Source code for zhinst.qcodes.driver.modules.pid_advisor_module

"""Autogenerated module for the PIDAdvisorModule QCoDeS driver."""
import typing as t
from zhinst.toolkit.driver.modules.pid_advisor_module import (
    PIDAdvisorModule as TKPIDAdvisorModule,

from zhinst.qcodes.driver.modules.base_module import ZIBaseModule

    from zhinst.qcodes.session import Session

[docs] class ZIPIDAdvisorModule(ZIBaseModule): """PID Advisor Module. The PID Advisor Module provides the functionality available in the Advisor, Tuner and Display sub-tabs of the LabOne User Interface’s PID / PLL tab. The PID Advisor is a mathematical model of the instrument’s PID and can be used to calculate PID controller parameters for optimal feedback loop performance. The controller gains calculated by the module can be easily transferred to the device via the API and the results of the Advisor’s modeling are available as Bode and step response plot data. For a complete documentation see the LabOne user manual Args: tk_object: Underlying zhinst-toolkit object. session: Session to the Data Server. name: Name of the module in QCoDeS. """ def __init__( self, tk_object: TKPIDAdvisorModule, session: "Session", name: str = "pid_advisor_module", ): super().__init__(tk_object, session, name)
[docs] def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 20.0, sleep_time: float = 2) -> None: """Waits until the pid advisor is finished. Args: timeout (float): The maximum waiting time in seconds for the measurement (default: 20). sleep_time (int): Time in seconds to wait between requesting sweeper state. (default: 0.5) Raises: TimeoutError: The measurement is not completed before timeout. """ return self._tk_object.wait_done(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)