Source code for zhinst.toolkit.driver.nodes.shfqa_scope

"""zhinst-toolkit scope node adaptions for the SHFQA."""
import logging
import typing as t

import zhinst.utils.shfqa as utils
from zhinst.core import ziDAQServer

from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree import Node, NodeTree
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.helper import not_callable_in_transactions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SHFScope(Node): """SHFQA Scope Node. Implements basic functionality of the scope node, e.g allowing the user to read the data. Args: root: Root of the nodetree tree: Tree (node path as tuple) of the current node daq_server: Instance of the ziDAQServer serial: Serial of the device. """ def __init__( self, root: NodeTree, tree: tuple, daq_server: ziDAQServer, serial: str, ): super().__init__(root, tree) self._daq_server = daq_server self._serial = serial
[docs] def run( self, *, single: bool = True, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005 ) -> None: """Run the scope recording. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Scope (default = 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the progress and records values (default = 0.005). Raises: TimeoutError: The scope did not start within the specified timeout. """ self.single(single) self.enable(True) try: self.enable.wait_for_state_change(1, timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time) except TimeoutError as error: raise TimeoutError( "Scope could not been started within " f"the specified timeout ({timeout})s" ) from error
[docs] def stop(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005) -> None: """Stop the scope recording. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the scope (default = 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the progress and records values (default = 0.005). Raises: TimeoutError: The scope did not stop within the specified timeout. """ self.enable(False) try: self.enable.wait_for_state_change(0, timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time) except TimeoutError as error: raise TimeoutError( "Scope could not been stopped within " f"the specified timeout ({timeout})s" ) from error
[docs] def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 10, sleep_time: float = 0.005) -> None: """Wait until the scope recording is finished. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Scope (default = 10). sleep_time: Time in seconds to wait between requesting the progress and records values (default = 0.005). Raises: TimeoutError: The scope did not finish within the specified timeout. """ try: self.enable.wait_for_state_change(0, timeout=timeout, sleep_time=sleep_time) except TimeoutError as error: raise TimeoutError( "Scope recording did not finish " f"within the specified timeout({timeout})s." ) from error
[docs] def configure( self, *, input_select: t.Dict[int, str], num_samples: int, trigger_input: str, num_segments: int = 1, num_averages: int = 1, trigger_delay: float = 0, ) -> None: """Configures the scope for a measurement. Args: input_select: Map of a specific scope channel an their signal source, e.g. "channel0_signal_input". (For a list of available values use `available_inputs`) num_samples: Number samples to recorded in a scope shot. trigger_input: Specifies the trigger source of the scope acquisition - if set to None, the self-triggering mode of the scope becomes active, which is useful e.g. for the GUI. For a list of available trigger values use `available_trigger_inputs`. num_segments: Number of distinct scope shots to be returned after ending the acquisition. num_averages: Specifies how many times each segment should be averaged on hardware; to finish a scope acquisition, the number of issued triggers must be equal to num_segments * num_averages. trigger_delay: delay in samples specifying the time between the start of data acquisition and reception of a trigger. """ settings = utils.get_scope_settings( self._serial, input_select=input_select, num_samples=num_samples, trigger_input=trigger_input, num_segments=num_segments, num_averages=num_averages, trigger_delay=trigger_delay, ) self._send_set_list(settings)
[docs] @not_callable_in_transactions def read( self, *, timeout: float = 10, ) -> tuple: """Read out the recorded data from the scope. Args: timeout: The maximum waiting time in seconds for the Scope (default: 10). Returns: (recorded_data, recorded_data_range, scope_time) Raises: TimeoutError: if the scope recording is not completed before timeout. """ return utils.get_scope_data(self._daq_server, self._serial, timeout=timeout)
@property def available_trigger_inputs(self) -> t.List[str]: """List of the available trigger sources for the scope.""" return [ option.enum for option in ] @property def available_inputs(self) -> t.List[str]: """List of the available signal sources for the scope channels.""" return [ option.enum for option in self.channels[0].inputselect.node_info.options.values() ]