker={"marker1": {"enable": True}}



If markers are specified but pulse=None, a zero amplitude pulse as long as the end of the longest marker will be automatically generated.


Reserves an experiment signal for the duration of the active section.

Reserving an experiment signal in a section means that if there is no operation defined on that signal, it is not available for other sections as long as the active section is scoped.


Name Type Description Default
signal str

The unique id of the signal to be reserved in the active section.



Reset the experiment calibration.

Resets the signal calibration for all device setup signals mapped in this experiment.


Name Type Description Default
calibration Calibration | None

The calibration to apply after resetting the experiment calibration. Default: None.



Reset, i.e. disconnect, all defined signal connections and apply a new signal map if provided.


Name Type Description Default
signal_map dict[str, LogicalSignalRef] | None

The new signal map to apply.



Save this experiment to a file.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

The name of the file to save the experiment to.



Save this experiments current signal map to a file.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

The name of the file to save the current signal map to.


section(length=None, alignment=None, uid=None, on_system_grid=None, play_after=None, trigger=None)

Define an section for scoping operations.

Sections need to open a scope in the following way:

    with exp.section(...):
        # here come the operations that shall be executed in the section


A near time section cannot be defined in the scope of a real time section.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

length float | None

The minimal duration of the section in seconds. The scheduled section might be slightly longer, as its length is rounded to the next multiple of the section timing grid. Defaults to None which means that the section length is derived automatically from the contained operations. The parameter can either be given as a float or as a sweep parameter (Parameter).

alignment SectionAlignment | None

Alignment of the operations in the section. Defaults to SectionAlignment.LEFT.

play_after str | Section | list[str | Section] | None

Play this section after the end of the section(s) with the given ID(s). Defaults to None.

trigger dict[str, dict[str, int]] | None

Play a pulse a trigger pulse for the duration of this section. See below for details.

on_system_grid bool | None

If True, the section boundaries are always rounded to the system grid, even if the signals would allow for tighter alignment.


The individual trigger (a.k.a marker) ports on the device are addressed via the experiment signal that is mapped to the corresponding analog port. For playing trigger pulses, pass a dictionary via the trigger argument. The keys of the dictionary must be an ID of an ExperimentSignal. Each value is another dict of the form:

    {"state": value}

value is a bit field that enables the individual trigger signals (on the devices that feature more than a single one).

    {"state": 1}  # raise trigger signal 1
    {"state": 0b10}  # raise trigger signal 2 (on supported devices)
    {"state": 0b11}  # raise both trigger signals

As a more complete example, to fire a trigger pulse on the first port associated with signal "drive_line", call:

    with exp.section(..., trigger={"drive_line": {"state": 0b01}}):

When trigger signals on the same signal are issued in nested sections, the values are ORed.

Changed in version 2.0.0

Removed deprecated offset argument.


Applies the given calibration to the experiment.


Name Type Description Default
calibration Calibration

The calibration to set. Each item within the calibration is applied to the corresponding elements of the device setup the experiment will be executed on.


set_node(path, value)

Set the value of an instrument node.


Name Type Description Default
path str

Path to the node whose value should be set.

value Any

Value that should be set.


Changed in version 2.0

Method name renamed from set to set_node. Removed key argument.


Map experiment signals.


Name Type Description Default
signal_map dict[str, LogicalSignalRef]

A dictionary of mappings to apply. The keys are experiment signal UIDs and the values are logical signal references to map them to.


sweep(parameter, execution_type=None, uid=None, alignment=None, reset_oscillator_phase=False, chunk_count=1)

Define a sweep section.

Sections need to open a scope in the following way:

    with exp.sweep(...):
        # here come the operations that shall be executed in the sweep section


A near time section cannot be defined in the scope of a real time section.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique ID for this section.

parameter Parameter | list[Parameter]

The sweep parameter(s) that is used in this section. The argument can be given as a single sweep parameter or a list of sweep parameters of equal length. If multiple sweep parameters are given, the parameters are executed in parallel in this sweep loop.

execution_type ExecutionType | None

Defines if the sweep is executed in near time or real time. Defaults to ExecutionType.NEAR_TIME.

alignment SectionAlignment | None

Alignment of the operations in the section. Defaults to SectionAlignment.LEFT.

reset_oscillator_phase bool

When True, reset all oscillators at the start of each step.

chunk_count int

The number of chunks to split the sweep into. Defaults to 1.



ExperimentSignal(uid=None, map_to=None, calibration=None, oscillator=None, amplitude=None, port_delay=None, delay_signal=None, mixer_calibration=None, precompensation=None, local_oscillator=None, range=None, port_mode=None, threshold=None, mapped_logical_signal_path=None) dataclass

A signal within an experiment.

Experiment signals are mapped to logical signals before an experiment is executed.

The experiment signal calibration maybe specified here either by passing the calibration parameter or by specifying the parts of the calibration as they would be passed to SignalCalibration. See the documentation of SignalCalibration for details of the individual calibration options.


Name Type Description Default
uid str | None

The unique identifier for the signal. If not specified, one will be automatically generated.

map_to LogicalSignalRef | None

The logical signal to map to this experiment signal to. If not specified, it should be set before the experiment is compiled. If both this and mapped_logical_signal_path, the mapped_logical_signal_path value is used.

calibration SignalCalibration | None

The signal calibration. If provided, the values of the other calibration parameters are ignored. If the signal calibration is not specified via either this parameter or the other parameters, it should be set before the experiment is compiled.

oscillator Oscillator | None

The oscillator assigned to the signal calibration. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

amplitude float | None

The signal calibration amplitude. Only supported by the SHFQA. The amplitude setting applies to all signals on the same channel. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

port_delay float | None

The signal calibration port delay. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

mixer_calibration MixerCalibration | None

The signal mixer calibration. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

precompensation Precompensation | None

The signal calibration precompenstation settings. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set. Only supported by HDAWG signals.

local_oscillator Oscillator | None

The local oscillator assigned to the signal calibration. Only supported by SHFSG, SHFQA and SHFQC signals. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

range float | None

The output or input range setting for the signal calibration. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

port_mode PortMode | None

The SHFSG, SHFQA and SHFQC port mode signal calibration. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

threshold float | None

The sginal calibration state discrimation threshold. Only supported for acquisition signals on the UHFQA, SHFQA and SHFQC. Ignored if the calibration parameter is set.

mapped_logical_signal_path str | None

The path of the logical signal to map this experiment signal to. If not specified, it should be set before the experiment is compiled. If both this and map_to are specified, this value is used.



Name Type Description
uid str

The unique identifier for the signal.

calibration SignalCalibration | None

The signal calibration. Must be set before the experiment is executed if the calibration for this signal is used by the experiment.

mapped_logical_signal_path str | None

The path of the logical signal mapped to this experiment signal. Must be set before the experiment is executed.

added_outputs property writable

amplifier_pump: AmplifierPump | None property writable

The amplifier pump settings assigned to this signal or None if none is assigned.

amplitude: float | None property writable

The amplitude to multiply all waveforms played on this signal by, or None to not modify the amplitude.

Only supported by the SHFQA.


The amplitude setting applies to all signals on the same channel.

calibration = SignalCalibration(oscillator=oscillator, amplitude=amplitude, port_delay=port_delay, delay_signal=delay_signal, mixer_calibration=mixer_calibration, precompensation=precompensation, local_oscillator=local_oscillator, range=range, port_mode=port_mode, threshold=threshold) instance-attribute

delay_signal property writable

The signal delay (in seconds) set on this signal, or None if none is set.

local_oscillator property writable

The local oscillator settings assigned to this signal or None if none is assigned.

mapped_logical_signal_path = None instance-attribute

mixer_calibration: MixerCalibration | None property writable

The mixer calibration assigned to this experiment signal or None if none is assigned.

oscillator: Oscillator | None property writable

The oscillator assigned to this experiment signal or None if none is assigned.

port_delay: float | None property writable

The port delay (in seconds) set on this signal, or None if none is set.

port_mode: PortMode | None property writable

The port mode for the signal if set or None if not set.

precompensation: Precompensation | None property writable

The calibration precompensation assigned to this experiment signal or None if none is assigned.

range: float | None property writable

The output or input range setting for the signal if set or None if not set.

threshold: float | list[float] | None property writable

The state discrimination threshold if set or None if not set.

Only supported for acquisition signals on the UHFQA, SHFQA and SHFQC.

uid = experiment_signal_id_generator() instance-attribute

voltage_offset: float | None property writable

The voltage offset set for this signal or None if none is set.

Only supported by HDAWG lines.


Disconnect the experiment signal from the logical signal.


True if calibration has been set for this experiment signal. False otherwise.


Name Type Description
is_calibrated bool

True if the signal has calibration set. False otherwise.


Return true if the signal is mapped to a logical signal path.


Name Type Description
is_mapped bool

True if this experiment signal is mapped to a logical signal.


Map this signal to a logical signal.


Name Type Description Default
to LogicalSignalRef

The logical signal to map this experiment signal to.



Reset the calibration and apply the specified new calibration if provided.


Name Type Description Default
calibration SignalCalibration | None

The new calibration to apply or None if this signal is to be left uncalibrated after the reset.




A pulse for playing during an experiment.


pulse_function_library = _pulse_samplers module-attribute

const(x, **_)

Create a constant pulse.

Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
uid [str][]

Unique identifier of the pulse

length [float][]

Length of the pulse in seconds

amplitude [float][]

Amplitude of the pulse


Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Constant pulse.

cos2(x, **_)

Create a raised cosine pulse.

Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
uid [str][]

Unique identifier of the pulse

length [float][]

Length of the pulse in seconds

amplitude [float][]

Amplitude of the pulse


Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Raised cosine pulse.

drag(x, sigma=1 / 3, beta=0.2, zero_boundaries=False, **_)

Create a DRAG pulse.


Name Type Description Default
sigma float

Standard deviation relative to the interval the pulse is sampled from, here [-1, 1]. Defaults

1 / 3
beta float

Relative amplitude of the quadrature component

zero_boundaries bool

Whether to zero the pulse at the boundaries


Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
uid [str][]

Unique identifier of the pulse

length [float][]

Length of the pulse in seconds

amplitude [float][]

Amplitude of the pulse


Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

DRAG pulse.

gaussian(x, sigma=1 / 3, order=2, zero_boundaries=False, **_)

Create a Gaussian pulse.

Returns a generalised Gaussian pulse with order parameter \(n\), defined by:

$$ g(x, \sigma, n) = e^{-\left(\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)^{\frac{n}{2}}} $$.

When the order \(n = 2\), the formula simplifies to the standard Gaussian:

\[ g(x, \sigma_0) = e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma_0^2}} \]

For higher orders (\(n > 2\)), the value of \(\sigma\) is adjusted so that the pulse has the same near-zero values at the edges as the ordinary Gaussian.

In general, for \(x \in [-L, L]\), the adjusted \(\sigma\) can be written as:

\[\sigma = \frac{\sigma_0^{\frac{2}{n}}}{2^{\left(\frac{n-2}{2 n}\right)} L^{\left(\frac{2-n}{n}\right)}}\]

Considering here \(x \in [-1, 1]\), the adjusted \(\sigma\) simplifies to:

\[\sigma = \frac{\sigma_0^{\frac{2}{n}}}{2^{\left(\frac{n-2}{2 n}\right)}}\]


Name Type Description Default
sigma float

Standard deviation relative to the interval the pulse is sampled from, here [-1, 1]. Defaults to 1/3.

1 / 3
order int

Order of the Gaussian pulse, must be positive and even, default is 2 (standard Gaussian), order > 2 will create a super Gaussian pulse

zero_boundaries bool

Whether to zero the pulse at the boundaries, default is False


Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
uid [str][]

Unique identifier of the pulse

length [float][]

Length of the pulse in seconds

amplitude [float][]

Amplitude of the pulse


Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Gaussian pulse.

gaussian_square(x, sigma=1 / 3, width=None, zero_boundaries=False, *, length, **_)

Create a gaussian square waveform with a square portion of length width and Gaussian shaped sides.


Name Type Description Default
length float

Length of the pulse in seconds

width float

Width of the flat portion of the pulse in seconds. Dynamically set to 90% of length if not provided.

sigma float

Std. deviation of the Gaussian rise/fall portion of the pulse

1 / 3
zero_boundaries bool

Whether to zero the pulse at the boundaries


Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
uid [str][]

Unique identifier of the pulse

amplitude [float][]

Amplitude of the pulse


Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Gaussian square pulse.


Return the named pules factory.

The pulse factory returns the description of the pulse used to specify a pulse when calling LabOne Q DSl commands such as .play(...) and .measure(...).

For example, in:

def const(x, **_):
    return numpy.ones_like(x)

the factory is the decorated function const. Calling pulse_factory("const") will return this decorated function. This is the same function one calls when calling pulse_library.const(...).


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the factory to return.


The factory function.


Return the named pulse sampler.

The sampler is the original function used to define the pulse.

For example in:

def const(x, **_):
    return numpy.ones_like(x)

the sampler is the undecorated function const. Calling pulse_sampler("const") will return this undecorated function.

This undecorate function is called a "sampler" because it is used by the LabOne Q compiler to generate the samples played by a pulse.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the sampler to return.


The sampler function.

register_pulse_functional(sampler, name=None)

Build & register a new pulse type from a sampler function.

The sampler function must have the following signature:

    def sampler(x: ndarray, **pulse_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> ndarray:

The vector x marks the points where the pulse function is to be evaluated. The values of x range from -1 to +1. The argument pulse_params contains all the sweep parameters, evaluated for the current iteration. In addition, pulse_params also contains the following keys:

  • length: the true length of the pulse
  • amplitude: the true amplitude of the pulse
  • sampling_rate: the sampling rate

Typically, the sampler function should discard length and amplitude, and instead assume that the pulse extends from -1 to 1, and that it has unit amplitude. LabOne Q will automatically rescale the sampler's output to the correct amplitude and length.


Name Type Description Default
sampler Callable

the function used for sampling the pulse

name str | None

the name used internally for referring to this pulse type



Name Type Description
pulse_factory function

A factory function for new Pulse objects. The return value has the following signature:

    def <name>(
        uid: str = None,
        length: float = 100e-9,
        amplitude: float = 1.0,
        **pulse_parameters: Dict[str, Any],

sampled_pulse(samples, uid=None, can_compress=False)

Create a pulse based on a array of waveform values.


Name Type Description Default
samples ndarray

waveform envelope data.

uid str

Unique identifier of the created pulse.



Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Pulse based on the provided sample values.

sampled_pulse_complex(samples, uid=None, can_compress=False)

Create a pulse based on a array of complex values.


Name Type Description Default
samples ndarray

Complex valued data.

uid str

Unique identifier of the created pulse.



Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Pulse based on the provided sample values.

sampled_pulse_real(samples, uid=None, can_compress=False)

Create a pulse based on a array of real values.


Name Type Description Default
samples ndarray

Real valued data.

uid str

Unique identifier of the created pulse.



Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Pulse based on the provided sample values.

sawtooth(x, **_)

Create a sawtooth pulse.

Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
uid [str][]

Unique identifier of the pulse

length [float][]

Length of the pulse in seconds

amplitude [float][]

Amplitude of the pulse


Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Sawtooth pulse.

triangle(x, **_)

Create a triangle pulse.

A triangle pulse varies linearly from a starting amplitude of zero, to a maximum amplitude of one in the middle of the pulse, and then back to a final amplitude of zero.

Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
uid [str][]

Unique identifier of the pulse

length [float][]

Length of the pulse in seconds

amplitude [float][]

Amplitude of the pulse


Name Type Description
pulse Pulse

Triangle pulse.