Source code for zhinst.qcodes.driver.modules.impedance_module

"""Autogenerated module for the ImpedanceModule QCoDeS driver."""
import typing as t
from typing import Optional
from zhinst.toolkit.driver.modules.impedance_module import (
    ImpedanceModule as TKImpedanceModule,

from zhinst.qcodes.driver.modules.base_module import ZIBaseModule

    from zhinst.qcodes.session import Session

[docs] class ZIImpedanceModule(ZIBaseModule): """Implements a base Impedance Module for Lock-In instruments. The Impedance Module corresponds to the Cal sub-tab in the LabOne User Interface Impedance Analyzer tab. It allows the user to perform a compensation that will be applied to impedance measurements. For a complete documentation see the LabOne user manual Args: tk_object: Underlying zhinst-toolkit object. session: Session to the Data Server. name: Name of the module in QCoDeS. """ def __init__( self, tk_object: TKImpedanceModule, session: "Session", name: str = "impedance_module", ): super().__init__(tk_object, session, name)
[docs] def wait_done( self, step: Optional[int] = None, *, timeout: float = 20.0, sleep_time: float = 0.5, ) -> None: """Waits until the specified compensation step is complete. Args: step: The compensation step to wait for completion. timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the compensation to complete (default: 20). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the state. (default: 0.5) Raises: TimeoutError: The compensation is not completed before timeout. """ return self._tk_object.wait_done( step=step, timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time )
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: """Stop the module.""" return self._tk_object.finish()
[docs] def finished(self, step: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: """Check if the calibration or a step of it is finished. Args: step: Calibration step. If not None this function checks if the specified step is finished. Otherwise it checks if the hole calibration is done. Returns: Flag if the calibration or a step is finished. """ return self._tk_object.finished(step=step)