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Accessing and Using Experimental ResultsΒΆ

Here we give an overview of how to access the results produced by an experiment in LabOne Q. At this point we have successfully run the experiment within a session and now have access to the results through the session itself. For a more interactive presentation, have a look at the session_reference Python notebook, available as part of LabOne Q repository.

The Results object exists as part of the session and contains all data that went into the generation and execution of the experiment. Its purpose is to serve as primary data class to store all data that may be needed to repeat the experiment or to understand and interpret the acquired data.


my_results = session.get_results()

will return a deep copy of the Results object, which is the preferred method when wanting to post-process or save the data.

Alternatively, accessing

my_session_results = session.results

returns a reference to the Results object within the session, which might at some times be preferable for performance reasons. In fact, executing the experiment via

my_session_results =

for convenience always returns a reference to the Results object obtained by the experimental run. This output can be suppressed by adding a semicolon or directly assigned as in the above example.

Like the majority of LabOne Q objects, the results object supports easy saving and loading through its built-in functionality.'my_results.yaml')

my_saved_results = Results.load('my_results.yaml')

assert my_results = my_saved_results

In the following two chapters, we will give examples of how to access and use the experimental results and discuss the structure of data contained in the Results object in more detail.