The PID / PLL tab is only available if the GHF-PID Quad PID/PLL Controller option is installed on the GHFLI Lock-in Amplifier (the installed options are displayed in the Device tab).
The feedback controllers provide general-purpose PID functionality, phase-locked loop (PLL) functionality, and External Reference functionality. When the user sets one of the demodulators to ExtRef mode (see Lock-in tab, Demodulators section, Mode column), one of the PID controllers will be reserved for that purpose.
Some settings in the PID / PLL tab are interdependent with settings that are accessible from other tabs. If the PID output controls a certain variable, e.g. Signal Output Offset, this variable will be shown as read-only where it appears in other tabs (i.e. in the Lock-in tab for this case).
The PID / PLL tab is the main control center for the feedback loop controllers in the instrument. Whenever the tab is closed or an additional one of the same type is needed, clicking the following icon will open a new instance of the tab.
Table 1: App icon and short description
Features all control, analysis, and simulation capabilities of the PID controllers.
The PID / PLL tab (see LabOne UI: PID / PLL tab) consists of four identical side-tabs, each of them providing access to the functionality of one of the four PID / PLL controllers and the associated PID Advisor.
Please note that the PID Advisor will be enabled in a future LabOne release.
Figure 1: LabOne UI: PID / PLL tab
With their variety of different input and output connections, the LabOne PID controllers are extremely versatile and can be used in a wide range of different applications including microwave resonator characterization and control, laser locking or high-speed SPM.
Figure 2 shows a block diagram of all PID controller components, their interconnections and the variables to be specified by the user.
Depending on the application there are a number of ways to set up a control loop. To learn the core principles of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Controllers you can visit Zurich Instruments YouTube channel and watch the following video:
In cases where the transfer function of the device under test (DUT) is unknown and only little noise couples into the system from the environment, a manual approach is often the quickest way to get going. For manual configuration of a new control loop it is recommended to start with a small value for P and set the other parameters (I, D, D Limit) to zero. By enabling the controller one will then immediately see if the sign of P is correct and if the feedback is acting on the correct output parameter. For instance, by checking the numbers (Error, Shift, Out) displayed in the PID / PLL tab. A stepwise increase of the integral gain, I, will then help to zero the PID error signal completely. Enabling the derivative gain, D, can increase the speed of the feedback loop, but it can also cause an instable feedback loop behavior which sometimes can be mitigated by activating the associated low-pass filter.
The PID is used to control an internal oscillator.
The PID is used by the external reference to control an internal oscillator.
Auto Mode
This defines the type of automatic adaptation of parameters in the PID.
No automatic adaptation.
PID Coeff
The coefficients of the PID controller are automatically set.
Coeff + BW (low)
The PID coefficients, the filter bandwidth and the output limits are automatically set using a low bandwidth.
Coeff + BW (high)
The PID coefficients, the filter bandwidth and the output limits are automatically set using a high bandwidth.
All parameters of the PID including the center frequency are adapted.
Select input source of PID controller
Demodulator X
Demodulator cartesian X component
Demodulator Y
Demodulator cartesian Y component
Demodulator R
Demodulator magnitude component
Demodulator Theta
Demodulator phase
Input Channel
Select input channel of PID controller.
numeric value
PID controller setpoint
Phase Unwrap
Enables the phase unwrapping to track phase errors past the +/-180 degree boundary and increase PLL bandwidth.
Filter BW
numeric value
Bandwidth of the demodulator filter used as an input.
Filter Order
Selects the filter roll off between 6 dB/oct and 48 dB/oct of the current demodulator.
1st order filter 6 dB/oct
2nd order filter 12 dB/oct
3rd order filter 18 dB/oct
4th order filter 24 dB/oct
1 to 1023
Multiplier of the for the reference frequency of the current demodulator.
Select output of the PID controller
Sig Out 1 Amplitude
Feedback to the main signal output amplitude 1
Sig Out 2 Amplitude
Feedback to the main signal output amplitude 2
Oscillator Frequency
Feedback to any of the internal oscillator frequencies
Output Channel
Select output channel of PID controller.
numeric value
After adding the Center value to the PID output, the signal is clamped to Center + Lower Limit and Center + Upper Limit.
Lower Limit
numeric value
After adding the Center value to the PID output, the signal is clamped between Center + Lower Limit, and Center + Upper Limit. In order for the Center value to be within the signal range, the Lower Limit and the Upper Limit must be negative and positive, respectively.
Upper Limit
numeric value
After adding the Center value to the PID output, the signal is clamped between Center + Lower Limit, and Center + Upper Limit. In order for the Center value to be within the signal range, the Lower Limit and the Upper Limit must be negative and positive, respectively.
numeric value
PID proportional gain P
numeric value
PID integral gain I
numeric value
PID derivative gain D
D Limit TC/BW 3 dB
The cutoff of the low-pass filter for the D limitation, shown as either the filter time constant or the 3 dB cutoff frequency, depending on the selected TC mode. When set to 0, the low-pass filter is disabled.
PID sampling rate and update rate of PID outputs. Needs to be set substantially higher than the targeted loop filter bandwidth.
The numerical precision of the controller is influenced by the loop filter sampling rate. If the target bandwidth is below 1 kHz is starts to make sense to adjust this rate to a value of about 100 to 500 times the target bandwidth. If the rate is set too high for low bandwidth applications, integration inaccuracies can lead to non linear behavior.
numeric value
Error = Set point - PID Input
Lock LED
Indicates when the PID (configured as PLL) is locked.
The PLL error is sampled at 5 Sa/s and its absolute value is calculated. If the result is smaller than 5 degrees the loop is considered locked. Only works if mode is PLL or ExtRef.
numeric value
Difference between the current output value Out and the Center. Shift = P*Error + I*Int(Error, dt) + D*dError/dt
numeric value
Current output value
To Advisor
Copy the current PID settings to the PID Advisor.
Rate (Sa/s)
Defines the PID sampling rate, the number of samples that are sent to the host computer per second. A rate of about 7-10 higher as compared to the filter bandwidth usually provides sufficient aliasing suppression.
This is also the rate of data received by LabOne Data Server and saved to the computer hard disk. This setting has no impact on the sample rate on the auxiliary outputs connectors. Note: the value inserted by the user may be approximated to the nearest value supported by the instrument.
Enable PID Streaming
Enables the data acquisition and streaming of PID samples to the host computer for the corresponding PID. The corresponding PID controller should be enabled first. The streaming rate is defined in the field on the right-hand side. Enabling a stream activates a corresponding element in the numeric tab and allows for PID samples to be visualized and analyzed in any of the LabOne measurement tools. Note: enabling a PID's data transfer increases the load on the physical connection to the host computer.
Trigger Source
Select the source of trigger signal for the acquisition of PID samples.
Trigger Input 1
Source of trigger signal is Trigger Input 1 on the instrument's front panel.
Trigger Input 2
Source of trigger signal is Trigger Input 2 on the instrument's front panel.
Trigger Input 3
Source of trigger signal is Trigger Input 3 on the instrument's front panel.
Trigger Input 4
Source of trigger signal is Trigger Input 4 on the instrument's front panel.
Software Trigger
Source of trigger signal is generated internally and can be controlled using the node "/dev..../system/swtriggers/0/single".
Trigger Mode
Select the starting point of the trigger event.
Please update device firmware to enable HW Trigger functionality.
Trigger events start at the rising edge of the trigger signal.
Trigger events start at the falling edge of the trigger signal.
Trigger events start at rising and falling edges of the trigger signal.
Burst Length
Number of PID samples to acquire for a single trigger event.
Enable Triggering
Once enabled, the PID samples are transferred to the host computer when a trigger event occurs. When disabled, the transfer of PID samples to the host computer is continuous. Note that for both cases the corresponding PID controller and its Data Transfer must be enabled.