Source code for zhinst.qcodes.driver.devices.pqsc
"""Autogenerated module for the PQSC QCoDeS driver."""
from typing import List, Union
from zhinst.qcodes.driver.devices.base import ZIBaseInstrument
class PQSC(ZIBaseInstrument):
"""QCoDeS driver for the Zurich Instruments PQSC."""
def _init_additional_nodes(self):
"""Init class specific modules and parameters."""
def arm(self, *, deep=True, repetitions: int = None, holdoff: float = None) -> None:
"""Prepare PQSC for triggering the instruments.
This method configures the execution engine of the PQSC and
clears the register bank. Optionally, the *number of triggers*
and *hold-off time* can be set when specified as keyword
arguments. If they are not specified, they are not changed.
Note that the PQSC is disabled at the end of the hold-off time
after sending out the last trigger. Therefore, the hold-off time
should be long enough such that the PQSC is still enabled when
the feedback arrives. Otherwise, the feedback cannot be processed.
deep: A flag that specifies if a synchronization
should be performed between the device and the data
server after stopping the PQSC and clearing the
register bank (default: True).
repetitions: If specified, the number of triggers sent
over ZSync ports will be set (default: None).
holdoff: If specified, the time between repeated
triggers sent over ZSync ports will be set. It has a
minimum value and a granularity of 100 ns
(default: None).
return self._tk_object.arm(deep=deep, repetitions=repetitions, holdoff=holdoff)
def run(self, *, deep: bool = True) -> None:
"""Start sending out triggers.
This method activates the trigger generation to trigger all
connected instruments over ZSync ports.
deep: A flag that specifies if a synchronization
should be performed between the device and the data
server after enabling the PQSC (default: True).
def arm_and_run(self, *, repetitions: int = None, holdoff: float = None) -> None:
"""Arm the PQSC and start sending out triggers.
Simply combines the methods arm and run. A synchronization
is performed between the device and the data server after
arming and running the PQSC.
repetitions: If specified, the number of triggers sent
over ZSync ports will be set (default: None).
holdoff: If specified, the time between repeated
triggers sent over ZSync ports will be set. It has a
minimum value and a granularity of 100 ns
(default: None).
return self._tk_object.arm_and_run(repetitions=repetitions, holdoff=holdoff)
def stop(self, *, deep: bool = True) -> None:
"""Stop the trigger generation.
deep: A flag that specifies if a synchronization
should be performed between the device and the data
server after disabling the PQSC (default: True).
return self._tk_object.stop(deep=deep)
def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005) -> None:
"""Wait until trigger generation and feedback processing is done.
timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the
PQSC (default: 10).
sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between
requesting PQSC state
TimeoutError: If the PQSC is not done sending out all
triggers and processing feedback before the timeout.
return self._tk_object.wait_done(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
def check_ref_clock(self, *, timeout: int = 30, sleep_time: int = 1) -> bool:
"""Check if reference clock is locked successfully.
timeout: Maximum time in seconds the program waits
(default: 30).
sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between
requesting the reference clock status (default: 1)
TimeoutError: If the process of locking to the reference clock
exceeds the specified timeout.
return self._tk_object.check_ref_clock(timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time)
def check_zsync_connection(
ports: Union[List[int], int] = 0,
timeout: int = 30,
sleep_time: int = 1,
) -> Union[List[bool], bool]:
"""Check if the ZSync connection on the given port(s) is established.
This function checks the current status of the instrument connected to
the given ports.
ports: The port numbers to check the ZSync connection for.
It can either be a single port number given as integer or a list
of several port numbers. (default: 0)
timeout: Maximum time in seconds the program waits (default: 30).
sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the reference
clock status (default: 1)
TimeoutError: If the process of establishing a ZSync connection on
one of the specified ports exceeds the specified timeout.
return self._tk_object.check_zsync_connection(
ports=ports, timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time
def find_zsync_worker_port(self, device: ZIBaseInstrument) -> int:
"""Find the ID of the PQSC ZSync port connected to a given device.
pqsc: PQSC device over whose ports the research shall be done.
device: device for which the connected ZSync port shall be found.
Integer value represent the ID of the searched PQSC Zsync port.
ToolkitError: If the given device doesn't appear to be connected
to the PQSC via ZSync.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.1
return self._tk_object.find_zsync_worker_port(device=device._tk_object)