Source code for zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.nodetree

"""High-level generic lazy node tree for the zhinst.core package."""
import fnmatch
import json
import typing as t
from keyword import iskeyword as is_keyword

# Protocol is available in the typing module since 3.8
# Ift we only support 3.8 we should switch to t.Protocol
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from contextlib import contextmanager

from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.helper import NodeDoc, _NodeInfo
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.node import Node, NodeInfo
from zhinst.toolkit.exceptions import ToolkitError

[docs]class Connection(Protocol): """Protocol class for the connection used in the nodetree. Every connection object used in the Nodetree is expected to have at least this interface in order to work with the Nodetree. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def listNodesJSON(self, path: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """Returns a list of nodes with description found at the specified path."""
[docs] def get(self, path: str, *args, **kwargs) -> object: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``get`` command."""
[docs] def getInt(self, path: str) -> int: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``getInt`` command."""
[docs] def getDouble(self, path: str) -> float: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``getDouble`` command."""
[docs] def getString(self, path: str) -> str: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``getDouble`` command."""
@t.overload def set(self, path: str, value: t.Any) -> None: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``set`` command.""" @t.overload def set(self, path: t.Union[t.List[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]]) -> None: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``set`` command."""
[docs] def set(self, path, value=None) -> None: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``set`` command."""
[docs] def subscribe(self, path: str) -> None: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``subscribe`` command."""
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, path: str) -> None: """Mirrors the behavior of zhinst.core ``unsubscribe`` command."""
[docs]class Transaction: """Transaction Manager. Buffers commands (node, value pairs) Args: nodetree: Underlying Nodetree """ def __init__(self, nodetree: "NodeTree"): self._queue: t.Optional[t.List[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]] = None self._root = nodetree self._add_callback: t.Optional[t.Callable[[str, t.Any], None]] = None
[docs] def start( self, add_callback: t.Optional[t.Callable[[str, t.Any], None]] = None ) -> None: """Start the transaction. Args: add_callback: Callback to be called when ever a node value pare has been added to the queue. Only valid for the started transaction. Raises: ToolkitError: A transaction is already in progress. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 add_callback added. """ if self.in_progress(): raise ToolkitError( "A transaction is already in progress. Only one transaction is " "possible at a time." ) self._queue = [] self._add_callback = add_callback
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the transaction.""" self._queue = None self._add_callback = None
[docs] def add(self, node: t.Union[Node, str], value: t.Any) -> None: """Adds a single node set command to the set transaction. Args: node: Node object or string representing the node. value: Value that should be set to the node. Raises: AttributeError: If no transaction is in progress. ValueError: If the node is passed as a string in form of a relative path and no prefix can be added. """ try: self._queue.append( # type: ignore[union-attr] (self._root.to_raw_path(node), value) ) if self._add_callback: self._add_callback(*self._queue[-1]) # type: ignore[index] except AttributeError as exception: raise AttributeError("No set transaction is in progress.") from exception
[docs] def add_raw_list(self, node_value_pairs: t.List[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]) -> None: """Adds multiple set commands at a time. Args: node_value_pairs: List of settings in the form of (node_string, value) the node_strings are assumed to be valid and of the form /dev1234/.../attr1 Raises: TookitError: if this function is called outside a transaction. It is exclusively designed to be used within transactions. Note: settings can only take strings which to describe a node, but no node objects """ try: self._queue += node_value_pairs # type: ignore[operator] # caught except TypeError as exception: raise ToolkitError("No set transaction is in progress.") from exception
[docs] def in_progress(self) -> bool: """Flag if the transaction is in progress.""" return self._queue is not None
[docs] def result(self) -> t.Optional[t.List[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]]: """Resulting transaction list. Result: List of all added node value pairs. """ return self._queue
[docs]class NodeTree: """High-level generic lazy node tree. All interactions with an Zurich Instruments device or a LabOne module happens through manipulating nodes. The ``NodeTree`` provides a pythonic way for that. It reads all available nodes its additional information from the provided connection and makes them available in nested dictionary like interface. The interface also supports accessing the nodes by attribute. >>> nodetree = NodeTree(connection) >>> nodetree.example.nodes[8].test /example/nodes/8/test To speed up the initialization time the node tree is initialized lazy. Meaning the dictionary is kept as a flat dictionary and is not converted into a nested one. In addition the nested node objects returned by the ``NodeTree`` also are just simple placeholders. Only when performing operations on a node its validity is checked an the calls get translated to the correct node string. (For more information on how to manipulate nodes refer to :class:`zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.node.Node`). Examples: >>> nodetree = NodeTree(daq) >>> nodetree.dev123.demods[0].freq /dev123/demods/0/freq >>> nodetree = NodeTree(daq, prefix_hide = "dev123", list_nodes = ["/dev123/*"]) >>> nodetree.demods[0].freq /dev123/demods/0/freq Args: connection: Underlying connection for the node tree. All operations are converted into calls to that connection. prefix_hide: Prefix, e.g. device id, that should be hidden in the nodetree. (Hidden means that users do not need to specify it and it will be added automatically to the nodes if necessary) (default = None) list_nodes: List of nodes that should be downloaded from the connection. By default all available nodes are downloaded. (default = None) preloaded_json: Optional preloaded node information. (e.g for the HF2 that does not support the `listNodesJson` function) """ def __init__( self, connection: Connection, prefix_hide: t.Optional[str] = None, list_nodes: t.Optional[list] = None, preloaded_json: t.Optional[NodeDoc] = None, ): self._prefix_hide = prefix_hide.lower() if prefix_hide else None self._connection = connection if not list_nodes: list_nodes = ["*"] self._flat_dict: NodeDoc = {} if preloaded_json: self._flat_dict = preloaded_json else: for element in list_nodes: nodes_json = self.connection.listNodesJSON(element) self._flat_dict = {**self._flat_dict, **json.loads(nodes_json)} self._flat_dict = {key.lower(): value for key, value in self._flat_dict.items()} self._transaction = Transaction(self) # First Layer must be generate during initialization to calculate the # prefixes to keep self._first_layer: t.List[str] = [] self._prefixes_keep: t.List[str] = [] self._node_infos: t.Dict[Node, NodeInfo] = {} self._generate_first_layer() def __getattr__(self, name): if not name.startswith("_"): return Node(self, (name.lower(),)) return None def __getitem__(self, name): name = name.lower() if "/" in name: name_list = name.split("/") if name_list[0]: return Node(self, (*name_list,)) return Node(self, (*name_list[1:],)) return Node(self, (name,)) def __contains__(self, k): return k.lower() in self._first_layer def __dir__(self): return self._first_layer def __iter__(self) -> t.Iterator[t.Tuple[Node, _NodeInfo]]: for node_raw, info in self._flat_dict.items(): yield self.raw_path_to_node(node_raw), info def _generate_first_layer(self) -> None: """Generates the internal ``_first_layer`` list. The list represents the available first layer of nested nodes. Also create the self._prefixes_keep variable. Which is the inverse of the self._prefix_hide attribute. Raises: SyntaxError: If any node does not start with a leading slash. """ for raw_node in self._flat_dict: if not raw_node.startswith("/"): raise SyntaxError(f"{raw_node}: Leading slash not found") node_split = raw_node.split("/") # Since we always have a leading slash we ignore the first element # which is empty. if node_split[1] == self._prefix_hide: if node_split[2] not in self._first_layer: self._first_layer.append(node_split[2]) else: if node_split[1] not in self._prefixes_keep: self._prefixes_keep.append(node_split[1]) self._first_layer.extend(self._prefixes_keep)
[docs] def get_node_info(self, node: Node): """Get the node information for a node. The nodetree caches the node information for each node. This enables lazy created nodes to access its information fast without additional cost. Please note that this function returns a valid object for all node objects. Even if the node does not exist on the device. The cache (dict) lifetime is bound to the nodetree object and each session/nodetree instance must have its own cache. Args: node: Node object Returns: Node information .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 """ try: return self._node_infos[node] except KeyError: self._node_infos[node] = NodeInfo(node) return self._node_infos[node]
[docs] def get_node_info_raw( self, node: t.Union[Node, str] ) -> t.Dict[Node, t.Optional[t.Dict]]: """Get the information/data for a node. Unix shell-style wildcards are supported. Args: node: Node object or string representation. Returns: Node(s) information. Raises: KeyError if the node does not match an existing node. ValueError: If the node is passed as a string in form of a relative path and no prefix can be added. """ key = self.to_raw_path(node) # resolve potential wildcards keys = fnmatch.filter(self._flat_dict.keys(), key) result = {} for single_key in keys: result[self.raw_path_to_node(single_key)] = self._flat_dict.get(single_key) if not result: raise KeyError(key) return result
[docs] def update_node( self, node: t.Union[Node, str], updates: t.Dict[str, t.Any], *, add: bool = False, ) -> None: """Update a node in the NodeTree. Nodes containing wildcards will be resolved but it is not possible to add new nodes with a ``node`` argument containing wildcards. Args: node: Node object or string representation. updates: Data that will be updated (overwrites the existing values). add: Flag a non-existing node should be added (default = False). Raises: KeyError: If node does not exist and the ``add`` Flag is not set ValueError: If the node is passed as a string in form of a relative path and no prefix can be added. """ potential_key = self.to_raw_path(node).lower() # resolve potential wildcards keys = fnmatch.filter(self._flat_dict.keys(), potential_key) if not keys: if not add: raise KeyError(potential_key) if any(wildcard in potential_key for wildcard in ["*", "?", "["]): # Can be implemented in the future if necessary raise RuntimeError( f"{potential_key}: Unable to resolve wildcards when adding " "new nodes." ) self._flat_dict[potential_key] = updates first_node = potential_key.split("/")[1] if not self._prefix_hide == first_node: self._prefixes_keep.append(first_node) self._first_layer.append(first_node) else: for single_key in keys: self._flat_dict[single_key].update(updates) self._node_infos = {}
[docs] def update_nodes( self, update_dict: t.Dict[t.Union[Node, str], t.Dict[str, t.Any]], *, add: bool = False, raise_for_invalid_node: bool = True, ) -> None: """Update multiple nodes in the NodeTree. Similar to :func:`update_node` but for multiple elements that are represented as a dict. Args: update_dict: Dictionary with node as keys and entries that will be updated as values. add: Flag a non-existing node should be added (default = False). raise_for_invalid_node: If set to `True`, when `add` is False and the node(s) are invalid/nonexistent, an error is raised. Otherwise will issue a warning and continue adding the valid nodes. .. versionadded:: 0.3.4 Raises: KeyError: If node does not exist and the ``add`` flag is not set """ for node, updates in update_dict.items(): try: self.update_node(node, updates, add=add) except KeyError: if raise_for_invalid_node: raise
[docs] def raw_path_to_node(self, raw_path: str) -> Node: """Converts a raw node path string into a Node object. The function does not check if the node exists, but if the node exist the returned node does correspond also to that node. Args: raw_path: Raw node path (e.g. /dev1234/relative/path/to/node). Returns: The corresponding node object linked to this nodetree. """ node_split = raw_path.split("/") # buildin keywords are escaped with a tailing underscore # ( node_split = [ element + "_" if is_keyword(element) else element for element in node_split ] # Since we always have a leading slash we ignore the first element # which is empty. if node_split[1] == self._prefix_hide: return Node(self, (*node_split[2:],)) return Node(self, (*node_split[1:],))
[docs] def to_raw_path(self, node: t.Union[Node, str]) -> str: """Converts a node into a raw node path string. The function does not check if the node exists, but if the node exist the returned raw node path exists in the underlying dictionary. Args: node: Node object or string representing the node. Returns: Raw node path that can be used a key in the internal dictionary. Raises: ValueError: If the node is passed as a string in form of a relative path and no prefix can be added. """ return ( self.node_to_raw_path(node) if isinstance(node, Node) else self.string_to_raw_path(node) )
[docs] def node_to_raw_path(self, node: Node) -> str: """Converts a node into a raw node path string. The function does not check if the node exists, but if the node exist the returned raw node path exists in the underlying dictionary. Args: node: Node object. Returns: Raw node path that can be used a key in the internal dictionary. """ if not node.raw_tree: return "/" + self._prefix_hide if self._prefix_hide else "/" # buildin keywords are escaped with a tailing underscore # ( node_list = [element.rstrip("_") for element in node.raw_tree] if node_list[0] in self._prefixes_keep: string_list = "/".join(node_list) else: try: string_list = "/".join( [self._prefix_hide] + node_list # type: ignore[arg-type] ) except TypeError: string_list = "/".join(node_list) return "/" + string_list
[docs] def string_to_raw_path(self, node: str) -> str: """Converts a string representation of a node into a raw node path string. The function does not check if the node exists, but if the node exist the returned raw node path exists in the underlying dictionary. If the string does not represent a absolute path (leading slash) the :obj:`prefix_hide` will be added to the node string. Args: node: A string representation of the node. Returns: Raw node path that can be used a key in the internal dictionary. Raises: ValueError: If the node is a relative path and no prefix can be added. """ if not node.startswith("/"): try: return "/" + self._prefix_hide + "/" + node.lower() # type: ignore except TypeError as error: raise ValueError( f"{node} is a relative path but should be a " "absolute path (leading slash)" ) from error return node.lower()
[docs] @contextmanager def set_transaction(self) -> t.Generator[None, None, None]: """Context manager for a transactional set. Can be used as a context in a with statement and bundles all node set commands into a single transaction. This reduces the network overhead and often increases the speed. Within the with block all set commands to a node will be buffered and grouped into a single command at the end of the context automatically. (All other operations, e.g. getting the value of a node, will not be affected) Warning: The set is always performed as deep set if called on device nodes. Examples: >>> with nodetree.set_transaction(): nodetree.test[0].a(1) nodetree.test[1].a(2) """ self._transaction.start() try: yield self.connection.set(self._transaction.result()) # type: ignore[arg-type] finally: self._transaction.stop()
@property def transaction(self) -> Transaction: """Transaction manager.""" return self._transaction @property def connection(self) -> Connection: """Underlying connection.""" return self._connection @property def prefix_hide(self) -> t.Optional[str]: """Prefix (e.g device id), that is hidden in the nodetree. Hidden means that users do not need to specify it and it will be added automatically to the nodes if necessary. """ return self._prefix_hide @property def raw_dict(self) -> dict: """Underlying flat dictionary with all node information.""" return self._flat_dict