Source code for zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.node

"""Single lazy node of a :class:`zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.Nodetree`."""

import fnmatch
import json
import numbers
import re
import time
import typing as t
from collections import namedtuple
from import Sequence
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np

from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.helper import (

if t.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree import NodeTree

[docs]class NodeEnumMeta: """Custom Metaclass for NodeEnum. Note: Required to enable pickling of a NodeEnum value. It simply servers the purpose to recreate a NodeEnum for a given enum value. Since the NodeEnums are created dynamically there is no way recreate a NodeEnum value since python can not find the definition. This class bypasses this problem by providing the functionality to recreate the Enum on the fly. Warning: Although the class of the resulting enum object looks and feels the same as the original one it is not. Therefore comparing the `type` will fail. This is however the only limitation. (type(value_old) != type(value_new) but value_old == value_new) Args: value: Value of the NodeEnum object that should be created. class_name: Name of the NodeEnum class. names: Mapping of the enum names to their corresponding integer value. module: Should be set to the module this class is being created in. """ def __new__( # noqa: D102 cls, value: int, class_name: str, names: t.Dict[str, int], module: str ): new_enum = NodeEnum(class_name, names, module=module) return new_enum(value)
[docs]class NodeEnum(IntEnum): """Custom dynamically picklable IntEnum class. The Enum values for a device are created dynamically in toolkit based on the node informations. Since they are not predefined but rather created dynamically, the are not picklable. This custom child class of IntEnum overwrites the reduce function that returns all information required to recreate the Enum class in `NodeEnumMeta`. For more information on the reduce functionality and how it is used within the pickle package see [pep307]( """ # Required for typing def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ... # Required for typing def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 # pragma: no cover ... def __reduce_ex__(self, _): return NodeEnumMeta, ( self._value_, self.__class__.__name__, {key: int(value) for key, value in self.__class__._member_map_.items()}, self.__class__.__module__, )
[docs]class NodeInfo: """Class that holds the additional information for a single node. LabOne provides for each leaf node a dictionary of so called node info (In addition toolkit or the user may also add some information for selected nodes). This class wraps around these information and exposes them to a user in a friendly way. During the initialization is fetches the relevant information from the root of the nodetree and stores them internally. Args: node: A node the information belong to. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Add support for signals in sample nodes. The daq module of LabOne supports subscribing to signals of samples nodes directly. They can be specified by appending them with a dot to the node path (e.g. /dev1234/demods/0/sample.x). The change now support these signals natively in the nodetree. """ def __init__(self, node: "Node"): self._info = {} self._is_wildcard = False self._is_partial = False if any(wildcard in "".join(node.raw_tree) for wildcard in ["*", "?", "["]): self._info = {"Node": node.root.node_to_raw_path(node)} self._is_wildcard = True else: try: self._info = next(iter(node.root.get_node_info_raw(node).values())) self._info["Node"] = self._info.get( "Node", node.root.node_to_raw_path(node) ).lower() except KeyError as error: self._info = {"Node": error.args[0]} if "sample" in node.raw_tree and "sample" != node.raw_tree[-1]: path, signal = self._info["Node"].split("/sample/") self._info["Node"] = path + "/sample." + ".".join(signal.split("/")) if self._check_partial(node): self._is_partial = True if self._check_dynamic(node): self._info.update( json.loads( node.root.connection.listNodesJSON(error.args[0]) ).get(error.args[0], {}) ) def __dir__(self): dir_info = [] for var, value in vars(self.__class__).items(): if isinstance(value, property) and not var.startswith("_"): dir_info.append(var) return dir_info def __repr__(self) -> str: node_type = "partial" if self.is_partial else "leaf" node_type = "wildcard" if self.contains_wildcards else node_type return f'NodeInfo("{self.path}",{node_type}-node)' def __str__(self) -> str: string = self.path if self.is_partial: return string + "\nPartial node" if self._is_wildcard: return string + "\nContains wildcards" if "Description" in self._info: string += "\n" + self._info["Description"] for key, value in self._info.items(): if key == "Options": string += f"\n{key}:" for option, description in value.items(): string += f"\n {option}: {description}" elif key not in ["Description", "Node", "SetParser", "GetParser"]: string += f"\n{key}: {value}" return string def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> t.Union[str, t.Dict[str, str]]: return self._info[item] def __contains__(self, k): return k in self._info def __hash__(self): return hash(self.path + "NodeInfo") def __eq__(self, other): return self._info == other._info T = t.TypeVar("T")
[docs] def set_parser(self, value: T) -> T: """Parse the set value.""" try: _parser = self._info["SetParser"] if isinstance(_parser, list): for parser in _parser: value = parser(value) return value return _parser(value) except KeyError: return value
[docs] def get_parser(self, value: T) -> T: """Parse the get value.""" try: _parser = self._info["GetParser"] if isinstance(_parser, list): for parser in _parser: value = parser(value) return value return _parser(value) except KeyError: return value
@staticmethod def _check_partial(node: "Node") -> bool: """Flag if the node is a partial node.""" for child_node, _ in node.root: if node.is_child_node(child_node) and node != child_node: return True return False @staticmethod def _check_dynamic(node: "Node") -> bool: try: return node.raw_tree[-2] == "waves" except IndexError: return False @property def is_partial(self) -> bool: """Flag if the node is a partial node (non-leaf node).""" return self._is_partial @property def contains_wildcards(self) -> bool: """Flag if the node contains wildcards.""" return self._is_wildcard @property def readable(self) -> t.Optional[bool]: """Flag if the node is readable. Returns None if the node does not provide the information (e.g. wildcard or partial nodes.) """ try: return "Read" in self._info["Properties"] except KeyError: return None @property def writable(self) -> t.Optional[bool]: """Flag if the node is writable. Returns None if the node does not provide the information (e.g. wildcard or partial nodes.) """ try: return "Write" in self._info["Properties"] except KeyError: return None @property def is_setting(self) -> t.Optional[bool]: """Flag if the node is setting node. Returns None if the node does not provide the information (e.g. wildcard or partial nodes.) """ try: return "Setting" in self._info["Properties"] except KeyError: return None @property def is_vector(self) -> t.Optional[bool]: """Flag if the value of the node a vector. Returns None if the node does not provide the information (e.g. wildcard or partial nodes.) """ try: return "Vector" in self._info["Type"] except KeyError: return None @property def path(self) -> str: """Path (LabOne representation) of the node.""" return self._info["Node"] @property def description(self) -> str: """Description of the node.""" return self._info["Description"] @property def type(self) -> str: """Type of the node.""" return self._info["Type"] @property def unit(self) -> str: """Unit of the node.""" return self._info["Unit"] _option_info = namedtuple("_option_info", ["enum", "description"]) @lazy_property def options(self) -> t.Dict[int, _option_info]: """Options of the node.""" option_map = {} for key, value in self._info.get("Options", {}).items(): # Find all the keywords. We use only the first one # since it should be unambiguous enum_re = re.findall(r'"([a-zA-Z0-9-_"]+)"', value) enum = enum_re[0] if enum_re else "" # The description is either what comes after # the colon and space, or the whole string. # This is the case for nameless options, when the # key is an integer (for example demods/x/order) desc = re.findall(r'(?:.+":\s)?(.+)$', value)[0] option_map[int(key)] = self._option_info(enum, desc) return option_map @lazy_property def enum(self) -> t.Optional[NodeEnum]: """Enum of the node options.""" options_reversed = {} for int_key, value in self._info.get("Options", {}).items(): # Find all the keywords associated to a integer key enum_re = re.finditer(r'"(?P<keyword>[a-zA-Z0-9-_"]+)"', value) for m in enum_re: keyword ="keyword") options_reversed[keyword] = int_key return ( NodeEnum(self.path, options_reversed, module=__name__) if options_reversed # Nameless options do not have a enum. else None )
[docs]class Node: """Lazy node of a ``Nodetree``. The node is implemented in a lazy way. Meaning unless operations are not performed on the node, no checks whether the node is valid or not are performed. The child nodes of each node can be accessed in the same way than on the Nodetree, either by attribute or by item. The core functionality of each node is the overloaded call operator. Making a call gets the value(s) for that node. Passing a value to the call operator will set that value to the node on the device. Calling a node that is not a leaf (wildcard or partial node) will return/set the value on every node that matches it (the return type will be a dictionary). Warning: Setting a value to a non-leaf node will try to set the value of all nodes that matches that node. It should therefor be used with great care to avoid unintentional changes. >>> nodetree.demods[0].freq() 1000 >>> nodetree.demods[0].freq(2000) >>> nodetree.demods[0].freq() 2000 >>> nodetree.demods["*"].freq(3000) >>> nodetree.demods["*"].freq() { '/dev1234/demods/0/freq': 3000 '/dev1234/demods/1/freq': 3000 '/dev1234/demods/2/freq': 3000 '/dev1234/demods/3/freq': 3000 } .. versionchanged:: 0.3.5 Call operator returns `WildcardResult` when wildcards are used in getting values. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Returns NodeDict instead of WildcardResult The call operator supports the following flags: * deep: Flag if the set operation should be blocking until the data has arrived at the device, respectively if the get operation should return the value from the device or the cached value on the data server (if there is any). If this flag is set the operation can take significantly longer. (default = False) For a deep get operation the timestamp from the device is returned in addition to the value (The timestamp can be None, e.g. deep gets on LabOne modules). >>> nodetree.demods[0].freq(deep=True) (343283971893, 2000) For a deep set the call operator will return the value acknowledged by the device. e.g. important for floating point values with a limited resolution. >>> nodetree.demods[0].freq(29999,99999, deep=True) 3000 Warning: The deep flag does not work for wildcard nodes or non leaf nodes since they represent multiple nodes that are set in a transactional set which does not report the acknowledged values. * enum: Flag if enumerated values should return the enum value as string. (default = True) * parse: Flag if the SetParser/GetParser from the Node, if present, should be applied or not (default = True). The parsers are hard coded lambda functions provided not directly by LabOne but need to be set manually (e.g. toolkit adds these for a selected set of nodes). The Lambda function gets called right before/after the API call to LabOne. Usually they are used to add additional limitations and improve error reporting but in theory they can be used for anything. To add a parser to a node use the ``NodeTree.update_node`` function. >>> nodetree.update_node( "/dev1234/demods/0/freq", { "GetParser": lambda v: print(f"got {v} from LabOne") return v, "SetParser": lambda v: print(f"set {v} to LabOne") return v, }, ) In addition to the call operator the following magic methods are implemented: * __contains__ >>> "freq" in nodetree.demods[0] True * __iter__ >>> for node, info in nodetree.demods["*"].freq * __eq__ >>> nodetree.demods[0].freq == nodetree.demods["*/freq"] * __len__ (only implemented for list like nodes) >>> len(nodetree.demods) 4 * __bool__ test if the node is a existing node >>> if nodetree.demods[0].freq: ... * __hash__ (e.g. necessary to be able to use nodes as key in dictionaries) Args: root: Root of the nodetree. tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node. """ def __init__(self, root: "NodeTree", tree: tuple): self._root = root self._tree = tree self._is_valid: t.Optional[bool] = None def __getattr__(self, name) -> "Node": return Node(self._root, self._tree + (name,)) def __getitem__(self, name) -> "Node": name = str(name).lower() if "/" in name: name_list = name.split("/") if name_list[0]: return Node(self._root, self._tree + (*name_list,)) return Node(self._root, self._tree + (*name_list[1:],)) return Node(self._root, self._tree + (name,)) def __contains__(self, k): return k in self._next_layer def __iter__(self): for child_node, info in self._root: if self.is_child_node(child_node): yield child_node, info def __repr__(self): return self.node_info.path def __dir__(self): dir_info = list(self._next_layer) for var, value in vars(self.__class__).items(): if ( isinstance(value, property) and not var.startswith("_") and var not in dir_info ): dir_info.append(var) return dir_info def __eq__(self, other): # buildin keywords are escaped with a tailing underscore # ( own_node_list = tuple(node.rstrip("_") for node in self._tree) other_node_list = tuple(node.rstrip("_") for node in other.raw_tree) return own_node_list == other_node_list and self._root is other._root def __hash__(self): own_node_list = tuple(node.rstrip("_") for node in self._tree) if not own_node_list: own_node_list = "Node" return hash((own_node_list, repr(self._root))) def __bool__(self): return self.is_valid() def __len__(self): if not self._is_list(): raise TypeError(f"Node {self.node_info.path} is not a list") return len(self._next_layer) def __call__( self, value: t.Any = None, *, deep=False, enum=True, parse=True, **kwargs ) -> t.Any: """Call operator that either gets (empty) or gets the value of a node. Args: value: Optional value that should be set to the node. If not specified the operator will return the value of the node instead. deep: Flag if the operation should block until the device has acknowledged the operation. The operation returns the value acknowledged by the device. This takes significantly longer than a normal operation and should be used carefully. enum: Flag if enumerated values should return the enum value as string or return the raw number. parse: Flag if the GetParser or SetParser, if present, should be applied or not. Returns: Value of the node for a get operation. If the deep flag is set the acknowledged value from the device is returned (applies also for the set operation). .. versionchanged:: 0.3.5 Returns `WildcardResult` when wildcards are used in getting values. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Returns NodeDict instead of WildcardResult .. versionchanged:: 0.6.1 Returns an enum on keywords nodes also for deep gets. Raises: AttributeError: If the connection does not support the necessary function to get/set the value. RuntimeError: If self.node_info.type if one of the following: [ZIPWAWave, ZITriggerSample, ZICntSample, ZIImpedanceSample, ZIScopeWave, ZIAuxInSample]. The reason is that these nodes can only be polled. TypeError: if the deep command is not available for this node (e.g. sample nodes) KeyError: If the node does not resolve to at least one valid leaf node. """ if value is None: return self._get(deep=deep, enum=enum, parse=parse, **kwargs) return self._set(value, deep=deep, enum=enum, parse=parse, **kwargs) @lazy_property def _next_layer(self) -> t.Set[str]: """A set of direct child nodes.""" next_layer = set() for node, _ in self: next_layer.add(node.raw_tree[len(self._tree)]) return next_layer def _is_list(self) -> bool: """Checks if the node is a list type.""" return len(self._next_layer) > 0 and next(iter(self._next_layer)).isdecimal() def _resolve_wildcards(self) -> t.List[str]: """Resolves potential wildcards. Also will resolve partial nodes to its leaf nodes. Returns: List of matched nodes in the raw path format """ return resolve_wildcards_labone( self._root.node_to_raw_path(self), self._root.raw_dict.keys() ) def _parse_get_value( self, value: t.Any, enum: bool = True, parse: bool = True ) -> t.Any: """Parse the raw value from the data server. Args: value: Raw value from the data server. enum: Flag if enumerated values should return the enum value as a string or as a raw number. parse: Flag if the GetParser, if present, should be applied or not. Returns: Parsed value """ if enum and isinstance(value, (int, np.integer)): try: value = self.node_info.enum(value) if self.node_info.enum else value except ValueError: # If the value is not in the enum LabOne does weird stuff but # we should not raise an exception ... pass if parse: value = self.node_info.get_parser(value) return value def _get( self, deep: bool = False, enum: bool = True, parse: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> t.Any: """Get the value from the node. The kwargs will be forwarded to the mapped zhinst.core function call. Args: deep: Flag if the get operation should return the cached value from the Data Server or get the value from the device, which is significantly slower. enum: Flag if enumerated values should return the enum value as string or return the raw number. parse: Flag if the GetParser, if present, should be applied or not. Return: value(s) from the device. If multiple values matches the the node a dictionary of the childnodes and their value is returned. If the ``deep`` flag is set the value is a pair (timestamp, value) instead. Raises: AttributeError: if the connection does not support the necessary function the get the value. RuntimeError: If self.node_info.type if one of the following: [ZIPWAWave, ZITriggerSample, ZICntSample, ZIImpedanceSample, ZIScopeWave, ZIAuxInSample]. The reason is that these nodes can only be polled. TypeError: if the deep command is not available for this node (e.g. sample nodes) or connection object. KeyError: If the node does not resolve to at least one valid leaf node. """ readable = self.node_info.readable if readable: timestamp = None if deep: timestamp, value = self._get_deep(**kwargs) else: value = self._get_cached(**kwargs) value = self._parse_get_value(value, enum=enum, parse=parse) return (timestamp, value) if deep else value if readable is None and ( self.node_info.contains_wildcards or self.node_info.is_partial ): return self._get_wildcard(deep=deep, enum=enum, parse=parse, **kwargs) if readable is False: raise AttributeError(f"{self.node_info.path} is not readable.") raise KeyError(self.node_info.path) @staticmethod def _parse_get_entry(raw_value: t.Dict[t.Union[str, int], t.Any]): """Parser for the get function of zhinst.core. The get function in zhinst.core support multiple values and returns the results as a OrderdDict. This functions parses the value entry of that dictionary into a (timestamp, value) pair. Args: raw_value: OrderdDict from the zhinst.core get command. Returns: (timestamp, value) pair. """ value = None timestamp = None try: value = raw_value["value"][0] timestamp = raw_value["timestamp"][0] except TypeError: # ZIVectorData have a different structure value = raw_value[0] if isinstance(value, dict): timestamp = value["timestamp"] value = value["vector"] except IndexError: # HF2 has not timestamp value = raw_value[0] except KeyError: # HF2 returns sample nodes as well but we don`t parse them value = raw_value return (timestamp, value) def _get_wildcard( self, deep=True, enum=True, parse=True, **kwargs ) -> t.Union[NodeDict, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]: """Execute a wildcard get. The get is performed as a deep get (for all devices except HF2) regardless of the ``deep`` flag. If the ``deep`` flag is not set the timestamp is removed to ensure concistency. The kwargs will be forwarded to the maped zhinst.core function call. Args: deep: Flag if the get operation should return the cached value from the Data Server or get the value from the device, which is significantly slower. The wildcard get is always performed as deep get but the timestamp is only returned if the ``deep``` flag is set. enum: Flag if enumerated values should return the enum value as string or return the raw number. parse: Flag if the GetParser, if present, should be applied or not. Returns: ``NodeDict`` if deep is `True`. Else a dictionary. Dictionary or a Mapping with the values of all subnodes. Raises: KeyError: If the node does not resolve to at least one valid leaf node. """ # modules don`t have settingsonly argument ... this will be caught in # a try catch block to avoid unnecessary comparisons kwargs.setdefault("settingsonly", False) kwargs.setdefault("flat", True) try: result_raw = self._root.connection.get(self.node_info.path, **kwargs) except TypeError: del kwargs["settingsonly"] result_raw = self._root.connection.get(self.node_info.path, **kwargs) if not result_raw: raise KeyError(self.node_info.path) if not kwargs["flat"]: return result_raw result = {} for sub_node_raw, node_value in result_raw.items(): sub_node = self._root.raw_path_to_node(sub_node_raw) timestamp, value = self._parse_get_entry(node_value) value = sub_node._parse_get_value(value, enum=enum, parse=parse) # although the operation is a deep get we hide the timestamp # to ensure consistency result[sub_node_raw] = (timestamp, value) if deep else value return NodeDict(result) def _get_deep(self, **kwargs) -> t.Tuple[int, t.Any]: """Get the node value from the device. The kwargs will be forwarded to the maped zhinst.core function call. Note: The HF2 does not support the timestamp option and will therfore return None for the timestamp. Returns: (timestamp, value) from the device. Raises: TypeError: if the deep command is not available for this node (e.g. sample nodes) """ kwargs.setdefault("settingsonly", False) # Flat must be set to True (if customers want the flat option they need # to call zhinst.core directly) kwargs["flat"] = True try: raw_dict = self._root.connection.get(self.node_info.path, **kwargs) except TypeError: # Modules do not support the additional flags raw_dict = self._root.connection.get(self.node_info.path, flat=True) if not raw_dict or len(raw_dict) == 0: raise TypeError( "keyword 'deep' is not available for this node. " "(e.g. node is a sample node)" ) raw_value = next(iter(raw_dict.values())) return self._parse_get_entry(raw_value) def _get_cached(self, **kwargs) -> t.Any: """Get the cached node value from the data server. The kwargs will be forwarded to the maped zhinst.core function call. Returns: Cached node value from the data server. Raises: AttributeError: if the connection does not support the necessary function the get the value. RuntimeError: If self.node_info.type if one of the following: [ZIPWAWave, ZITriggerSample, ZICntSample, ZIImpedanceSample, ZIScopeWave, ZIAuxInSample]. The reason is that these nodes can only be polled. """ if "Integer" in self.node_info.type: return self._root.connection.getInt(self.node_info.path) if self.node_info.type == "Double": return self._root.connection.getDouble(self.node_info.path) if self.node_info.type == "String": return self._root.connection.getString(self.node_info.path) if self.node_info.type == "ZIVectorData": _, value = self._get_deep(**kwargs) return value if self.node_info.type == "Complex Double": return self._root.connection.getComplex(self.node_info.path, **kwargs) if self.node_info.type == "ZIDemodSample": return self._root.connection.getSample(self.node_info.path, **kwargs) if self.node_info.type == "ZIDIOSample": return self._root.connection.getDIO(self.node_info.path, **kwargs) if self.node_info.type == "ZIAdvisorWave": raw_value = self._root.connection.get(self.node_info.path, flat=True) return next(iter(raw_value.values()))[-1] raise RuntimeError( f"{self.node_info.path} has type {self.node_info.type} and can " "only be polled." ) def _set( self, value: t.Any, deep=False, enum=True, parse=True, **kwargs ) -> t.Optional[t.Any]: """Set the value to the node. The kwargs will be forwarded to the maped zhinst.core function call. Args: value: value deep: Flag if the set operation should be blocking until the data has arrived at the device. (default=False) enum: Flag if enumerated values should accept the enum value as string. (default=True) parse: Flag if the SetParser, if present, should be applied or not. (default=True) Returns: Acknowledged value on the device if ``deep`` flag is set (does not work for wildcard or non leafs nodes since they are bundled in a transaction). Raises: AttributeError: If the connection does not support the necessary function the set the value. KeyError: if the wildcard does not resolve to a valid node RuntimeError: if deep set is not possible TypeError: Connection does not support deep set """ writable = self.node_info.writable if writable or self.node_info.contains_wildcards: if parse: value = self.node_info.set_parser(value) if self._root.transaction.in_progress(): self._root.transaction.add(self, value) elif deep: return self._parse_get_value( self._set_deep(value, **kwargs), enum=enum, parse=parse ) else: try: self._root.connection.set(self.node_info.path, value, **kwargs) except RuntimeError: # Some vector nodes do not support support set command. if self.node_info.type == "ZIVectorData": self._root.connection.setVector( self.node_info.path, value, **kwargs ) else: raise return None if self.node_info.is_partial: return self["*"](value, deep=deep, enum=enum, parse=parse, **kwargs) if writable is False: raise AttributeError(f"{self.node_info.path} is read-only.") raise KeyError(self.node_info.path) def _set_deep(self, value: t.Any, **kwargs) -> t.Any: """Set the node value from device. The kwargs will be forwarded to the mapped zhinst.core function call. Args: value: value Returns: Acknowledged value on the device. Only if a deeps set operation is available for the connection object. Raises: RuntimeError: if deep set is not possible TypeError: Connection does not support deep set """ try: if isinstance(value, numbers.Integral): return self._root.connection.syncSetInt( self.node_info.path, value, **kwargs ) if isinstance(value, numbers.Real): return self._root.connection.syncSetDouble( self.node_info.path, value, **kwargs ) if isinstance(value, str): return self._root.connection.syncSetString( self.node_info.path, value, **kwargs ) except TypeError as error: raise TypeError( "deep set is not supported for this connection." "(this likely cause because the connection is a module and a deep " "set does not make sense there.)" ) from error raise RuntimeError( f"Invalid type {type(value)} for deep set " "(only int,float and str are supported)" )
[docs] def is_child_node(self, child_node: "Node") -> bool: """Checks if a node is child node of this node. Args: child_node: Potential child node Returns: Boolean if passed node is a child node """ return fnmatch.fnmatchcase( "/".join(child_node.raw_tree), "/".join(self.raw_tree) + "*" )
[docs] def wait_for_state_change( self, value: t.Union[int, str, NodeEnum], *, invert: bool = False, timeout: float = 2.0, sleep_time: float = 0.005, ) -> None: """Waits until the node has the expected state/value. Warning: Only supports integer nodes. (The value can either be the value or its corresponding enum value as string) Args: value: Expected value of the node. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.1 Enums or strings are accepted for keywords nodes. invert: Instead of waiting for the value, the function will wait for any value except the passed value instead. (default = False) Useful when waiting for value to change from existing one. timeout: Maximum wait time in seconds. (default = 2) .. versionchanged:: 0.6.4 A zero seconds timeout is accepted. sleep_time: Sleep interval in seconds. (default = 0.005) Raises: TimeoutError: Timeout exceeded. """ if self.node_info.contains_wildcards: start_time = time.time() nodes_raw = self._resolve_wildcards() if not nodes_raw: raise KeyError(self.node_info.path) for node_raw in nodes_raw: node = self._root.raw_path_to_node(node_raw) node.wait_for_state_change( value, invert=invert, timeout=max(0, timeout - (time.time() - start_time)), sleep_time=sleep_time, ) else: # If the node is a keyword (has a enum defined) and the value is a string # converts it to the numeric value if self.node_info.enum and isinstance(value, str): enum_value = self.node_info.enum[value] parsed_value = self._parse_get_value(enum_value) else: parsed_value = self._parse_get_value(value) start_time = time.time() # Performs a deep get to avoid waiting on stale values from cache # In the loop we can use a shallow get curr_value = self._get(deep=True)[1] while True: # Verify if we get to the correct value. # If yes, exit the function. if (curr_value == parsed_value) != invert: return # Timeout check if time.time() > start_time + timeout: break time.sleep(sleep_time) curr_value = self._get(deep=False) # In case of timeout, raise the correct error # If the user passed a string or enum, uses it for the error report if isinstance(value, (str, NodeEnum)): value = repr( curr_value = repr( if invert: raise TimeoutError( f"{self.node_info.path} did not change from the expected" f" value {value} within {timeout}s." ) raise TimeoutError( f"{self.node_info.path} did not change to the expected value" f" within {timeout}s. {value} != {curr_value}" )
[docs] def subscribe(self) -> None: """Subscribe to this node (its child lead nodes). To get data from data from the subscribed nodes use the poll command (provided by the Connection). In order to avoid fetching old data that is still in the buffer execute a sync command before subscribing to new data streams. """ try: self._root.connection.subscribe(self.node_info.path) except RuntimeError as error: raise KeyError(self.node_info.path) from error
[docs] def unsubscribe(self) -> None: """Unsubscribe this node (its child lead nodes). Use this command after recording to avoid buffer overflows that may increase the latency of subsequent commands. """ try: self._root.connection.unsubscribe(self.node_info.path) except RuntimeError as error: raise KeyError(self.node_info.path) from error
[docs] def get_as_event(self) -> None: """Trigger an event for that node (its child lead nodes). The node data is returned by a subsequent poll command. """ try: self._root.connection.getAsEvent(self.node_info.path) except RuntimeError as error: raise KeyError(self.node_info.path) from error
[docs] def child_nodes( self, *, recursive: bool = False, leavesonly: bool = False, settingsonly: bool = False, streamingonly: bool = False, subscribedonly: bool = False, basechannelonly: bool = False, excludestreaming: bool = False, excludevectors: bool = False, ) -> t.Generator["Node", None, None]: """Generator for all child nodes that matches the filters. If the nodes does not contain any child nodes the generator will only contain the node itself (if it matches the filters). Warning: The Data Server supports only the asterisk wildcard. For all other wildcards the matching child nodes can be generated manually within the nodetree. Enabling additional flags how ever require that each node that matches the wildcard needs to be checked in a separate request by the Data Server which can cause a severe latency. Therefore one needs to enable the `full_wildcard` flag in order to support the manual generation of the matching child nodes. Examples: >>> child_nodes = nodetree.demods[0].child_nodes() >>> next(child_nodes) /dev1234/demods/0/freq Args: recursive: Returns the nodes recursively (default: False) leavesonly: Returns only nodes that are leaves, which means they are at the outermost level of the tree (default: False). settingsonly: Returns only nodes which are marked as setting (default: False). streamingonly: Returns only streaming nodes (default: False). subscribedonly: Returns only subscribed nodes (default: False). basechannelonly: Return only one instance of a node in case of multiple channels (default: False). excludestreaming: Exclude streaming nodes (default: False). excludevectors: Exclude vector nodes (default: False). Returns: Generator of all child nodes that match the filters """ raw_path = self._root.node_to_raw_path(self) raw_result = self._root.connection.listNodes( raw_path, recursive=recursive, leavesonly=leavesonly, settingsonly=settingsonly, streamingonly=streamingonly, subscribedonly=subscribedonly, basechannelonly=basechannelonly, excludestreaming=excludestreaming, excludevectors=excludevectors, ) for node_raw in raw_result: yield self._root.raw_path_to_node(node_raw)
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Check if the node is a valid node. Valid node means it resolves to at least one existing node in the node tree. Meaning not only leaf nodes are valid nodes but also partial nodes and nodes containing wildcards. Returns: Flag if the node is a valid node """ if self._is_valid is None: keys = self._resolve_wildcards() self._is_valid = len(keys) > 0 return self._is_valid
def _send_set_list(self, settings: t.List[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]) -> None: """Applies settings and takes care of a possibly ongoing transaction. In case of an active transaction, the settings will be put into it, rather than being applied immediately. Args: settings: List of node-string, value pairs which list the settings to be changed """ if self.root.transaction.in_progress(): self.root.transaction.add_raw_list(settings) else: self.root.connection.set(settings) @property def node_info(self) -> NodeInfo: """Additional information about the node.""" return self.root.get_node_info(self) @property def raw_tree(self) -> t.Tuple[str, ...]: """Internal representation of the node.""" return self._tree @property def root(self) -> "NodeTree": """Node tree to which this node belongs to.""" return self._root
[docs]class NodeList(Sequence, Node): """List of nodelike objects. List of preinitialized classes that inherit from the ``Node`` class would not support wildcards since they would be of type list. This class holds the preinitialized objects. But if a the passed item is not an integer it returns a Node instead. Warning: Since in case of a passed wildcard symbol the return value is a node, the additional functionality that the nodelike object may provide (e.g. helper functions) are no longer accessible. Args: elements: Preinitialized child elements root: Root of the nodetree tree: Node tree (node path as tuple) of the current node """ def __init__(self, elements: t.Sequence[t.Any], root: "NodeTree", tree: tuple): Sequence.__init__(self) Node.__init__(self, root, tree) self._elements: t.Sequence[t.Any] = elements @t.overload def __getitem__( self, idx: t.Union[int, str] ) -> t.Union[t.Any, Node]: # pragma: no cover ... @t.overload def __getitem__( self, s: slice ) -> t.Sequence[t.Union[t.Any, Node]]: # pragma: no cover ... def __getitem__(self, item): # User numpy check here to ensure numpy types are handled correctly (#252) if np.issubdtype(type(item), np.integer): return self._elements[item] return Node(self._root, self._tree + (str(item),)) def __len__(self): return len(self._elements) def __eq__(self, other): return Node.__eq__(self, other) def __hash__(self): return Node.__hash__(self)