Source code for zhinst.utils.shfsg

"""Zurich Instruments LabOne Python API Utility functions for SHFSG."""

import time
import typing as t

from zhinst.utils import convert_awg_waveform, wait_for_state_change
from zhinst.ziPython import AwgModule, ziDAQServer, compile_seqc


[docs]def load_sequencer_program( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, sequencer_program: str, *, awg_module: AwgModule = None, timeout: float = 10, ) -> None: """Compiles and loads a program to a specified AWG core. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004'. channel_index: Index specifying which sequencer to upload - there is one sequencer per channel. sequencer_program: Sequencer program to be uploaded. awg_module: The standalone AWG compiler is used instead. .. deprecated:: 22.08 timeout: maximum time to wait for the compilation in seconds. (default = 10) """ # start by resetting the sequencer daq.syncSetInt( f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/reset", 1, ) wait_for_state_change( daq, f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/ready", 0, timeout=timeout, ) device_type = daq.getString(f"/{device_id}/features/devtype") device_options = daq.getString(f"/{device_id}/features/options") elf, _ = compile_seqc( sequencer_program, device_type, device_options, channel_index, sequencer="sg" ) daq.setVector(f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/elf/data", elf) # wait until the device becomes ready after program upload wait_for_state_change( daq, f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/ready", 1, timeout=timeout, )
[docs]def enable_sequencer( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, *, single: t.Union[bool, int] = True, ) -> None: """Starts the sequencer of a specific channel. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004'. channel_index: Index specifying which sequencer to enable - there is one sequencer per channel. single: Flag if the sequencer should run in single mode. """ sequencer_path = f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/" daq.setInt( sequencer_path + "single", int(single), ) daq.syncSetInt(sequencer_path + "enable", 1) hundred_milliseconds = 0.1 time.sleep(hundred_milliseconds)
[docs]def upload_commandtable( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, command_table: str, ) -> None: """Uploads a command table in the form of a string to the appropriate channel. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004'. channel_index: Index specifying which channel to upload the command table to. command_table: The command table to be uploaded. """ # upload command table daq.setVector( f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/commandtable/data", command_table, )
[docs]def write_to_waveform_memory( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, waveforms: dict, ) -> None: """Writes waveforms to the waveform memory of a specified sequencer. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004'. channel_index: Index specifying which sequencer the waveforms below are written to - there is one generator per channel. waveforms (dict): Dictionary of waveforms, the key specifies the waveform index to which to write the waveforms. """ waveforms_path = f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/waveform/waves/" settings = [] for slot, waveform in waveforms.items(): wave_raw = convert_awg_waveform(waveform) settings.append((waveforms_path + f"{slot}", wave_raw)) daq.set(settings)
[docs]def configure_marker_and_trigger( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, *, trigger_in_source: str, trigger_in_slope: str, marker_out_source: str, ) -> None: """Configures the trigger inputs and marker outputs of a specified AWG core. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004' channel_index: Index of the used SG channel. trigger_in_source: Alias for the trigger input used by the sequencer. For a list of available values use:"/{dev_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/auxtriggers/0/channel") trigger_in_slope: Alias for the slope of the input trigger used by sequencer. For a list of available values use"/{dev_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/auxtriggers/0/slope") marker_out_source: Alias for the marker output source used by the sequencer. For a list of available values use"/{dev_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/marker/source") """ # Trigger input settings = [] settings.append( ( f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/auxtriggers/0/channel", trigger_in_source, ) ) settings.append( ( f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/awg/auxtriggers/0/slope", trigger_in_slope, ) ) # Marker output settings.append( ( f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/marker/source", marker_out_source, ) ) daq.set(settings)
[docs]def configure_channel( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, *, enable: int, output_range: int, center_frequency: float, rflf_path: int, ) -> None: """Configures the RF input and output of a specified channel. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004'. channel_index: Index of the used SG channel. enable: Whether or not to enable the channel. output_range: Maximal range of the signal output power in dbM. center_frequency: Center Frequency before modulation. rflf_path: Switch between RF and LF paths. """ path = f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/" settings = [] settings.append((path + "output/range", output_range)) settings.append((path + "output/rflfpath", rflf_path)) if rflf_path == 1: synth = daq.getInt(path + "synthesizer") settings.append( (f"/{device_id}/synthesizers/{synth}/centerfreq", center_frequency) ) elif rflf_path == 0: settings.append((path + "digitalmixer/centerfreq", center_frequency)) settings.append((path + "output/on", enable)) daq.set(settings)
[docs]def configure_pulse_modulation( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, *, enable: int, osc_index: int = 0, osc_frequency: float = 100e6, phase: float = 0.0, global_amp: float = 0.5, gains: tuple = (1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0), sine_generator_index: int = 0, ) -> None: """Configure the pulse modulation. Configures the sine generator to digitally modulate the AWG output, for generating single sideband AWG signals. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004' channel_index: Index of the used SG channel. enable: Enables modulation. osc_index: Selects which oscillator to use. osc_frequency: Oscillator frequency used to modulate the AWG outputs. (default = 100e6) phase: Sets the oscillator phase. (default = 0.0) global_amp: Global scale factor for the AWG outputs. (default = 0.5) gains: Sets the four amplitudes used for single sideband generation. default values correspond to upper sideband with a positive oscillator frequency. (default = (1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) sine_generator_index: Selects which sine generator to use on a given channel. """ path = f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/" settings = [] settings.append((path + f"sines/{sine_generator_index}/oscselect", osc_index)) settings.append((path + f"sines/{sine_generator_index}/phaseshift", phase)) settings.append((path + f"oscs/{osc_index}/freq", osc_frequency)) settings.append((path + "awg/modulation/enable", enable)) settings.append((path + "awg/outputamplitude", global_amp)) settings.append((path + "awg/outputs/0/gains/0", gains[0])) settings.append((path + "awg/outputs/0/gains/1", gains[1])) settings.append((path + "awg/outputs/1/gains/0", gains[2])) settings.append((path + "awg/outputs/1/gains/1", gains[3])) daq.set(settings)
[docs]def configure_sine_generation( daq: ziDAQServer, device_id: str, channel_index: int, *, enable: int, osc_index: int = 0, osc_frequency: float = 100e6, phase: float = 0.0, gains: tuple = (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), sine_generator_index: int = 0, ) -> None: """Configures the sine generator output of a specified channel. Configures the sine generator output of a specified channel for generating continuous wave signals without the AWG. Args: daq: Instance of a Zurich Instruments API session connected to a Data Server. The device with identifier device_id is assumed to already be connected to this instance. device_id: SHFSG device identifier, e.g. `dev12004` or 'shf-dev12004'. channel_index: Index of the used SG channel. enable: Enables the sine generator output. osc_index: Selects which oscillator to use. osc_frequency: Oscillator frequency used by the sine generator. (default = 100e6) phase: Sets the oscillator phase. (default = 0.0) gains: Sets the four amplitudes used for single sideband. generation. default values correspond to upper sideband with a positive oscillator frequency. gains are set in this order: I/sin, I/cos, Q/sin, Q/cos (default = (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)) sine_generator_index: Selects which sine generator to use on a given channel. """ path = f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/sines/{sine_generator_index}/" settings = [] settings.append((path + "i/enable", enable)) settings.append((path + "q/enable", enable)) settings.append((path + "i/sin/amplitude", gains[0])) settings.append((path + "i/cos/amplitude", gains[1])) settings.append((path + "q/sin/amplitude", gains[2])) settings.append((path + "q/cos/amplitude", gains[3])) settings.append((path + "oscselect", osc_index)) settings.append( ( f"/{device_id}/sgchannels/{channel_index}/oscs/{osc_index}/freq", osc_frequency, ) ) settings.append((path + "phaseshift", phase)) daq.set(settings)