Source code for zhinst.toolkit.interface

"""Interface Enums for the zhinst.toolkit."""
from enum import Enum, IntEnum

[docs]class SHFQAChannelMode(Enum): """SHFQA channel mode.""" SPECTROSCOPY = "spectroscopy" READOUT = "readout"
[docs]class AveragingMode(IntEnum): """Averaging modes. CYCLIC: All frequency points are measured once from start frequency to stop frequency. The sweeper then moves back to start frequency and repeats the sweep the number of times specified by the number of averages setting. SEQUENTIAL: A frequency point is measured the number of times specified by the number of averages setting. In other words, the same frequency point is measured repeatedly until the number of averages is reached and the sweeper then moves to the next frequency point. """ CYCLIC = 0 SEQUENTIAL = 1