Source code for zhinst.toolkit.driver.modules.base_module

"""Base Module Driver.

Natively works with all module types and provides the basic functionality like
the module specific nodetree.
import logging
import time
import typing as t
from os import PathLike, fspath
from functools import partial

from zhinst.core import ModuleBase
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree import Node, NodeTree
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.helper import NodeDict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if t.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from zhinst.toolkit.driver.devices import DeviceType
    from zhinst.toolkit.session import Session

ZIModule = t.TypeVar("ZIModule", bound=ModuleBase)

[docs]class BaseModule(Node): """Generic toolkit driver for a LabOne Modules. All module specific class are derived from this class. It exposes the nodetree and also implements common functions valid for all modules. It also can be used directly, e.g. for modules that have no special class in toolkit. Args: raw_module: zhinst.core module. session: Session to the Data Server. """ def __init__(self, raw_module: ZIModule, session: "Session"): self._raw_module = raw_module self._session = session super().__init__(NodeTree(raw_module), tuple()) self.root.update_nodes( { "/device": { "GetParser": partial(self._get_device, self._session), "SetParser": self._set_device, }, "/directory": { "SetParser": self._set_path, }, "/save/directory": { "SetParser": self._set_path, }, }, raise_for_invalid_node=False, ) def __repr__(self): return str(f"{self._raw_module.__class__.__name__}({repr(self._session)})") @staticmethod def _get_device(session, serial: str) -> t.Union["DeviceType", str]: """Convert a device serial into a toolkit device object. Args: serial: Serial of the device Returns: Toolkit device object. If the serial does not match to a connected device the serial is returned instead. """ try: return session.devices[serial] except (RuntimeError, KeyError): return serial @staticmethod def _set_device(value: t.Union["DeviceType", str]) -> str: """Convert a toolkit device object into a serial string. Args: serial: A toolkit device object (can also be a serial string directly) Returns: str: device serial """ try: return value.serial # type: ignore except AttributeError: return value def _get_node(self, node: str) -> t.Union[Node, str]: """Convert a raw node string into a toolkit node. Args: node (str): raw node string Returns: Toolkit node. (if the node can not be converted the raw node string is returned) """ try: return self._session.raw_path_to_node(node.replace(".", "/"), module=self) except (KeyError, RuntimeError): logger.error( f"Could not resolve {node} into a node of the " f"{self._raw_module.__class__.__name__} or " "a connected device." ) return node @staticmethod def _set_node(signal: t.Union[Node, str]) -> str: """Convert a toolkit node into a raw node string. Args: signal: Toolkit node Returns: str: raw string node """ try: node = signal.node_info.path # type: ignore except AttributeError: node = signal return node @staticmethod def _set_path(path: t.Union[str, PathLike]) -> str: """Convert a Pathlike object into a string for LabOne. LabOne only accepts strings for the path node. This function converts any Pathlike object into a string so that is processed by LabOne correctly. If the object implements the `absolute` method (e.g. pathlib.Path) it is used to use the absolute path. This is important since LabOne operates in a different directory. Args: path (str): Path to send to the device. Returns: String representation of the path like object. """ if hasattr(path, "absolute"): path = path.absolute() # type: ignore[union-attr] return fspath(path)
[docs] def wait_done(self, *, timeout: float = 20.0, sleep_time: float = 0.5) -> None: """Waits until the module is finished. Warning: Only usable for modules that make use of the `/finished` node. Args: timeout (float): The maximum waiting time in seconds for the measurement (default: 20). sleep_time (int): Time in seconds to wait between requesting sweeper state. (default: 0.5) Raises: TimeoutError: The measurement is not completed before timeout. """ start_time = time.time() while ( start_time + timeout >= time.time() and not self._raw_module.finished() and self.progress() != 1 ):"Progress: {(self.progress() * 100):.1f}%") time.sleep(sleep_time) if not self._raw_module.finished() and self.progress() != 1: raise TimeoutError(f"{self._raw_module.__class__.__name__} timed out.")"Progress: {(self.progress() * 100):.1f}%")
[docs] def progress(self) -> float: """Progress of the execution. Returns: Progress of the execution with a number between 0 and 1 """ return self._raw_module.progress()[0]
[docs] def subscribe(self, signal: t.Union[Node, str]) -> None: """Subscribe to a node. The node can either be a node of this module or of a connected device. Args: signal: Node that should be subscribed to. .. versionchanged 0.5.0 Add support for raw string signals """ try: self._raw_module.subscribe(signal.node_info.path) # type: ignore except AttributeError: self._raw_module.subscribe(signal)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, signal: t.Union[Node, str]) -> None: """Unsubscribe from a node. The node can either be a node of this module or of a connected device. Args: signal: Node that should be unsubscribed from. .. versionchanged 0.5.0 Add support for raw string signals """ try: self._raw_module.unsubscribe(signal.node_info.path) # type: ignore except AttributeError: self._raw_module.unsubscribe(signal)
[docs] def execute(self) -> None: """Start the module execution. Subscription or unsubscription is not possible until the execution is finished. .. versionadded:: 0.4.1 """ self._raw_module.execute()
[docs] def read(self) -> NodeDict: """Read scope data. If the recording is still ongoing only a subset of data is returned. Returns: Scope data. """ return NodeDict(
@property def raw_module(self) -> ZIModule: # type: ignore [type-var] """Underlying core module.""" return self._raw_module