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Device Setup and Descriptor

This section explains how to set up your experimental setup in LabOne Q. All information on the physical setup will be stored in the DeviceSetup class. Information about the used instruments and their connections is entered via a text-based Descriptor.

After an introduction to the DeviceSetup class and the Descriptor, you will find examples of different setup and instrument configurations.


The DeviceSetup class takes information about instruments, their physical ports, and logical signal lines - all written in a descriptor. It also takes the data server address and port number and a user-defined name, as shown in this example:

device_setup = DeviceSetup.from_descriptor(

With the device setup object, experimental parameters are pushed, through calibration, to instruments. Additionally, DeviceSetup is used when connecting to a Session. The Session takes all of the information of the device setup and connects the setup to independently defined experiments at compilation. In this way, multiple device setups can be defined and used without the need to rewrite experiments.


A typical Quantum Computing Control System (QCCS) consists of a central controller, which connects to a number of instruments for qubit control and qubit readout. The descriptor breaks down information about a setup into the necessary pieces to run experiments explained in detail in the below examples. It contains:

  • A list of the type of instruments to be used in the experiment
    • The instrument serial numbers
    • User-defined ids for each instrument
  • The connection properties of the instrument
    • Signal types
    • Logical signal lines
    • Physical ports
    • Other connection options
  • (Optional) Information on the LabOne data servers used to connect to the instruments
    • Data server id
    • IP address of the data server
    • Port number under which the data server can be reached
    • A list of instruments this data server is connected to

Descriptors can either be defined within the experiment notebook as a YAML formatted string or they can be in a separate YAML file. The latter is often useful so that multiple device setups can be quickly swapped in and out. To use a separate file, the device setup definition will be:

descriptor_file = "./my_descriptor.yml"

device_setup = DeviceSetup.from_YAML(
    filepath = descriptor_file,

If the server_host and server_port arguments are given when calling the from_descriptor or from_YAML method, they will overwrite any definitions present already in the descriptor itself.

Additional electronics may be part of the setup, such as DC sources or radio-frequency signal generators. These are not included in the descriptor since LabOne Q does not provide drivers for these instruments. Nevertheless, LabOne Q provides an interface to control such instruments in the normal workflow via user-defined callback functions.

Sampling Rates

The sampling rate of the instruments in the setup depends on the setup composition:

  • HDAWG + UHFQA: The HDAWG runs at 2.4 GSa/s, while the UHFQA runs at 1.8 GSa/s.
  • HDAWG + SHF instruments: All instruments run at 2 GSa/s.
  • A combination of HDAWG, SHF instruments and UHFQA is not supported

Setup with PQSC, HDAWG and UHFQA

The first kind of typical setup comprises one PQSC (for system synchronization), one HDAWG (for qubit control) and one UHFQA (for qubit readout). The descriptor for defining such a setup looks as follows, here additionally including information on the dataserver:

descriptor = """\
    port: 8004
    instruments: [device_hdawg, device_uhfqa, device_pqsc]
  - address: DEV8000
    uid: device_hdawg
  - address: DEV2000
    uid: device_uhfqa
  - address: DEV10000
    uid: device_pqsc
    - iq_signal: q0/drive_line
      ports: [SIGOUTS/0, SIGOUTS/1]
    - rf_signal: q0/flux_line
      ports: [SIGOUTS/2]
    - to: device_uhfqa
      port: DIOS/0
    - iq_signal: q0/measure_line
      ports: [SIGOUTS/0, SIGOUTS/1]
    - acquire_signal: q0/acquire_line
    - to: device_hdawg
      port: ZSYNCS/0

The first part of the descriptor lists all instruments that are part of the setup, together with their type (e.g., HDAWG), address (the serial number of the instrument), and unique identifier ('uid', e.g., device_hdawg).

The second part of the descriptor contains information about the connections of the instruments. Connections from the instrument to the experimental setup (the cryostat) require the definition of the signal line type followed by the name of the logical signal line and the used ports. The available signal types vary between different instrument types and are summarized in the table below. For connections between instruments, the keyword 'to' is used, followed by the unique ID of the connected instrument and the used port.


The port numbering in the software is zero-based, while the numbering on the instrument panels is one-based.


A common pitfall is a mismatching ZSync port assignment on the PQSC. If the specified port and instrument pairs in the descriptor do not match the actual setup configuration, the software will return an error.

Available signal line types in the descriptor for PQSC, HDAWG and UHFQA instruments. The amount of available ports on the HDAWG depends on the instrument version (e.g., 4- versus 8-channel version). Note that iq_signals are described by a port pair.

Instrument signal type ports description
PQSC to ZSYNCS/{0…​17} ZSync connections to connected HDAWG and SHF instruments.
HDAWG iq_signal [SIGOUTS/0, SIGOUTS/1], [SIGOUTS/2, SIGOUTS/3], [SIGOUTS/4, SIGOUTS/5], [SIGOUTS/6, SIGOUTS/7] Pairs of outputs for IQ signal generation. Pairs must belong to the same AWG core.
rf_signal SIGOUTS/{0…​7} Single AWG wave output.
UHFQA iq_signal [SIGOUTS/0, SIGOUTS/1] Pair of outputs for IQ signal generation.
acquire_signal Uses the input ports of the instrument for data acquisition, does not need specification in the descriptor.

Setup with PQSC and SHF Instruments

For setups comprising instruments of the SHF series (SHFSG, SHFQA, SHFQC), the descriptor looks similar to before. Due to the integrated frequency up- and down-conversion, the SHF instruments require only single output ports per logical signal line. This is also reflected in the descriptor as shown in the following example and summarized in the table.

descriptor = """\
  - address: DEV12000
    uid: device_shfsg
  - address: DEV12001
    uid: device_shfqa
  - address: DEV10000
    uid: device_pqsc
    - iq_signal: q0/drive_line
      ports: SGCHANNELS/0/OUTPUT
    - iq_signal: q0/measure_line
      ports: QACHANNELS/0/OUTPUT
    - acquire_signal: q0/acquire_line
      ports: QACHANNELS/0/INPUT
    - to: device_shfsg
      port: ZSYNCS/0
    - to: device_shfqa
      port: ZSYNCS/1

Available signal line types in the descriptor for SHF instruments. The number of available ports depends on the instrument version (e.g., 4- versus 8-channel version. The SHFQC combines one SHFQA port with 2, 4, or 6 SHFSG ports.)

Instrument signal type ports description
SHFSG iq_signal, rf_signal SGCHANNELS/{0…​7}/OUTPUT Signal outputs for (modulated) IQ and (unmodulated) RF signals.
SHFQA iq_signal QACHANNELS/{0…​3}/OUTPUT Signal output for readout pulses.
acquire_signal QACHANNELS/{0…​3}/INPUT Input signals for data acquisition.
SHFQC iq_signal, rf_signal SGCHANNELS/{0…​7}/OUTPUT Signal outputs for (modulated) IQ and (unmodulated) RF signals.
iq_signal QACHANNELS/0/OUTPUT Signal output for readout pulses.
acquire_signal QACHANNELS/0/INPUT Input signals for data acquisition.

Additional Descriptor Keywords

Besides the information described above, the descriptor accepts additional keywords which allow to further customize the setup.

Instrument section keyword description
PQSC connections internal_clock_signal Switches the reference clock to internal mode. Only available in setups without UHFQA.
HDAWG connections external_clock_signal Switches the reference clock to external mode. Only available for a standalone HDAWG (plus non-QCCS instruments), where otherwise the default is the internal reference clock (see example descriptor below).
UHFQA connections external_clock_signal Switches the reference clock to external mode. Only available for small setups, where otherwise the default is the internal reference clock.

Additional keywords that are accepted by the descriptor in order to customize the setup beyond the default configuration.

Connecting to Instruments via USB

Although LabOne and LabOne Q are optimized to communicate with our instruments via Ethernet, it is possible to use the USB connection. In this case, the interface property must be set in the descriptor, for example:

descriptor = """\
  - address: DEV12000
    uid: device_shfsg
    interface: usb

Setting up a Small System

LabOne Q supports setups without PQSC, which can contain at most one HDAWG and (optionally) one UHFQA. Such systems are termed ‘small system’. This section explains how a small system can be set up using the descriptor.


For systems containing more than one HDAWG, a PQSC is inevitable in order to guarantee synchronization of all signal outputs.

As before, the descriptor is used in order to define a small setup. LabOne Q compiler automatically detects a small system and configures the instruments accordingly, in particular the HDAWG is configured as leader.

Setup with Single HDAWG and Single UHFQA

Similarly to device setups containing a PQSC, the descriptor contains information about the instruments, the connections and the logical signal lines. All available keywords for e.g. signal types stay the same. An example descriptor for a small system is as follows:

descriptor_small_system = """\
  - address: DEV8000
    uid: device_hdawg
  - address: DEV2000
    uid: device_uhfqa
    - iq_signal: q0/drive_line
      ports: [SIGOUTS/0, SIGOUTS/1]
    - to: device_uhfqa
      port: DIOS/0
    - iq_signal: q0/measure_line
      ports: [SIGOUTS/0, SIGOUTS/1]
    - acquire_signal: q0/acquire_line
    ## optional: use external 10 MHz reference clock
    - external_clock_signal

For instrument synchronization, the 10 MHz reference clock of the UHFQA is connected to the HDAWG as shown in Figure 1. The reference clock output at the back of the UHFQA is connected to both the reference clock input (backpanel) and trigger input 1 (frontpanel) of the HDAWG. An external 10 MHz reference clock can be used for the UHFQA by adding the external_clock_signal keyword to the descriptor.

Figure 1: Connecting the 10 MHz reference clock to the instruments in a small setup without PQSC.

Setup with Single HDAWG

The smallest setup which is supported by LabOne Q is a standalone HDAWG. The descriptor for such a system is built up in the same way as before:

descriptor_single_hdawg = """\
  - address: DEV8000
    uid: device_hdawg
    - iq_signal: q0/drive_line
      ports: [SIGOUTS/0, SIGOUTS/1]
    - rf_signal: q0/flux_line
      ports: [SIGOUTS/2]
    ## optional: use external 10 MHz reference clock
    - external_clock_signal

In such a setup, we can choose if the HDAWG uses its internal reference clock or if it synchronizes with an external 10 MHz reference clock (e.g., in order to synchronize with a lock-in amplifier for readout). The first case is the default configuration. In the second case the external reference signal is connected in the same way as shown in the previous figure. Both the reference clock input at the back of the HDAWG as well as the 'Trig In 1' at the front of the instrument are connected to the external reference clock. In the descriptor, another line with the keyword 'external_clock_signal' is added to the descriptor.