
This is an archived version of the documentation.
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class zhinst.qcodes.UHFLI(name: str, serial: str, interface: str = '1gbe', host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 8004, api: int = 6, **kwargs)

Bases: zhinst.qcodes.base.ZIBaseInstrument

QCoDeS driver for the Zurich Instruments UHFLI.

Inherits from ZIBaseInstrument. Initializes some submodules from the device’s nodetree, a Sweeper Module Sweeper and a Data Acquisition Module DAQ.

  • name (str) – The internal QCoDeS name of the instrument.

  • serial (str) – The device serial number, e.g. ‘dev1234’.

Keyword Arguments
  • interface (str) – The interface used to connect to the device. (default: ‘1gbe’)

  • host (str) – Address of the data server. (default: ‘localhost’)

  • port (int) – Port used to connect to the data server. (default: 8004)

  • api (int) – Api level used for the data server. (default: 6)


A UHFLI-specific Data Acquisition Module.




A UHFLI-specific Sweeper Module.




AWG Core for the UHFLI, taken from the UHFQA.



Data Acquisition Module for UHFLI

class zhinst.qcodes.uhfli.DAQ(name: str, parent_instr, parent_contr)

Bases: qcodes.instrument.channel.InstrumentChannel

Data Acquisition Module for the UHFLI driver.

Inherits from InstrumentChannel and wraps around the DAQModule class of a from the zhinst-toolkit.

  • name (str) – The name of the DAQ submodule.

  • parent_instr (qcodes.instrument.base.Instrument) – The QCoDeS parent instrument of the InstrumentChannel.

  • parent_contr (zhinst.toolkit.BaseInstrument) – The _controller of the parent instrument that is used for getting and setting parameters.


A list of node strings of signals that are added to the measurement and will be subscribed to before data acquisition.




A dictionary with signal strings as keys and zhinst.toolkit.control.drivers.base.daq.DAQResult objects as values that hold all the data of the measurement result.



measure(verbose: bool = True, timeout: float = 20) None

Performs the measurement.

Starts a measurement and stores the result in daq.results. This method subscribes to all the paths previously added to daq.signals, then starts the measurement, waits until the measurement in finished and eventually reads the result.

Keyword Arguments
  • verbose (bool) – A flag to enable or disable console output during the measurement. (default: True)

  • timeout (int) – The measurement will be stopped after the timeout. The valiue is given in seconds. (default: 20)

signals_add(signal_source: str, signal_type: str = '', operation: str = 'avg', fft: bool = False, complex_selector: str = 'abs') str

Add a signal to the signals list to be subscribed to during measurement.

The specified signal is added to the property signals list. On measure(), the DAQ Module subscribes to all the signal nodes in the list.


signal_source (str) – The source of the signal, e.g. ‘demod0’. See signals_list() for available signals.

Keyword Arguments
  • signal_type (str) – The type of the signal. Depends on the given source, e.g. for demod signals the types’X’, ‘Y’, ‘R’, ‘Theta’, … are available. See signals_list({signal source}) for available signal types. (default: “”)

  • operation (str) – The operation that is performed on the acquired signal, e.g. the average of data points (‘avg’), the standard deviation of the signal (‘std’) or single points (‘replace’). (default: “avg”)

  • fft (bool) – A flag to enable the fourier transform (FFT) of the acquired signal. (default: False)

  • complex_selector (str) – If the FFT is enabled, this selects the complex value of the result, e.g. ‘abs’, ‘phase’, ‘real’, ‘imag’. (default: “abs”)


A string with the exact node that will be subscribed to. Can be used as a key in the ‘results’ dict to retrieve the measurement result corresponding to this signal, e.g.

>>> signal = uhfli.daq.signal_add("demod0", "r")
>>> uhfli.daq.measure()
>>> ...
>>> result = uhfli.daq.results[signal]

signals_clear() None

Resets the signal list attribute to an empty list.

signals_list(source=None) List

Returns a list of all the available signal sources for data acquisition.

Keyword Arguments

source (str) – specifies the signal source to return signal types (default: None)


Returns all available signal sources by default. If the keyword is specified with one of the signal sources, all the available signal types for the signal source are returned.

trigger(trigger_source: str, trigger_type: str) None

Sets the trigger signal of the DAQ Module.

This method can be used to specify the signal used to trigger the data acquisition. Use the method trigger_list() to see the available trigger signal sources and types.The trigger node can also be set directly using the module Parameter triggernode.

  • trigger_source (str) – A string that specifies the source of the trigger signal, e.g. “demod0”.

  • trigger_trype (str) – A string that specifies the type of the trigger signal, e.g. “trigin1”.

trigger_list(source=None) List

Returns a list of all the available signal sources for data acquisition.

Keyword Arguments

source (str) – specifies the signal source to return signal types (default: None)


Returns all available signal sources by default. If the keyword is specified with one of the signal sources, all the available signal types for the signal source are returned.

Sweeper Module for UHFLI

class zhinst.qcodes.uhfli.Sweeper(name: str, parent_instr, parent_contr)

Bases: qcodes.instrument.channel.InstrumentChannel

Sweeper Module for the UHFLI driver.

Inherits from InstrumentChannel and wraps around the SweeperModule class of a from the zhinst-toolkit.

  • name (str) – The name of the Sweeper submodule.

  • parent_instr (qcodes.instrument.base.Instrument) – The QCoDeS parent instrument of the InstrumentChannel.

  • parent_contr (zhinst.toolkit.BaseInstrument) – The _controller of the parent instrument that is used for getting and setting parameters.


A list of node strings of signals that are added to the measurement and will be subscribed to before data acquisition.




A dictionary with signal strings as keys and zhinst.toolkit.control.drivers.base.sweeper.SweeperResult objects as values that hold all the data of the measurement result.



application(application: str)

Sets one of the available application rpesets.

The applications are defined in the zhinst-toolkit. They include parameter_sweep, noise_amplitude_sweep, frequency_response_analyzer and more.


application (str) – The keyword for the application. See available applications with application_list().

application_list() List

Lists the availbale application presets.


A list of keywprd strings with the available applications.

measure(verbose: bool = True, timeout: float = 20) None

Performs the measurement.

Starts a measurement and stores the result in sweeper.results. This method subscribes to all the paths previously added to sweeper.signals, then starts the measurement, waits until the measurement in finished and eventually reads the result.

Keyword Arguments
  • verbose (bool) – A flag to enable or disable output on the console. (default: True)

  • timeout (int) – The measurement will stopped after timeout. The value is given in seconds. (default: 20)

signals_add(signal_source: str) str

Adds a signal to the measurement.

The according signal node path will be generated and added to the module’s signal list attribute. The signal node will be subscribed to before measurement and the SweeperResult for this signal will be added as an item in the results attribute after measurement. Available signal sources can be listed using signals_list().


signal_source (str) – A keyword string that specifies the source of the signal, e.g. “demod0”.


The exact node string that will be subscribed to, can be used as a key in the results dict to get the measurement result to this signal.

>>> signal = uhfli.sweeper.signal_add("demod0")
>>> uhfli.sweeper.measure()
>>> ...
>>> result = uhfli.sweeper.results[signal]

signals_clear() None

Resets the signal list attribute to an empty list.

signals_list() List

Lists the keywords for available signals that can be added to the measurement.


A list of the available signals.

sweep_parameter(param) None

Sets the sweep parameter.

The parameter to sweep should be given by a keyword string. The available parameters can be listed with sweep_parameter_list().


param (str) – The string corresponding to the parameter to sweep during measurement.

sweep_parameter_list() List

Lists the keywords for available parameters that can be swept during the measurement.


A list with keywords of the available sweep parameters.