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Change Log

Release 24.07

Release date: 31-Jul-2024

Release 24.04

Release date: 30-Apr-2024

Release 24.01

Release date: 31-Jan-2024

Release 23.10

Release date: 31-Oct-2023

  • Added automatic fallback to a link-local IP address in case no DHCP server could be found.
  • Introduced a new high-performance data-server kernel. It improves reliability and performances of communication with the instrument.

Release 23.06

Release date: 30-Jun-2023

  • Added an optional synchronization check that waits until all ZSync workers have reported their readiness before ZSync start triggers are executed.
  • The register forwarding unit can now forward up to eight readout results, or 16 bits, to each ZSync port. See Extended register forwarding for more details.
  • Feedback events don’t generate a ZSync trigger anymore. See New ZSync trigger behavior for more details.
  • Readout instruments, either SHFQC, SHFQA or UHFQA (via HDAWG bridge), can now be connected to all ZSync ports, not only to the first eight.

Release 23.02

Release date: 28-Feb-2023

Release 22.08

Release date: 31-Aug-2022

  • Aligned ZSync start trigger between HDAWG, SHFQA, SHFSG and SHFQC instruments.
  • Aligned ZSync start trigger to external reference clock for either 10 MHz or 100 MHz PQSC output clock.

Release 22.02

Release date: 28-Feb-2022

  • Added new indicator that advises when the PQSC is ready after warmup
  • Improved ZSync link stability
  • Improved locking to external clock

Release 21.08

Release date: 30-Aug-2021

  • Full support for SHFQA instrument, expanded readout registry bank
  • Stability improvements in ZSync link and synchronization for all instruments
  • Add graphical interface to control the feedback processing
  • Each bit in the register forwarding can be enabled separately

Release 21.02

Release date: 28-Feb-2021

  • LabOne API: Added online Programming Manual and Documentation
  • Enabled ZSync support of SHF instruments
  • Improved locking to external clock

Release 20.07

Release date: 20-Aug-2020

  • Support synchronization with the UHFQA
  • Add real-time fast feedback architecture
  • Add Lookup Table decoder for feedback
  • General stability improvements

Release 20.01

Release date: 28-Feb-2020

First version of PQSC User Manual.