Source code for zhinst.toolkit.command_table

"""Zurich Instruments Toolkit (zhinst-toolkit) Command Table Module.

This module provides a :class:`CommandTable` class to create and modify ZI device
command tables.

import copy
import json
import typing as t

import jsonref
import jsonschema

from zhinst.toolkit.exceptions import ValidationError

# JSON Schema validator for validating the schemes.
JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR = jsonschema.Draft4Validator

def _validate_instance(instance: object, schema: dict, validator=JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR):
    """Validate JSON instance.

        instance: Instance to be validated.
        schema: Schema
        validation: Validator

        ValidationError: Validation failed.
    except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
        raise ValidationError(str(e)) from None

[docs]class ParentNode: """ParentNode of the command table. ParentNode can contain one or multiple arguments and child ParentNodes. It offers a dictionary-like object to manipulate command table properties. Similar to the device nodes, it supports accessing the properties by attribute. Args: schema: JSON schema of the node. path: Path representation of the node. active_validation: Enable active validation. """ def __init__( self, schema: dict, path: t.Tuple[str, ...], active_validation: bool = True ): self._schema = schema self._path = path self._childs: t.Dict[t.Union[str, int], t.Any] = {} self._active_validation = active_validation def __repr__(self) -> str: return "/" + "/".join(self._path) def _validate_instance(self, instance: object, schema: dict): """Validate JSON instance. Args: instance: Instance to be validated. schema: Schema Raises: ValidationError: Validation failed. """ if self._active_validation: _validate_instance(instance, schema)
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Check if the Node is empty and has no properties. Returns: bool: If children exists. """ return not bool(self._childs)
def _change_active_validation(obj: ParentNode, value: bool): """Change object active validation state. Args: obj: Object value: State of validation """ obj._active_validation = value
[docs]class ParentEntry(ParentNode): """Parent entry of the CommandTable. The parent can have both properties and child properties. Args: schema: JSON schema of the node. path: Path representation of the node. active_validation: Enable active validation. """ def __init__( self, schema: dict, path: t.Tuple[str, ...], active_validation: bool = True ): super().__init__(schema, path, active_validation) self._attributes = {} self._child_props = {} self._properties: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} # ParentEntry does not have json list entries at this moment. for name, property_ in schema["properties"].items(): if "properties" in property_: self._child_props[name] = property_ else: self._attributes[name] = property_ def __contains__(self, k): return k in self._child_props or self._attributes.get(k, None) is not None def __dir__(self): dir_info = set() for k in super().__dir__(): if not k.startswith("_"): dir_info.add(k) return dir_info.union(set(list(self._schema["properties"].keys()))) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> t.Union["ParentEntry", t.Any]: if name.startswith("_"): return None try: return self._childs[name] except KeyError: if name in self._child_props: self._childs[name] = ParentEntry( self._child_props[name], self._path + (name,), self._active_validation, ) return self._childs[name] if name in self._attributes: return self._properties.get(name, None) raise AttributeError( f"{name}. Available entries: {self._available_attributes()}" ) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: t.Any): if name.startswith("_"): super().__setattr__(name, value) elif self._attributes and name in self._attributes: if value is None: self._childs.pop(name, None) self._properties.pop(name, None) else: self._validate_instance(value, self._attributes[name]) self._childs[name] = value self._properties[name] = value elif value is None and name in self._childs: self._childs.pop(name) else: raise AttributeError( f"{name}. Available entries: {self._available_attributes()}" ) def _available_attributes(self) -> t.List[str]: """Available property attributes for the instance.""" return list( self._attributes.keys() if self._attributes else self._child_props.keys() )
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary presentation of the table node. Returns: dict: Table node as dictionary. """ result = {} for name, child in self._childs.items(): if isinstance(child, (ParentEntry, HeaderEntry)): if not child.is_empty(): result[name] = child.as_dict() else: result[name] = child return result
[docs] def info(self, value: t.Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """Get info about the property. Args: value: Info about to specific property. Otherwise return info about the whole property. Returns: Info about the property. """ return self._schema["properties"].get(value, None) if value else self._schema
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear all properties from the object.""" self._childs = {} self._properties = {}
[docs]class ListEntry(ParentNode): """List entry of a command table. Args: schema: JSON schema of the node. path: Path representation of the node. active_validation: Enable active validation. """ def __init__( self, schema: dict, index_schema: dict, path: t.Tuple[str, ...], active_validation: bool = True, ): super().__init__(schema, path, active_validation) self._min_length = schema["minItems"] self._max_length = schema["maxItems"] self._index_schema = index_schema def __len__(self): return len(self._childs) def __getitem__(self, number: int) -> ParentEntry: try: return self._childs[number] except KeyError: self._validate_instance(number, self._index_schema) self._childs[number] = ParentEntry( self._schema["items"], self._path + (str(number),), self._active_validation, ) return self._childs[number] def __delitem__(self, key): del self._childs[key] @property def range(self) -> t.Tuple[int, int]: """Get the range for number of minimum and maximum items in the table. Returns: Range for number of items in the table. """ return (self._min_length, self._max_length)
[docs] def as_list(self) -> t.List[dict]: """Return a list representation of the table. Returns: List of dictionary representation of entries in the table. """ table = [] for name, child in self._childs.items(): if isinstance(child, ParentEntry): json_ = child.as_dict() if json_: item = {"index": name} item.update(json_) table.append(item) return table
[docs]class HeaderEntry(ParentEntry): """Header entry of a command table. Args: schema: JSON schema of the node. path: Path representation of the node. version: JSON schema version active_validation: Enable active validation. """ def __init__( self, schema: dict, path: tuple, version: t.Optional[str] = None, active_validation: bool = True, ): super().__init__(schema, path, active_validation) # L1 22.08 new schema format if version: self._childs["version"] = version else: self._childs["version"] = schema["properties"]["version"]["enum"][0] @property def version(self) -> str: """Version of the schema.""" return self._childs["version"]
def _derefence_json(schema: t.Union[str, dict]) -> t.Any: """Dereference JSON schema. Args: schema: JSON schema as a string or dictionary. Returns: Dereferenced schema. Raises: ValueError: Wrong `schema` type. """ if isinstance(schema, str): return jsonref.loads(schema, jsonschema=True) if isinstance(schema, dict): return jsonref.loads(json.dumps(schema), jsonschema=True) raise ValueError(schema)
[docs]class CommandTable: """Representation of a ZI device command table. The class provides functionality to create and modify existing command tables. The CommandTable can be modified by via ``header`` and ``table`` properties. Args: json_schema: JSON Schema of the command table. active_validation: Active validation of table entries. (default = True) Active validation enabled: Each time a table entry is accessed, the values are validated against the given JSON schema. It is suggested to keep disabled in production code as it will slow the command table creation. Active validation disabled: No validation happens during command table entry modifications, thus making the creation of the command table faster. Method `is_valid()` can be used for command table validation when active validation is disabled. It is recommended to avoid it in production code. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 The ``active_validation`` parameter was added. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> from zhinst.toolkit import CommandTable >>> ct = CommandTable(json_schema) The ``header`` and ``table`` and then be called: .. code-block:: python >>> ct.header.version "1.1" >>> ct.header.userString = "My table" >>> ct.table[0].amplitude.value = 1 >>> ct.table[0].amplitude 1 >>> ct.as_dict() Active validation Using active validation, error raised instantly on incorrect value: .. code-block:: python >>> ct = CommandTable(json_schema, active_validation=True) >>> ct.table[0].amplitude0.value = 999e9 ValidationError Disabling active validation: No ``ValidationError`` is raised during the creation of the command table, but once it is uploaded or called ``as_dict()``, the validation happens. .. code-block:: python >>> ct = CommandTable(json_schema, active_validation=False) >>> ct.table[0].amplitude0.value = 999e9 # No errors raised >>> ct.as_dict() ValidationError Disabling active validation improves the speed of large command tables: .. code-block:: python >>> for i in range(1024): >>> ct.table[i].waveform.index = 1 >>> ct.table[i].amplitude0.value = 1 >>> ct.table[i].amplitude1.value = -0.0 >>> ct.table[i].amplitude0.increment = False >>> ct.table[i].amplitude0.increment = True """ def __init__(self, json_schema: t.Union[str, dict], active_validation: bool = True): self._ct_schema: t.Dict = _derefence_json(json_schema) self._active_validation = active_validation self._header: HeaderEntry = self._header_entry() self._table: ListEntry = self._table_entry() @property def active_validation(self) -> bool: """State of active validation. Returns: True if active validation is enabled. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ return self._active_validation @active_validation.setter def active_validation(self, value: bool): """Active validation. Args: value: The state of active validation. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ self._active_validation = value _change_active_validation(self._table, value) _change_active_validation(self._header, value) @property def header(self) -> HeaderEntry: """Header of the built command table.""" return self._header @property def table(self) -> ListEntry: """Table entry of the built command table.""" return self._table def _header_entry(self) -> HeaderEntry: return HeaderEntry( self._ct_schema["definitions"]["header"], ("header",), self._ct_schema.get("version", ""), self._active_validation, ) def _table_entry(self) -> ListEntry: schema = copy.deepcopy(self._ct_schema["definitions"]["table"]) index_schema = schema["items"]["properties"].pop("index") return ListEntry( schema=schema, index_schema=index_schema, path=("table",), active_validation=self._active_validation, )
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear CommandTable back to its initial state.""" self._header = self._header_entry() self._table = self._table_entry()
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary representation of the :class:`CommandTable`. The function formats the returner value into a schema which is accepted by the ZI devices which support command tables. The table is validated against the given schema. Returns: CommandTable as a Python dictionary. Raises: :class:`~zhinst.toolkit.exceptions.ValidateError`: The command table does not correspond to the given JSON schema. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.2 Removed validation when `active_validation` is set to `False`. This improves performance when validation is not needed. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.2 Removed `$schema` key from resulting dictionary. """ result = { "header": self._header.as_dict(), "table": self._table.as_list(), } if self.active_validation: _validate_instance(result, self._ct_schema) return result
[docs] def is_valid(self, raise_for_invalid: bool = False) -> bool: """Checks if the command table is valid. Args: raise_for_invalid: Raises exception if the command table is invalid. The flag can be used for getting feedback on what is wrong in the command table. Returns: True if the command table is valid. Raises: ValidationError: If `raise_for_invalid` was set to `True` and the command table is invalid. .. versionadded:: 0.6.2 """ # Due to active_validation having a state, we need to force it to True. orig_state = self._active_validation try: self._active_validation = True if self._active_validation is False else True self.as_dict() self._active_validation = orig_state return True except ValidationError as e: self._active_validation = orig_state if raise_for_invalid: raise e return False
[docs] def update(self, command_table: t.Union[str, dict]) -> None: """Update the existing instance of ``CommandTable`` with command table JSON. If both command tables have the same properties, the existing ones are overwritten by the new command table. Args: command_table: Existing command table JSON. """ def json_to_dict(json_: t.Union[str, t.Dict]) -> t.Dict: if isinstance(json_, str): json_ = json.loads(json_) return json_ # type: ignore[return-value] command_table = json_to_dict(copy.deepcopy(command_table)) if self._active_validation: _validate_instance(command_table, self._ct_schema) def build_nodes(path: t.Optional[ParentEntry], index: int, obj: dict): for k, v in obj.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): build_nodes(getattr(path, k), index, v) else: setattr(path, k, v) def build_header_nodes(header: HeaderEntry, obj: dict): for k, v in obj.items(): setattr(header, k, v) build_header_nodes(self._header, command_table["header"]) for item in command_table["table"]: index = item.pop("index", None) build_nodes(self._table[index], index, item)