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The DIO tab provides access to the settings and controls of the Trigger channels and is available on SHFLI instruments.


  • Monitor and control of digital I/O connectors
  • Control settings for triggering


The DIO tab is the main panel to control the digital inputs and outputs as well as the trigger levels. Whenever the tab is closed or an additional one of the same type is needed, clicking the following icon will open a new instance of the tab.

Table 1: App icon and short description
Control/Tool Option/Range Description
DIO Gives access to all controls relevant for the digital inputs and outputs including DIO, Trigger Inputs, Trigger Outputs, and Marker Outputs.

Figure 1: LabOne UI: DIO tab


The Input Level determines the trigger threshold for trigger state discrimination. Also a 60 mV hysteresis is applied that cannot be adjusted such that a minimum amplitude of more than 60 mV is needed for the Trigger inputs to work reliably.


Please note that some elements will be implemented in a future LabOne release, including the trigger output settings.