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How-to Guides - Superconducting Qubits

The following guides are intended to help you become familiar with how different experiments can be written in LabOne Q. Depending on your specific use case and architecture, you will likely wish to modify these experiments and adapt them to your own workflow. Please get in touch at and we will be happy discuss your application.

Qubit tune-up

In these notebooks with the SHFQA, SHFSG, and SHFQC and the HDAWG and UHFQA, you'll see how you can implement a series of experiments to perform tune-up your qubits.

Two-qubit experiments

In the two qubit experiments notebook, you'll learn how to define simultaneous Rabi and simultaneous Ramsey experiments on a UHFQA and HDAWG.

Tune-up with a third-party instrument

This notebook demonstrates how an external instrument can be controlled with a call function, in this case, a DC source.

Parallel qubit tune-up

In this parallel tune-up notebook, you'll learn how a series of experiments could be run in parallel over many qubits.