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How-to Guides - Advanced Qubit Experiments

The following guides are intended to help you learn how to implement the advanced measurement functionality LabOne Q. Depending on your specific use case and architecture, you will likely wish to modify these experiments and adapt them to your own workflow. Please get in touch at and we will be happy discuss your application.

Active Reset

In the following notebooks, you'll see how you can execute active qubit reset, i.e. active feedback based on real-time measurement of the qubit state. The notebooks are for the following instrument combinations:

The notebooks run without real qubits, assuming a loopback on the readout drive line directly into the reaoud acquisition line. We emulate the different qubit states by playing back different readout measurement pulses, differing by a phase or their amplitude.

Randomized benchmarking using the Clifford group

In this notebook, you'll learn how you can implement Clifford Randomized Benchmarking (RB) directly in LabOne Q. Here, you'll apply random sequences of Clifford gates for different sequence lengths followed by a recovery gate - the resulting decay of the state fidelity as function of sequence length is a measure of overall gate fidelity. If you would like to use an external Python package, such as Qiskit, to set up your RB experiments, please see the notebooks utilizing OpenQASM here.