Source code for zhinst.toolkit.driver.devices.base

"""Base Instrument Driver.

Natively works with all device types and provides the basic functionality like
the device specific nodetree.
import copy
import json
import logging
import re
import typing as t
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

from zhinst.utils._version import version as utils_version_str
from zhinst.core import __version__ as zhinst_version_str

from zhinst.toolkit._min_version import _MIN_DEVICE_UTILS_VERSION, _MIN_LABONE_VERSION
from zhinst.toolkit.driver.parsers import node_parser
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree import Node, NodeTree
from zhinst.toolkit.nodetree.helper import lazy_property
from zhinst.toolkit.exceptions import ToolkitError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if t.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from zhinst.toolkit.session import Session

[docs]class BaseInstrument(Node): """Generic toolkit driver for a Zurich Instrument device. All device specific class are derived from this class. It exposes the nodetree and also implements common functions valid for all devices. It also can be used directly, e.g. for instrument types that have no special class in toolkit. Args: serial: Serial number of the device, e.g. *'dev12000'*. The serial number can be found on the back panel of the instrument. device_type: Type of the device. session: Session to the Data Server """ def __init__( self, serial: str, device_type: str, session: "Session", ): self._serial = serial self._device_type = device_type self._session = session try: self._options = session.daq_server.getString(f"/{serial}/features/options") except RuntimeError: self._options = "" # HF2 does not support listNodesJSON so we have the information hardcoded # (the node of HF2 will not change any more so this is safe) preloaded_json = None if "HF2" in self._device_type: preloaded_json = self._load_preloaded_json( Path(__file__).parent / "../../resources/nodedoc_hf2.json" ) self._streaming_nodes: t.Optional[t.List[Node]] = None nodetree = NodeTree( self._session.daq_server, prefix_hide=self._serial, list_nodes=[f"/{self._serial}/*"], preloaded_json=preloaded_json, ) # Add predefined parseres (in node_parser) to nodetree nodes nodetree.update_nodes( node_parser.get(self.__class__.__name__, {}), raise_for_invalid_node=False ) super().__init__(nodetree, tuple()) def __repr__(self): options = f"({self._options})" if self._options else "" options = options.replace("\n", ",") return str( f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._device_type}" f"{options},{self.serial})" )
[docs] def factory_reset(self, *, deep: bool = True, timeout: int = 30) -> None: """Load the factory default settings. Args: deep: A flag that specifies if a synchronization should be performed between the device and the data server after loading the factory preset (default: True). timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for the factory reset to complete. Raises: ToolkitError: If the factory preset could not be loaded. TimeoutError: If the factory reset did not complete within the given timeout. """ self.system.preset.load(1, deep=deep) self.system.preset.busy.wait_for_state_change(0, timeout=timeout) if self.system.preset.error(deep=True)[1]: raise ToolkitError( f"Failed to load factory preset to device {self.serial.upper()}." )"Factory preset is loaded to device {self.serial.upper()}.")
@staticmethod def _version_string_to_tuple(version: str) -> t.Tuple[int, int, int]: """Converts a version string into a version tuple. Args: version: Version Returns: Version as a tuple of ints """ result = [0] * 3 for i, value in enumerate(version.split(".")): try: result[i] = int(value) except ValueError: if i < 3: # ignore dev verisons result[i] = 0 return result[0], result[1], result[2] @staticmethod def _check_python_versions( zi_python_version: t.Tuple[int, int, int], zi_utils_version: t.Tuple[int, int, int], ) -> None: """Check if the minimum required zhinst packages are installed. Checks if all zhinst packages that toolkit require have the minimum required version installed. Args: zi_python_version: zhinst.core package version zi_utils_version: zhinst.utils package version Raises: ToolkitError: If the zhinst.core version does not match the minimum requirements for zhinst.toolkit ToolkitError: If the zhinst.utils version does not match the minimum requirements for zhinst.toolkit """ if zi_python_version < BaseInstrument._version_string_to_tuple( _MIN_LABONE_VERSION ): raise ToolkitError( "zhinst.core version does not match the minimum required version " f"for zhinst.toolkit {zi_python_version} < {_MIN_LABONE_VERSION}. " "Use `pip install --upgrade zhinst` to get the latest version." ) if zi_utils_version < BaseInstrument._version_string_to_tuple( _MIN_DEVICE_UTILS_VERSION ): raise ToolkitError( "zhinst.utils version does not match the minimum required " f"version for zhinst.toolkit {zi_utils_version} < " f"{_MIN_DEVICE_UTILS_VERSION}. Use `pip install " "--upgrade zhinst.utils` to get the latest version." ) @staticmethod def _check_labone_version( zi_python_version: t.Tuple[int, int, int], labone_version: t.Tuple[int, int, int], ) -> None: """Check that the LabOne version matches the zhinst version. Args: zi_python_version: zhinst.core package version labone_version: LabOne DataServer version Raises: ToolkitError: If the zhinst.core version does not match the version of the connected LabOne DataServer. """ if labone_version[:2] < zi_python_version[:2]: raise ToolkitError( "The LabOne version is smaller than the zhinst.core version. " f"{labone_version} < {zi_python_version}. " "Please install the latest/matching LabOne version from " "" ) if labone_version[:2] > zi_python_version[:2]: raise ToolkitError( "the zhinst.core version is smaller than the LabOne version " f"{zi_python_version} < {labone_version}. " "Please install the latest/matching version from" ) if labone_version[-1] != zi_python_version[-1]: warnings.warn( "The patch version of zhinst.core and the LabOne DataServer " f"mismatch {labone_version[-1]} ! {zi_python_version[-1]}.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) def _check_firmware_update_status(self) -> None: """Check if the firmware matches LabOne version. Raises: ConnectionError: If the device is currently updating ToolkitError: If the firmware revision does not match to the version of the connected LabOne DataServer. """ device_info = json.loads(self._session.daq_server.getString("/zi/devices"))[ self.serial.upper() ] status_flag = device_info["STATUSFLAGS"] if status_flag & 1 << 8: raise ConnectionError( "The device is currently updating please try again after the update " "process is complete" ) if status_flag & 1 << 4 or status_flag & 1 << 5: raise ToolkitError( "The Firmware does not match the LabOne version. " "Please update the firmware (e.g. in the LabOne UI)" ) if status_flag & 1 << 6 or status_flag & 1 << 7: raise ToolkitError( "The Firmware does not match the LabOne version. " "Please update LabOne to the latest version from " "" )
[docs] def check_compatibility(self) -> None: """Check if the software stack is compatible. Only if all versions and revisions of the software stack match stability can be ensured. The following criteria are checked: * minimum required zhinst-utils package is installed * minimum required zhinst-core package is installed * zhinst package matches the LabOne Data Server version * firmware revision matches the LabOne Data Server version Raises: ConnectionError: If the device is currently updating ToolkitError: If one of the above mentioned criterion is not fulfilled """ self._check_python_versions( self._version_string_to_tuple(zhinst_version_str), self._version_string_to_tuple(utils_version_str), ) labone_version_str = self._session.about.version() labone_revision_str = str(self._session.about.revision())[4:] labone_version = self._version_string_to_tuple( labone_version_str + "." + labone_revision_str ) self._check_labone_version( self._version_string_to_tuple(zhinst_version_str), labone_version ) self._check_firmware_update_status()
[docs] def get_streamingnodes(self) -> t.List[Node]: """Create a list with all streaming nodes available. Returns: Available streaming node. """ if self._streaming_nodes is None: self._streaming_nodes = [] for node, info in self: if "Stream" in info.get("Properties"): self._streaming_nodes.append(node) return self._streaming_nodes
def _load_preloaded_json(self, filename: Path) -> t.Optional[dict]: """Load a preloaded json and match the existing nodes. Args: Filename for the preloaded json. Returns: Loaded JSON if the file exists. """ if not filename.is_file(): return None raw_file ="r").read() raw_file = raw_file.replace("devxxxx", self.serial.lower()) raw_file = raw_file.replace("DEVXXXX", self.serial.upper()) json_raw = json.loads(raw_file) existing_nodes = self._session.daq_server.listNodes( f"/{self.serial}/*", recursive=True, leavesonly=True ) preloaded_json = {} for node in existing_nodes: node_name = re.sub(r"(?<!values)\/[0-9]*?$", "/n", node.lower()) node_name = re.sub(r"\/[0-9]*?\/", "/n/", node_name) json_element = copy.deepcopy(json_raw.get(node_name)) if json_element: json_element["Node"] = node.upper() preloaded_json[node.lower()] = json_element elif not node.startswith("/zi/"): logger.warning(f"unkown node {node}") return preloaded_json
[docs] def set_transaction(self) -> t.ContextManager: """Context manager for a transactional set. Can be used as a context in a with statement and bundles all node set commands into a single transaction. This reduces the network overhead and often increases the speed. Within the with block a set commands to a node will be buffered and bundled into a single command at the end automatically. (All other operations, e.g. getting the value of a node, will not be affected) Warning: The set is always performed as deep set if called on device nodes. Examples: >>> with device.set_transaction(): device.test[0].a(1) device.test[1].a(2) """ return self._root.set_transaction()
@property def serial(self) -> str: """Instrument specific serial.""" return self._serial @property def session(self) -> "Session": """Underlying session to the data server. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ return self._session @property def device_type(self) -> str: """Type of the instrument (e.g. MFLI).""" return self._device_type @lazy_property def device_options(self) -> str: """Enabled options of the instrument.""" return self.features.options()