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Release Notes

Release 2.46.0

Release date 13.02.2025

Requires: LabOne 25.01

Includes: Applications Library 2.0.0

Notes & Important Changes


  • Added the ability to use the internal scope in segmented mode on SHFQA and SHFQC instruments.
  • Allowed barriers in OpenQASM programs to be broadcast in the case where they were applied to multiple qubits.
  • Added support for multiple inheritance of quantum operation classes.
  • Added a parameters argument to QuantumElement.from_device_setup that allows qubit parameters to be specified when creating qubits from a DeviceSetup.

Applications Library

  • Upgraded the Applications Library to version 2.0.0 due to a major clean-up of the task and workflow options classes:
  • removed TuneupAnalysisOptions and QubitSpectroscopyAnalysisOptions;
  • added the new options classes DoFittingOption, FitDataOptions, ExtractQubitParametersTransitionOptions, BasePlottingOptions, PlotPopulationOptions, CalculateQubitPopulationOptions;
  • moved the options classes related to the analysis routines into a new module laboneq_applications.analysis.options;
  • moved QubitSpectroscopyAnalysisWorkflowOptions into laboneq_applications.experiments.qubit_spectroscopy;
  • modified all the analysis workflows to use the new options classes instead of TuneupAnalysisOptions;
  • Fixed the task temporary_modify to work for all children of QuantumElement;


The Qubit and Transmon classes are not yet considered stable and their APIs might still change in future versions. Their parent QuantumElement class has been updated with version 2.44, making it much simpler to create your own implementation of a qubit object.

Bug Fixes

  • Adapted the priority and order in which phase increments are emitted in the sequencer code, which in rare cases led to gaps in playback of sequences containing many consecutive virtual z-gates without waveform playback at the same time.
  • Added a fix to prevent adding an instrument with the same id to a device setup twice, which led to undefined behavior in emulation mode.
  • Fixes the time-traces analysis workflow in laboneq_applications to work with one qubit state and to catch the exception when the kernel extraction fails.


Known Issues

  • Using the internal scope to acquire raw traces on multiple channels of an SHFQA in a single experiment is only possible if the timing of all acquisitions is equal between instrument channels.
  • Using runtime checks of the sequencer playback through the disable_runtime_checks=False argument of session.connect(), is currently not possible when the experiment contains real-time feedback or is using the on-device PRNG. In the latter case, unintended error messages may be produced if the option is used.
  • When using the pipeliner in an experiment by specifying a chunk_count parameter in a sweep, the number of acquire commands in each chunk currently needs to be equal. Typically this means that the number of sweep steps within each chunk has to be the same.
  • When using OutputSimulator or pulse sheet viewer with an experiment using the pipeliner or near-time sweeping, currently only the first sequence step will be displayed.
  • When delaying logical signal lines of type rf_signal via the delay_signal calibration property, all rf_signals on the same sequencer core must be set to the same delay.
  • When delaying logical signal lines on the SHFQA via the delay_signal calibration property, the delays for the measure and acquire line must be the same; the measure pulse delay is not added to the acquire pulse delay as on the UHFQA. We recommend to use port_delay for now.
  • When creating a section with very short content (below the device’s minimum waveform length), the compiler may fail to map the experiment to valid SeqC, and will generate an error. As a workaround in these cases, manually add delays to the sequence.

Previous versions