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Getting Started

Learning and working with new software can be an exciting challenge. However, with lots of new information, it can be difficult to know where to begin. The chapters in Getting Started are intended to help you get from LabOne Q software installation to experimental results as quickly as possible. If you find that you would like additional assistance as you get started, please reach out to us at

For a technical and theoretical overview of LabOne Q, the Introduction chapter is the place to begin.

For a hands-on approach, you can follow the installation instructions and our Hello LabOne Q example, or have a look at our LabOne Q video tutorial series on YouTube:

After that, the Workflow chapter will give a general overview of each of the steps common to all experiments in LabOne Q.

If you already have a QCCS System running and want to start characterizing your first qubit, you can jump right in to our How-to Guides or visit our examples on GitHub.