Source code for zhinst.toolkit.driver.devices.shfsg

"""SHFSG Instrument Driver."""

import logging
import typing as t

import zhinst.utils.shfsg as utils

from zhinst.toolkit.driver.devices.base import BaseInstrument
from zhinst.toolkit.driver.nodes.awg import AWG
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree import Node
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.helper import lazy_property, not_callable_in_transactions
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.node import NodeList

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if t.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from zhinst.toolkit.session import Session

[docs]class AWGCore(AWG): """AWG Core Node."""
[docs] def configure_marker_and_trigger( self, *, trigger_in_source: str, trigger_in_slope: str, marker_out_source: str, ) -> None: """Configures the trigger inputs and marker outputs of the AWG. Args: trigger_in_source: Alias for the trigger input used by the sequencer. For a list of available values use: `available_trigger_inputs` trigger_in_slope: Alias for the slope of the input trigger used by sequencer. For a list of available values use `available_trigger_inputs` marker_out_source: Alias for the marker output source used by the sequencer. For a list of available values use `available_trigger_slopes` """ settings = utils.get_marker_and_trigger_settings( self._serial, self._index, trigger_in_source=trigger_in_source, trigger_in_slope=trigger_in_slope, marker_out_source=marker_out_source, ) self._send_set_list(settings)
@property def available_trigger_inputs(self) -> t.List[str]: """List the available trigger sources for the sequencer.""" return [ option.enum for option in self.auxtriggers[0].channel.node_info.options.values() ] @property def available_trigger_slopes(self) -> t.List[str]: """List the available trigger slopes for the sequencer.""" return [ option.enum for option in self.auxtriggers[0].slope.node_info.options.values() ] @property def available_marker_outputs(self) -> t.List[str]: """List the available trigger marker outputs for the sequencer.""" return [ option.enum for option in self.root.sgchannels[ self._index ].marker.source.node_info.options.values() ]
[docs]class SGChannel(Node): """Signal Generator Channel for the SHFSG. :class:`SGChannel` implements basic functionality to configure SGChannel settings of the :class:`SHFSG` instrument. Args: device: SHFQA device object. session: Underlying session. tree: Node tree (node path as tuple) of the corresponding node. """ def __init__( self, device: "SHFSG", session: "Session", tree: t.Tuple[str, ...], ): super().__init__(device.root, tree) self._index = int(tree[-1]) self._device = device self._serial = device.serial self._session = session
[docs] @not_callable_in_transactions def configure_channel( self, *, enable: bool, output_range: int, center_frequency: float, rf_path: bool, ) -> None: """Configures the RF input and output. Args: enable: Flag if the signal output should be enabled. output_range: Maximal range of the signal output power in dBm center_frequency: Center frequency before modulation rf_path: Flag if the RF(True) or LF(False) path should be configured. """ utils.configure_channel( self._session.daq_server, self._device.serial, self._index, enable=int(enable), output_range=output_range, center_frequency=center_frequency, rflf_path=int(rf_path), )
[docs] def configure_pulse_modulation( self, *, enable: bool, osc_index: int = 0, osc_frequency: float = 100e6, phase: float = 0.0, global_amp: float = 0.5, gains: tuple = (1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0), sine_generator_index: int = 0, ) -> None: """Configure the pulse modulation. Configures the sine generator to digitally modulate the AWG output, for generating single sideband AWG signals Args: enable: Flag if the modulation should be enabled. osc_index: Selects which oscillator to use osc_frequency: Oscillator frequency used to modulate the AWG outputs. (default = 100e6) phase: Sets the oscillator phase. (default = 0.0) global_amp: Global scale factor for the AWG outputs. (default = 0.5) gains: Sets the four amplitudes used for single sideband generation. Default values correspond to upper sideband with a positive oscillator frequency. (default = (1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) sine_generator_index: Selects which sine generator to use on a given channel. """ settings = utils.get_pulse_modulation_settings( self._device.serial, self._index, enable=int(enable), osc_index=osc_index, osc_frequency=osc_frequency, phase=phase, global_amp=global_amp, gains=gains, sine_generator_index=sine_generator_index, ) self._send_set_list(settings)
[docs] def configure_sine_generation( self, *, enable: bool, osc_index: int = 0, osc_frequency: float = 100e6, phase: float = 0.0, gains: tuple = (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), sine_generator_index: int = 0, ) -> None: """Configures the sine generator output. Configures the sine generator output of a specified channel for generating continuous wave signals without the AWG. Args: enable: Flag if the sine generator output should be enabled. osc_index: Selects which oscillator to use osc_frequency: Oscillator frequency used by the sine generator (default = 100e6) phase: Sets the oscillator phase. (default = 0.0) gains: Sets the four amplitudes used for single sideband generation. Default values correspond to upper sideband with a positive oscillator frequency. Gains are set in the following order I/sin, I/cos, Q/sin, Q/cos. (default = (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)) sine_generator_index: Selects which sine generator to use on a given channel """ settings = utils.get_sine_generation_settings( self._device.serial, self._index, enable=int(enable), osc_index=osc_index, osc_frequency=osc_frequency, phase=phase, gains=gains, sine_generator_index=sine_generator_index, ) self._send_set_list(settings)
@property def awg_modulation_freq(self) -> float: """Modulation frequency of the AWG. Depends on the selected oscillator. """ selected_osc = self.sines[0].oscselect() return self.oscs[selected_osc].freq() @lazy_property def awg(self) -> AWGCore: """AWG.""" return AWGCore( self._root, self._tree + ("awg",), self._device.serial, self._index, self._device.device_type, self._device.device_options, )
[docs]class SHFSG(BaseInstrument): """High-level driver for the Zurich Instruments SHFSG.""" @lazy_property def sgchannels(self) -> t.Sequence[SGChannel]: """A Sequence of SG Channels.""" return NodeList( [ SGChannel(self, self._session, self._tree + ("sgchannels", str(i))) for i in range(len(self["sgchannels"])) ], self._root, self._tree + ("sgchannels",), )