class PQSC(serial: str, device_type: str, session: Session)[source]#

Bases: BaseInstrument

High-level driver for the Zurich Instruments PQSC.


arm(*[, deep, repetitions, holdoff])

Prepare PQSC for triggering the instruments.

arm_and_run(*[, repetitions, holdoff])

Arm the PQSC and start sending out triggers.

check_ref_clock(*[, timeout, sleep_time])

Check if reference clock is locked successfully.

check_zsync_connection(inputs, *[, timeout, ...])

Check if a ZSync connection is established.

find_zsync_worker_port(device[, timeout, ...])

Find the ID of the PQSC ZSync port connected to a given device.

run(*[, deep])

Start sending out triggers.

stop(*[, deep])

Stop the trigger generation.

wait_done(*[, timeout, sleep_time])

Wait until trigger generation and feedback processing is done.


  • serial (str) –

  • device_type (str) –

  • session (Session) –