Source code for zhinst.toolkit.sequence

"""Custom sequence code class."""
from zhinst.toolkit.waveform import Waveforms
from zhinst.toolkit.command_table import CommandTable
import re
import typing as t

[docs]class Sequence: r"""A representation of a ZI sequencer code. This class enables a compact representation of a sequence for a Zurich Instruments device. Although a sequencer code can be represented by a simple string this class offers the following advantages: * Define a constants dictionary. The constants will be added automatically to the top of the resulting sequencer code and helps to prevent the use of fstrings (which require the escaping of {}) * Link Waveforms to the sequence. This adds the waveform placeholder definitions to the top of the resulting sequencer code. Note: This class is only for convenience. The same functionality can be achieved with a simple string. Args: code: Sequencer code (default = None). constants: A dictionary of constants to be added to the top of the resulting sequencer code. (default = None). waveforms: Waveforms that will be used in the sequence. Example: >>> waveforms = Waveforms() >>> waveforms[0] = (0.5*np.ones(1008), -0.2*np.ones(1008), np.ones(1008)) >>> sequencer = Sequence() >>> sequencer.constants["PULSE_WIDTH"] = 10e-9 #ns >>> sequencer.waveforms = waveforms >>> sequencer.code = \"\"\"\ // Hello World repeat(5) ... \"\"\" >>> str(sequencer) // Constants const PULSE_WIDTH = 10e-9; // Waveforms declaration assignWaveIndex(placeholder(1008, true, false), placeholder(1008, \ false, false), 0); assignWaveIndex(placeholder(1008, false, false), placeholder(1008, \ false, false), 2); // Hello World repeat(5) ... """ def __init__( self, code: str = None, *, constants: t.Dict[str, float] = None, waveforms: Waveforms = None, command_table: CommandTable = None, ): self._partial_seq = code if code else "" self._constants = constants if constants else {} self._waveforms = waveforms self._command_table = command_table def __str__(self) -> str: return self.to_string()
[docs] def to_string(self, *, waveform_snippet: bool = True) -> str: """Convert the object into a string. Args: waveform_snippet: Flag if the waveform declaration should be added to the top of the resulting sequence. (default = True). Returns: String representation of the sequence. """ sequence = self._partial_seq if waveform_snippet and self._waveforms: sequence = ( "// Waveforms declaration\n" + self._waveforms.get_sequence_snippet() + "\n" + sequence ) new_constants = {} for key, value in self._constants.items(): constant_regex = re.compile(rf"(const {key} *= *)(.*);") if sequence = constant_regex.sub(rf"\g<1>{value};", sequence) else: new_constants[key] = value if len(new_constants) > 0: sequence = ( "// Constants\n" + "\n".join( [f"const {key} = {value};" for key, value in new_constants.items()] ) + "\n" + sequence ) return sequence
@property def code(self) -> str: """Code of the Sequence.""" return self._partial_seq @code.setter def code(self, value: str) -> None: """Code of the Sequence.""" self._partial_seq = value @property def constants(self) -> t.Dict[str, float]: """Constants of the Sequence.""" return self._constants @constants.setter def constants(self, value: t.Dict[str, float]) -> None: """Constants of the Sequence.""" self._constants = value @property def waveforms(self) -> Waveforms: """Waveforms of the Sequence.""" return self._waveforms @waveforms.setter def waveforms(self, value: Waveforms) -> None: """Waveforms of the Sequence.""" self._waveforms = value @property def command_table(self) -> CommandTable: """Command table of the Sequence.""" return self._command_table @command_table.setter def command_table(self, value: CommandTable) -> None: """Command table of the Sequence.""" self._command_table = value