Source code for zhinst.qcodes.driver.devices.shfqa

"""Autogenerated module for the SHFQA QCoDeS driver."""
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from zhinst.toolkit import Sequence, Waveforms
from zhinst.toolkit.interface import AveragingMode, SHFQAChannelMode
from zhinst.utils.shfqa.multistate import QuditSettings
from zhinst.qcodes.driver.devices.base import ZIBaseInstrument
from zhinst.qcodes.qcodes_adaptions import ZINode, ZIChannelList

[docs] class Generator(ZINode): """Generator node. Implements basic functionality of the generator allowing the user to write and upload their *'.seqC'* code. In contrast to other AWG Sequencers, e.g. from the HDAWG, SHFSG it does not provide writing access to the Waveform Memories and hence does not come with predefined waveforms such as `gauss` or `ones`. Therefore, all waveforms need to be defined in Python and uploaded to the device using `upload_waveforms` method. Args: root: Root of the nodetree tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node daq_server: Instance of the ziDAQServer serial: Serial of the device. index: Index of the corresponding awg channel max_qubits_per_channel: Max qubits per channel """ def __init__(self, parent, tk_object, snapshot_cache=None, zi_node=None): ZINode.__init__( self, parent, "generator", snapshot_cache=snapshot_cache, zi_node=zi_node ) self._tk_object = tk_object
[docs] def enable_sequencer(self, *, single: bool) -> None: """Starts the sequencer of a specific channel. Warning: This function is synchronous and blocks until the sequencer is enabled. When working with multiple instruments this function is the wrong approach and the sequencer should be enabled asynchronously. (For more information please take a look at the awg example in the toolkit documentation.) Args: single: Flag if the sequencer should be disabled after finishing execution. Raises: RuntimeError: If the sequencer could not be enabled. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Check the acknowledged value instead of using `wait_for_state_change`. """ return self._tk_object.enable_sequencer(single=single)
[docs] def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005) -> None: """Wait until the AWG is finished. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the generator (default: 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting generator state Raises: RuntimeError: If continuous mode is enabled TimeoutError: If the sequencer program did not finish within the specified timeout time """ return self._tk_object.wait_done(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
[docs] def compile_sequencer_program( self, sequencer_program: Union[str, Sequence], **kwargs: Union[str, int] ) -> Tuple[bytes, Dict[str, Any]]: """Compiles a sequencer program for the specific device. Args: sequencer_program: The sequencer program to compile. Keyword Args: samplerate: Target sample rate of the sequencer. Only allowed/ necessary for HDAWG devices. Must correspond to the samplerate used by the device (device.system.clocks.sampleclock.freq()). If not specified the function will get the value itself from the device. It is recommended passing the samplerate if more than one sequencer code is uploaded in a row to speed up the execution time. wavepath: path to directory with waveforms. Defaults to path used by LabOne UI or AWG Module. waveforms: waveform CSV files separated by ';' output: name of embedded ELF filename. Returns: elf: Binary ELF data for sequencer. extra: Extra dictionary with compiler output. Examples: >>> elf, compile_info = device.awgs[0].compile_sequencer_program(seqc) >>> device.awgs[0] >>> device.awgs[0].ready.wait_for_state_change(1) >>> device.awgs[0].enable(True) Raises: RuntimeError: `sequencer_program` is empty. RuntimeError: If the compilation failed. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ return self._tk_object.compile_sequencer_program( sequencer_program=sequencer_program, **kwargs )
[docs] def load_sequencer_program( self, sequencer_program: Union[str, Sequence], **kwargs: Union[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Compiles the given sequencer program on the AWG Core. Warning: After uploading the sequencer program one needs to wait before for the awg core to become ready before it can be enabled. The awg core indicates the ready state through its `ready` node. (device.awgs[0].ready() == True) Args: sequencer_program: Sequencer program to be uploaded. Keyword Args: samplerate: Target sample rate of the sequencer. Only allowed/ necessary for HDAWG devices. Must correspond to the samplerate used by the device (device.system.clocks.sampleclock.freq()). If not specified the function will get the value itself from the device. It is recommended passing the samplerate if more than one sequencer code is uploaded in a row to speed up the execution time. wavepath: path to directory with waveforms. Defaults to path used by LabOne UI or AWG Module. waveforms: waveform CSV files separated by ';' output: name of embedded ELF filename. Examples: >>> compile_info = device.awgs[0].load_sequencer_program(seqc) >>> device.awgs[0].ready.wait_for_state_change(1) >>> device.awgs[0].enable(True) Raises: RuntimeError: `sequencer_program` is empty. RuntimeError: If the upload or compilation failed. .. versionadded:: 0.3.4 `sequencer_program` does not accept empty strings .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Use offline compiler instead of AWG module to compile the sequencer program. This speeds of the compilation and also enables parallel compilation/upload. """ return self._tk_object.load_sequencer_program( sequencer_program=sequencer_program, **kwargs )
[docs] def write_to_waveform_memory( self, pulses: Union[Waveforms, dict], *, clear_existing: bool = True ) -> None: """Writes pulses to the waveform memory. Args: pulses: Waveforms that should be uploaded. clear_existing: Flag whether to clear the waveform memory before the present upload. (default = True) """ return self._tk_object.write_to_waveform_memory( pulses=pulses, clear_existing=clear_existing )
[docs] def read_from_waveform_memory(self, slots: List[int] = None) -> Waveforms: """Read pulses from the waveform memory. Args: slots: List of waveform indexes to read from the device. If not specified all assigned waveforms will be downloaded. Returns: Mutable mapping of the downloaded waveforms. """ return self._tk_object.read_from_waveform_memory(slots=slots)
[docs] def configure_sequencer_triggering( self, *, aux_trigger: str, play_pulse_delay: float = 0.0 ) -> None: """Configure the sequencer triggering. Args: aux_trigger: Alias for the trigger source used in the sequencer. For the list of available values, use `available_aux_trigger_inputs` play_pulse_delay: Delay in seconds before the start of waveform playback. """ return self._tk_object.configure_sequencer_triggering( aux_trigger=aux_trigger, play_pulse_delay=play_pulse_delay )
@property def available_aux_trigger_inputs(self) -> List: """List of available aux trigger sources for the generator.""" return self._tk_object.available_aux_trigger_inputs
[docs] class Qudit(ZINode): """Single Qudit node. Implements basic functionality of a single qudit node, e.g applying the basic configuration. Args: root: Root of the nodetree. tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node. serial: Serial of the device. readout_channel: Index of the readout channel this qudit belongs to. """ def __init__(self, parent, tk_object, index, snapshot_cache=None, zi_node=None): ZINode.__init__( self, parent, f"qudit_{index}", snapshot_cache=snapshot_cache, zi_node=zi_node, ) self._tk_object = tk_object
[docs] def configure(self, qudit_settings: QuditSettings, enable: bool = True) -> None: """Compiles a list of transactions to apply the qudit settings to the device. Args: qudit_settings: The qudit settings to be configured. enable: Whether to enable the qudit. (default: True) """ return self._tk_object.configure(qudit_settings=qudit_settings, enable=enable)
[docs] class MultiState(ZINode): """MultiState node. Implements basic functionality of the MultiState node. Args: root: Root of the nodetree. tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node. serial: Serial of the device. index: Index of the corresponding readout channel. """ def __init__(self, parent, tk_object, snapshot_cache=None, zi_node=None): ZINode.__init__( self, parent, "multistate", snapshot_cache=snapshot_cache, zi_node=zi_node ) self._tk_object = tk_object if self._tk_object.qudits: channel_list = ZIChannelList( self, "qudits", Qudit, zi_node=self._tk_object.qudits.node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ) for i, x in enumerate(self._tk_object.qudits): channel_list.append( Qudit( self, x, i, zi_node=self._tk_object.qudits[i].node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ) ) # channel_list.lock() self.add_submodule("qudits", channel_list)
[docs] def get_qudits_results(self) -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]: """Downloads the qudit results from the device and group them by qudit. This function accesses the multistate nodes to determine which integrators were used for which qudit to able to group the results by qudit. Returns: A dictionary with the qudit index keys and result vector values. """ return self._tk_object.get_qudits_results()
[docs] class Readout(ZINode): """Readout node. Implements basic functionality of the readout, e.g allowing the user to write the integration weight. Args: root: Root of the nodetree tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node serial: Serial of the device. index: Index of the corresponding awg channel max_qubits_per_channel: Max qubits per channel """ def __init__(self, parent, tk_object, snapshot_cache=None, zi_node=None): ZINode.__init__( self, parent, "readout", snapshot_cache=snapshot_cache, zi_node=zi_node ) self._tk_object = tk_object if self._tk_object.multistate: self.add_submodule( "multistate", MultiState( self, self._tk_object.multistate, zi_node=self._tk_object.multistate.node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ), )
[docs] def configure_result_logger( self, *, result_source: str, result_length: int, num_averages: int = 1, averaging_mode: AveragingMode = AveragingMode.CYCLIC, ) -> None: """Configures the result logger for readout mode. Args: result_source: String-based tag to select the result source in readout mode, e.g. "result_of_integration" or "result_of_discrimination". result_length: Number of results to be returned by the result logger num_averages: Number of averages, will be rounded to 2^n averaging_mode: Select the averaging order of the result, with 0 = cyclic and 1 = sequential. """ return self._tk_object.configure_result_logger( result_source=result_source, result_length=result_length, num_averages=num_averages, averaging_mode=averaging_mode, )
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Reset and enable the result logger.""" return
[docs] def stop(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.05) -> None: """Stop the result logger. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Readout (default: 10). sleep_time: Sleep interval in seconds. (default = 0.05) Raises: TimeoutError: The result logger could not been stopped within the given time. """ return self._tk_object.stop(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
[docs] def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.05) -> None: """Wait until the readout is finished. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Readout (default: 10). sleep_time: Sleep interval in seconds. (default = 0.05) Raises: TimeoutError: if the readout recording is not completed within the given time. """ return self._tk_object.wait_done(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
[docs] def read(self, *, timeout: float = 10) -> np.array: """Waits until the logger finished recording and returns the measured data. Args: timeout: Maximum time to wait for data in seconds (default = 10s) Returns: Result logger data. """ return
[docs] def write_integration_weights( self, weights: Union[Waveforms, dict], *, integration_delay: float = 0.0, clear_existing: bool = True, ) -> None: """Configures the weighted integration. Args: weights: Dictionary containing the complex weight vectors, where keys correspond to the indices of the integration units to be configured. integration_delay: Delay in seconds before starting the readout. (default = 0.0) clear_existing: Flag whether to clear the waveform memory before the present upload. (default = True) """ return self._tk_object.write_integration_weights( weights=weights, integration_delay=integration_delay, clear_existing=clear_existing, )
[docs] def read_integration_weights(self, slots: List[int] = None) -> Waveforms: """Read integration weights from the waveform memory. Args: slots: List of weight slots to read from the device. If not specified all available weights will be downloaded. Returns: Mutable mapping of the downloaded weights. """ return self._tk_object.read_integration_weights(slots=slots)
[docs] class Spectroscopy(ZINode): """Spectroscopy node. Implements basic functionality of the spectroscopy, e.g allowing the user to read the result logger data. Args: root: Root of the nodetree tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node serial: Serial of the device. index: Index of the corresponding awg channel """ def __init__(self, parent, tk_object, snapshot_cache=None, zi_node=None): ZINode.__init__( self, parent, "spectroscopy", snapshot_cache=snapshot_cache, zi_node=zi_node ) self._tk_object = tk_object
[docs] def configure_result_logger( self, *, result_length: int, num_averages: int = 1, averaging_mode: AveragingMode = AveragingMode.CYCLIC, ) -> None: """Configures the result logger for spectroscopy mode. Args: result_length: Number of results to be returned by the result logger num_averages: Number of averages, will be rounded to 2^n. averaging_mode: Averaging order of the result. """ return self._tk_object.configure_result_logger( result_length=result_length, num_averages=num_averages, averaging_mode=averaging_mode, )
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Resets and enables the spectroscopy result logger.""" return
[docs] def stop(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.05) -> None: """Stop the result logger. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Spectroscopy (default: 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting Spectroscopy state Raises: TimeoutError: If the result logger could not been stopped within the given time. """ return self._tk_object.stop(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
[docs] def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.05) -> None: """Wait until spectroscopy is finished. Args: timeout (float): The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Spectroscopy (default: 10). sleep_time (float): Time in seconds to wait between requesting Spectroscopy state Raises: TimeoutError: if the spectroscopy recording is not completed within the given time. """ return self._tk_object.wait_done(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
[docs] def read(self, *, timeout: float = 10) -> np.array: """Waits until the logger finished recording and returns the measured data. Args: timeout: Maximum time to wait for data in seconds (default = 10s) Returns: An array containing the result logger data. """ return
[docs] class QAChannel(ZINode): """Quantum Analyzer Channel for the SHFQA. :class:`QAChannel` implements basic functionality to configure QAChannel settings of the :class:`SHFQA` instrument. Besides the :class:`Generator`, :class:`Readout` and :class:`Sweeper` modules it also provides an easy access to commonly used `QAChannel` parameters. Args: device: SHFQA device object. session: Underlying session. tree: Node tree (node path as tuple) of the corresponding node. """ def __init__(self, parent, tk_object, index, snapshot_cache=None, zi_node=None): ZINode.__init__( self, parent, f"qachannel_{index}", snapshot_cache=snapshot_cache, zi_node=zi_node, ) self._tk_object = tk_object if self._tk_object.generator: self.add_submodule( "generator", Generator( self, self._tk_object.generator, zi_node=self._tk_object.generator.node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ), ) if self._tk_object.readout: self.add_submodule( "readout", Readout( self, self._tk_object.readout, zi_node=self._tk_object.readout.node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ), ) if self._tk_object.spectroscopy: self.add_submodule( "spectroscopy", Spectroscopy( self, self._tk_object.spectroscopy, zi_node=self._tk_object.spectroscopy.node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ), )
[docs] def configure_channel( self, *, input_range: int, output_range: int, center_frequency: float, mode: SHFQAChannelMode, ) -> None: """Configures the RF input and output of a specified channel. Args: input_range: Maximal range of the signal input power in dBm output_range: Maximal range of the signal output power in dBm center_frequency: Center frequency of the analysis band [Hz] mode: Select between spectroscopy and readout mode. """ return self._tk_object.configure_channel( input_range=input_range, output_range=output_range, center_frequency=center_frequency, mode=mode, )
[docs] class SHFScope(ZINode): """SHFQA Scope Node. Implements basic functionality of the scope node, e.g allowing the user to read the data. Args: root: Root of the nodetree tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node daq_server: Instance of the ziDAQServer serial: Serial of the device. """ def __init__(self, parent, tk_object, index, snapshot_cache=None, zi_node=None): ZINode.__init__( self, parent, f"shfscope_{index}", snapshot_cache=snapshot_cache, zi_node=zi_node, ) self._tk_object = tk_object
[docs] def run( self, *, single: bool = True, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005 ) -> None: """Run the scope recording. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Scope (default = 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the progress and records values (default = 0.005). Raises: TimeoutError: The scope did not start within the specified timeout. """ return single=single, timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time )
[docs] def stop(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005) -> None: """Stop the scope recording. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the scope (default = 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the progress and records values (default = 0.005). Raises: TimeoutError: The scope did not stop within the specified timeout. """ return self._tk_object.stop(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
[docs] def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005) -> None: """Wait until the scope recording is finished. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Scope (default = 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the progress and records values (default = 0.005). Raises: TimeoutError: The scope did not finish within the specified timeout. """ return self._tk_object.wait_done(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
[docs] def configure( self, *, input_select: Dict[int, str], num_samples: int, trigger_input: str, num_segments: int = 1, num_averages: int = 1, trigger_delay: float = 0, ) -> None: """Configures the scope for a measurement. Args: input_select: Map of a specific scope channel an their signal source, e.g. "channel0_signal_input". (For a list of available values use `available_inputs`) num_samples: Number samples to recorded in a scope shot. trigger_input: Specifies the trigger source of the scope acquisition - if set to None, the self-triggering mode of the scope becomes active, which is useful e.g. for the GUI. For a list of available trigger values use `available_trigger_inputs`. num_segments: Number of distinct scope shots to be returned after ending the acquisition. num_averages: Specifies how many times each segment should be averaged on hardware; to finish a scope acquisition, the number of issued triggers must be equal to num_segments * num_averages. trigger_delay: delay in samples specifying the time between the start of data acquisition and reception of a trigger. """ return self._tk_object.configure( input_select=input_select, num_samples=num_samples, trigger_input=trigger_input, num_segments=num_segments, num_averages=num_averages, trigger_delay=trigger_delay, )
[docs] def read(self, *, timeout: float = 10) -> tuple: """Read out the recorded data from the scope. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Scope (default: 10). Returns: (recorded_data, recorded_data_range, scope_time) Raises: TimeoutError: if the scope recording is not completed before timeout. """ return
@property def available_trigger_inputs(self) -> List: """List of the available trigger sources for the scope.""" return self._tk_object.available_trigger_inputs @property def available_inputs(self) -> List: """List of the available signal sources for the scope channels.""" return self._tk_object.available_inputs
[docs] class SHFQA(ZIBaseInstrument): """QCoDeS driver for the Zurich Instruments SHFQA.""" def _init_additional_nodes(self): """Init class specific modules and parameters.""" if self._tk_object.qachannels: channel_list = ZIChannelList( self, "qachannels", QAChannel, zi_node=self._tk_object.qachannels.node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ) for i, x in enumerate(self._tk_object.qachannels): channel_list.append( QAChannel( self, x, i, zi_node=self._tk_object.qachannels[i].node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ) ) # channel_list.lock() self.add_submodule("qachannels", channel_list) if self._tk_object.scopes: channel_list = ZIChannelList( self, "scopes", SHFScope, zi_node=self._tk_object.scopes.node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ) for i, x in enumerate(self._tk_object.scopes): channel_list.append( SHFScope( self, x, i, zi_node=self._tk_object.scopes[i].node_info.path, snapshot_cache=self._snapshot_cache, ) ) # channel_list.lock() self.add_submodule("scopes", channel_list)
[docs] def factory_reset(self, *, deep: bool = True) -> None: """Load the factory default settings. Args: deep: A flag that specifies if a synchronization should be performed between the device and the data server after loading the factory preset (default: True). """ return self._tk_object.factory_reset(deep=deep)
[docs] def start_continuous_sw_trigger( self, *, num_triggers: int, wait_time: float ) -> None: """Issues a specified number of software triggers. Issues a specified number of software triggers with a certain wait time in between. The function guarantees reception and proper processing of all triggers by the device, but the time between triggers is non-deterministic by nature of software triggering. Only use this function for prototyping and/or cases without strong timing requirements. Args: num_triggers: Number of triggers to be issued wait_time: Time between triggers in seconds """ return self._tk_object.start_continuous_sw_trigger( num_triggers=num_triggers, wait_time=wait_time )
@property def max_qubits_per_channel(self) -> int: """Maximum number of supported qubits per channel.""" return self._tk_object.max_qubits_per_channel