Source code for zhinst.utils.shf_sweeper

"""Class for frequency sweeps on SHFQA

# Copyright 2022 Zurich Instruments AG

from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
import time
import textwrap
import numpy as np
from zhinst.utils import utils
from zhinst.ziPython import compile_seqc

class _Mapping(Enum):
    LIN = "linear"
    LOG = "log"

class _AveragingMode(Enum):
    CYCLIC = "cyclic"
    SEQUENTIAL = "sequential"

class _TriggerSource(Enum):
    Valid trigger sources for spectroscopy
    Note: the user should write the trigger selection in lowercase letters.
    e.g. "software_trigger0". The strings are transformed to uppercase only
    for this enum, which is needed to distinguish between internal and external
    triggers (see _EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_LIMIT).

    CHANNEL0_TRIGGER_INPUT0 = 0  # Important: start counting with 0












    SOFTWARE_TRIGGER0 = auto()


def _check_trigger_source(trigger):
    Checks whether the trigger source exists in the _TriggerSource enumeration

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        trigger: the trigger source setting to be checked
    except ValueError:
                "Trigger source needs to be 'channel[0,3]_trigger_input[0,1]', "
                "'channel[0,3]_sequencer_trigger0' or 'software_trigger0'."

def _check_channel_index(daq, device_id, channel_index):
    Checks whether the provided channel index is valid

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        channel_index: index of the qachannel to be checked
    device_type = daq.getString(f"/{device_id}/features/devtype")
    if device_type == "SHFQA4":
        num_qa_channels = 4
    elif device_type == "SHFQA2":
        num_qa_channels = 2
        # SHFQC
        num_qa_channels = 1
    if channel_index >= num_qa_channels:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Device {device_id} only has a total of {num_qa_channels} QA channels."

def _check_center_freq(center_freq_hz):
    Checks whether the center frequency is within the valid range

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        center_freq_hz: the center frequency to be checked in units Hz
    min_center_freq = 0
    max_center_freq = 8e9
    center_freq_steps = 100e6
    rounding_error = 0.1

    if center_freq_hz < min_center_freq:
        raise ValueError(f"Center frequency must be greater than {min_center_freq}Hz.")
    if center_freq_hz > max_center_freq:
        raise ValueError(f"Center frequency must be less than {max_center_freq}Hz.")
    if center_freq_hz % center_freq_steps > rounding_error:
        raise ValueError(f"Center frequency must be multiple of {center_freq_steps}Hz.")

def _check_in_band_freq(start_freq, stop_freq):
    Checks whether the start/stop frequency for the in-band sweep is in the valid

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

    min_offset_freq = -1e9
    max_offset_freq = 1e9

    if start_freq >= stop_freq:
        raise ValueError("Stop frequency must be larger than start_freq frequency.")
    if start_freq < min_offset_freq:
        raise ValueError(f"Start frequency must be greater than {min_offset_freq}Hz.")
    if stop_freq > max_offset_freq:
        raise ValueError(f"Stop frequency must be less than {max_offset_freq}Hz.")

def _check_io_range(range_dbm, min_range):
    Checks whether the supplied input or output range setting is within the device

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        range_dbm: the range setting to be checked in units of dBm
        min_range: lower boundary
    max_range = 10
    range_step = 5
    rounding_error = 0.001
    if range_dbm > max_range + rounding_error:
        raise ValueError(f"Maximum range is {max_range}dBm.")
    if range_dbm < min_range - rounding_error:
        raise ValueError(f"Minimum range is {min_range}dBm.")
    if range_dbm % range_step > rounding_error:
        raise ValueError(f"Range must be multiple of {range_step}dBm.")

def _check_output_range(range_dbm):
    Checks whether the supplied output range setting is within the device boundaries

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        range_dbm: the range setting to be checked in units of dBm
    min_range_output = -30
    _check_io_range(range_dbm, min_range_output)

def _check_input_range(range_dbm):
    Checks whether the supplied output range setting is within the device boundaries

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        range_dbm: the range setting to be checked in units of dBm
    min_range_input = -50
    _check_io_range(range_dbm, min_range_input)

def _check_output_gain(gain):
    Checks whether the supplied output gain setting is within the device boundaries

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        gain: the gain setting to be checked
    max_gain = 1
    min_gain = 0
    if gain < min_gain or gain > max_gain:
        raise ValueError(f"Output gain must be within [{min_gain}, {max_gain}].")

def _check_envelope_waveform(wave_vector):
    Checks whether the suplied vector is a valid envelope waveform

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        wave_vector: the waveform vector to be checked
    if wave_vector is None:
        raise ValueError("No envelope waveform specified.")

    max_envelope_length = 2**16
    if len(wave_vector) > max_envelope_length:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Envelope length exceeds maximum of {max_envelope_length} samples."

    # Note: here, we check that the envelope vector elements are within the unit
    #       circle. This check is repeated by the envelope/wave node but it is
    #       stated here explicitly as a guidance to the user.
    if np.any(np.abs(wave_vector) > 1.0):
        raise ValueError(
            "The absolute value of each envelope vector element must be smaller "
            "than 1."

def _check_mapping(mapping):
    Checks whether the suplied mapping is a valid setting

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        mapping: the setting to be checked
    except ValueError:
        print("Mapping needs to be 'linear' or 'log'.")

def _check_avg_mode(mode):
    Checks whether the average mode is a valid setting

    Raises a ValueError exception if the checked setting was invalid.

        mode: the setting to be checked
    except ValueError:
        print("Averaging mode needs to be 'cyclic' or 'sequential'.")

def _print_sweep_progress(current, total, freq, newline=False):
    Prints a line indicating the sweep progress

        current:    the current number of measurements
        total:      the total number of measurements
        freq:       the current frequency
        newline:    specifies whether to print a newline (True)
                    or else a carriage return (False) at the end of the line
        f"Measurement ({current}/{total}) at {(freq / 1e6):.3f}MHz." + " " * 20,
        end=("\r" if not newline else "\n"),

def _round_for_playzero(time_interval: float, sample_rate: float):
    Rounds a time interval to the granularity of the playZero SeqC command

        time_interval: the time interval to be rounded for the playZero command
        sample_rate:    the sample rate of the instrument

        rounded the time interval
    playzero_granularity = 16

    # round up the number of samples to multiples of playzero_granularity
    num_samples = (
        ((round(time_interval * sample_rate) + (playzero_granularity - 1)))
        // playzero_granularity
    ) * playzero_granularity
    return num_samples / sample_rate

def _is_subscribed(daq, node_path: str) -> bool:
    Checks whether the daq instance is subscribed to a given node or not

        daq (ziDAQServer):  an instance of the ziPython.ziDAQServer class
        node_path:          the path of the node to be checked

        True if the node is subscribed, False if not
    # NOTE: currently, daq.listNodes will not respect the subscribedonly flag when the
    # node path does not contain a wildcard. Thus we work around this problem by
    # determining the base path of the node and using a wildcard.
    # Remove this workaround once the underlying bug L1-864 is fixed.
    wildcard_path = "/".join(node_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/*"
    listed_nodes = daq.listNodes(wildcard_path, subscribedonly=True)
    return node_path in listed_nodes

def _subscribe_with_assert(daq, node_path: str) -> bool:
    Subscribes to a node only if it was not already subscribed

    Raises an AssertionError if the node was already subscribed

        daq (ziDAQServer):  an instance of the ziPython.ziDAQServer class
        node_path:          the path of the node to be checked
    assert not _is_subscribed(daq, node_path), (
        "The following node was already subscribed:\n"
        + node_path
        + "\n"
        + "This would lead to unexpected behavior!"


[docs]@dataclass class SweepConfig: """Frequency range settings for a sweep""" start_freq: float = -300e6 #: minimum frequency for the sweep stop_freq: float = 300e6 #: maximum frequency for the sweep num_points: int = 100 #: number of frequency points to measure mapping: str = "linear" #: linear or logarithmic frequency axis oscillator_gain: float = 1 #: amplitude gain for the oscillator used for modulation settling_time: float = 200e-9 """time to wait to ensure new frequency took effect in the device under test""" use_sequencer: bool = True """specify whether to use the fast sequencer-based sweep (True) or the slower host-driven sweep (False)"""
[docs]@dataclass class RfConfig: """RF in- and ouput settings for a sweep""" channel: int = 0 #: device channel to be used input_range: int = -5 #: maximal Range of the Signal Input power output_range: int = 0 #: maximal Range of the Signal Output power center_freq: float = 5e9 #: Center Frequency of the analysis band
[docs]@dataclass class AvgConfig: """Averaging settings for a sweep""" integration_time: float = 1e-3 #: total time while samples are integrated num_averages: int = 1 #: times to measure each frequency point mode: str = "cyclic" """averaging mode, which can be "cyclic", to first scan the frequency and then repeat, or "sequential", to average each point before changing the frequency""" integration_delay: float = 0.0 """time delay after the trigger for the integrator to start"""
[docs]@dataclass class TriggerConfig: """Settings for the trigger""" source: str = None """trigger source. Please refer to the node documentation in the user manual under /DEV.../QACHANNELS/n/GENERATOR/AUXTRIGGERS/n/CHANNEL for a list of possible sources. The default source (None) means the repetition rate of the experiment will be determined by the sequencer using the integration time in AvgConfig and settling time in SweepConfig. Further note that the software trigger is not supported for the sequencer-based sweeps (exception see force_sw_trigger)!""" level: float = 0.5 #: trigger level imp50: bool = True #: trigger input impedance - 50 Ohm if True; else high impedance force_sw_trigger: bool = False """if True, the sequencer program waits for the software trigger even in sequencer-based mode. Note, however, that the ShfSweeper python class will not generate the software trigger on its own. Thus this mode is only useful if a separate API session issues the software triggers!"""
[docs]@dataclass class EnvelopeConfig: """Settings for defining a complex envelope for pulsed spectroscopy""" waveform: np.complex128 = None #: the complex envelope waveform vector delay: float = 0.0 #: time delay the waveform is generated after the trigger
Config = namedtuple("Config", ["sweep", "avg", "rf", "trig"]) # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class ShfSweeper: """ Class to set up and run a sweep on an SHFQA Arguments: daq (zhinst.ziPython.ziDAQServer): ziDAQServer object to communicate with a Zurich Instruments data server dev (str): The ID of the device to run the sweeper with. For example, `dev12004`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, daq, dev): self._daq = daq self._dev = dev self._sweep = SweepConfig() self._rf = RfConfig() self._avg = AvgConfig() self._trig = TriggerConfig() # the envelope multiplication is enabled if and only if this member is not None self._envelope = None self._shf_sample_rate = 2e9 self._result = []
[docs] def run(self): """ Perform a sweep with the specified settings. WARNING: During the sweep the following nodes are subscribed and the sync command is used to clear all buffers on the data server before the measurement: /{dev}/qachannels/{}/spectroscopy/result/acquired /{dev}/qachannels/{}/spectroscopy/result/data/wave Returns: a dictionary with measurement data of the sweep """ self._init_sweep() self._run_freq_sweep() return self.get_result()
[docs] def get_result(self): """ Returns: a dictionary with measurement data of the last sweep """ data = self._get_result_logger_data() vec = self._result if not self._sweep.use_sequencer: vec = self._average_samples(vec) data["vector"] = vec props = data["properties"] props["centerfreq"] = self._rf.center_freq props["startfreq"] = self._sweep.start_freq props["stopfreq"] = self._sweep.stop_freq props["numpoints"] = self._sweep.num_points props["mapping"] = self._sweep.mapping return data
[docs] def plot(self): """ Plots power over frequency for last sweep """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt freq = self.get_offset_freq_vector() freq_mhz = freq / 1e6 data = self.get_result() power_dbm = utils.volt_rms_to_dbm(data["vector"]) phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(data["vector"])) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) plt.xlabel("freq [MHz]") axs[0].plot(freq_mhz, power_dbm) axs[0].set(ylabel="power [dBm]") axs[0].grid() axs[1].plot(freq_mhz, phase) axs[1].set(ylabel="phase [rad]") axs[1].grid() fig.suptitle(f"Sweep with center frequency {self._rf.center_freq / 1e9}GHz")
[docs] def set_to_device(self): """ Transfer settings to device """ # First, make sure that the configuration is still valid. This is needed # since the users might change their instance of the dataclasses self._check_config(self._sweep, self._avg, self._rf, self._trig, self._envelope) # set configuration to device self._configure_rf_frontends() if self._is_externally_triggered: self._configure_external_trigger() self._configure_envelope() self._configure_spectroscopy_delay() self._configure_integration_time() self._daq.sync()
[docs] def configure( self, sweep_config=None, avg_config=None, rf_config=None, trig_config=None, envelope_config=None, ): """ Configure and check the settings Arguments: sweep_config (SweepConfig, optional): @dataclass containing sweep configuration (None: default configuration applies) avg_config (AvgConfig, optional): @dataclass with averaging configuration (None: default configuration applies) rf_config (RfConfig, optional): @dataclass with RF configuration (None: default configuration applies) trig_config (TriggerConfig, optional): @dataclass with trigger configuration (None: default configuration applies) envelope_config: (EnvelopeConfig, optional): @dataclass configuring the envelope for pulse spectroscopy (None: the multiplication with the envelope is disabled) """ self._check_config( sweep_config, avg_config, rf_config, trig_config, envelope_config ) self._sweep = sweep_config or self._sweep self._rf = rf_config or self._rf self._avg = avg_config or self._avg self._trig = trig_config or self._trig # Note: in the case the envelope_config argument is None, the envelope # multiplication will be disabled. Hence no "or" statement is used here. self._envelope = envelope_config
[docs] def get_configuration(self): """ Returns: the configuration of the sweeper class as Config(SweepConfig, AvgConfig, RfConfig, TriggerConfig) """ return Config(self._sweep, self._avg, self._rf, self._trig)
[docs] def get_offset_freq_vector(self): """ Get vector of frequency points """ if self._sweep.mapping == _Mapping.LIN.value: freq_vec = np.linspace( self._sweep.start_freq, self._sweep.stop_freq, self._sweep.num_points ) else: # log start_f_log = np.log10(self._sweep.start_freq + self._rf.center_freq) stop_f_log = np.log10(self._sweep.stop_freq + self._rf.center_freq) temp_f_vec = np.logspace(start_f_log, stop_f_log, self._sweep.num_points) freq_vec = temp_f_vec - self._rf.center_freq return freq_vec
def _check_config( self, sweep_config=None, avg_config=None, rf_config=None, trig_config=None, envelope_config=None, ): """ Checks if the supplied configurations are valid This function has the same arguments as the public function self.configure() """ if rf_config: _check_channel_index(self._daq, self._dev, _check_center_freq(rf_config.center_freq) _check_input_range(rf_config.input_range) _check_output_range(rf_config.output_range) if sweep_config: if self._sweep.use_sequencer and self._sweep.mapping != _Mapping.LIN.value: raise ValueError( "Only linear sweeps are supported with the sequencer-based approach" ) _check_in_band_freq(sweep_config.start_freq, sweep_config.stop_freq) _check_mapping(sweep_config.mapping) _check_output_gain(sweep_config.oscillator_gain) if avg_config: _check_avg_mode(avg_config.mode) self._check_integration_time(avg_config.integration_time) self._check_integration_delay(avg_config.integration_delay) if trig_config and trig_config.source is not None: _check_trigger_source(trig_config.source) if envelope_config: _check_envelope_waveform(envelope_config.waveform) self._check_envelope_delay(envelope_config.delay) @property def _path_prefix(self) -> str: return f"/{self._dev}/qachannels/{}/" @property def _acquired_path(self) -> str: return self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/acquired" @property def _spec_enable_path(self) -> str: return self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/enable" @property def _data_path(self) -> str: return self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/data/wave" @property def _is_externally_triggered(self) -> bool: if self._trig.source is None: return False return ( _TriggerSource[self._trig.source.upper()].value <= _EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_LIMIT.value ) @property def _is_sw_triggered(self) -> bool: if self._trig.source is None: return False return ( _TriggerSource[self._trig.source.upper()].value == _TriggerSource.SOFTWARE_TRIGGER0.value ) def _configure_rf_frontends(self): """ Configures the RF frontend settings to the device """ # don't set output/input on/off, keep previous user settings self._daq.setInt(self._path_prefix + "input/range", self._rf.input_range) self._daq.setInt(self._path_prefix + "output/range", self._rf.output_range) self._daq.setDouble(self._path_prefix + "centerfreq", self._rf.center_freq) self._daq.setDouble( self._path_prefix + "oscs/0/gain", self._sweep.oscillator_gain ) self._daq.setString(self._path_prefix + "mode", "spectroscopy") def _configure_external_trigger(self): """ Configures the external trigger inputs to the device """ # Note: the following index arithmetic is only valid for HW triggers: trig_channel = _TriggerSource[self._trig.source.upper()].value // 2 trig_input = _TriggerSource[self._trig.source.upper()].value % 2 trig_path = f"/{self._dev}/qachannels/{trig_channel}/triggers/{trig_input}/" self._daq.setDouble(trig_path + "level", self._trig.level) self._daq.setInt(trig_path + "imp50", self._trig.imp50) def _configure_envelope(self): """ Configures the envelope waveform settings for pulsed spectroscopy to the device """ path = self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/envelope" if self._envelope: self._daq.setVector( path + "/wave", self._envelope.waveform.astype("complex128") ) self._daq.setInt(path + "/enable", 1) self._daq.setDouble(path + "/delay", self._envelope.delay) else: self._daq.setInt(path + "/enable", 0) def _configure_spectroscopy_delay(self): """ Configures the delay for triggering the spectroscopy module to the device """ path = self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/delay" if self._avg: self._daq.setDouble(path, self._avg.integration_delay) def _configure_integration_time(self): """ Configure the integration time to the device """ spectroscopy_len = round(self._avg.integration_time * self._shf_sample_rate) self._daq.setInt(self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/length", spectroscopy_len) def _get_freq_vec_host(self): """ Get the vector of frequencies for the host-based sweep """ single_freq_vec = self.get_offset_freq_vector() return self._concatenate_freq_vecs_host(single_freq_vec) def _concatenate_freq_vecs_host(self, single_freq_vec): """ Concatenates the vector of frequencies depending on the averaging and triggering type for the host-based sweep """ triggered_sequential = ( self._avg.mode.lower() == _AveragingMode.SEQUENTIAL.value and not self._is_sw_triggered ) if self._avg.num_averages == 1 or triggered_sequential: freq_vec = single_freq_vec elif self._avg.mode == _AveragingMode.CYCLIC.value: num_concatenate = self._avg.num_averages - 1 freq_vec = single_freq_vec while num_concatenate > 0: num_concatenate -= 1 freq_vec = np.concatenate((freq_vec, single_freq_vec), axis=None) else: # sequential + sw_trigger freq_vec = np.zeros(self._avg.num_averages * self._sweep.num_points) for i, f in enumerate(single_freq_vec): for j in range(self._avg.num_averages): ind = i * self._avg.num_averages + j freq_vec[ind] = f return freq_vec def _configure_direct_triggering_host(self): """ Configures the direct triggering of the spectroscopy module in the host-based approach """ if self._trig.source is None: raise ValueError( "Trigger source cannot be None if use_sequencer is set to False in " "SweepConfig" ) self._daq.setString( self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/trigger/channel", self._trig.source.lower(), ) def _configure_triggering_via_sequencer(self): """ Configures the triggering of the spectroscopy module via the sequencer """ if self._is_sw_triggered and (not self._trig.force_sw_trigger): raise ValueError( textwrap.dedent( """ Software trigger is not supported if use_sequencer is True! We recommend to set the trigger source in TriggerConfig to None when using the sequencer-based sweep, in order to let the sequencer define the repetition rate of the experiment. """ ) ) # the sequencer receives the actual trigger if self._trig.source is not None: self._daq.setString( self._path_prefix + "generator/auxtriggers/0/channel", self._trig.source.lower(), ) # the spectroscopy module must use the trigger coming from the sequencer self._daq.setString( self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/trigger/channel", f"chan{}seqtrig0", ) def _init_sweep(self): """ Initializes the sweep by configuring all settings to the devices """ self.set_to_device() self._stop_result_logger() if self._sweep.use_sequencer: self._configure_triggering_via_sequencer() sequencer_program = self._generate_sequencer_program() self._load_sequencer_program(sequencer_program) else: self._configure_direct_triggering_host() self._daq.sync() def _stop_result_logger(self): """ Stops the result logger and makes sure it is stopped """ self._daq.setInt(self._spec_enable_path, 0) self._daq.sync() utils.wait_for_state_change(self._daq, self._spec_enable_path, 0) def _issue_single_sw_trigger(self): self._daq.syncSetInt(f"/{self._dev}/system/swtriggers/0/single", 1) def _enable_measurement(self): self._daq.syncSetInt(self._spec_enable_path, 1) def _get_data_after_measurement(self): data = self._get_result_logger_data() return data["vector"] def _set_freq_to_device(self, freq: float): """ Configures a frequency on the device Arguments: freq: the frequency to be configured """ self._daq.syncSetDouble(self._path_prefix + "oscs/0/freq", freq) def _get_freq_sequencer(self, num_acquired: int) -> float: """ Infers the frequency from the number of acquired results in a sequencer-based sweep Arguments: num_acquired: the current number of acquired results Returns: the inferred frequency """ if self._avg.mode == _AveragingMode.CYCLIC.value: # Cyclic averaging return self._sweep.start_freq + self._freq_step * ( num_acquired % self._sweep.num_points ) # Sequential averaging return self._sweep.start_freq + self._freq_step * ( num_acquired // self._avg.num_averages ) def _poll_results( self, data_path: str, acquired_path: str, expected_num_results: int ): """ Repetitively polls for results in sequencer-driven sweeps until the expected number of results is acquired. Raises a TimeoutError excpetion if no new result is acquired within 10 seconds. Arguments: data_path: path to the result data node Must be subscribed by caller! acquired_path: path to the "acquired" node, which reports the current number of acquired results Must be subscribed by caller! expected_num_results: expected total number of results Returns: the result vector when it becomes available """ poll_time = 0.05 result_timeout = 10 # seconds # avoid too many iterations but print often enough print_interval = 0.5 # seconds elapsed_time_since_result = 0 elapsed_time_since_print = print_interval # force print in first iteration results = 0 result_logger_data = None while elapsed_time_since_result < result_timeout: poll_start = time.perf_counter() poll_results = self._daq.poll(poll_time, timeout_ms=10, flat=True) poll_duration = time.perf_counter() - poll_start if acquired_path in poll_results: results = poll_results[acquired_path]["value"][-1] elapsed_time_since_result = 0 else: elapsed_time_since_result += poll_duration if data_path in poll_results: result_logger_data = poll_results[data_path][0]["vector"] if elapsed_time_since_print >= print_interval: _print_sweep_progress( results, expected_num_results, self._get_freq_sequencer(results) ) elapsed_time_since_print = 0 else: elapsed_time_since_print += poll_duration is_done = (results == expected_num_results) and ( result_logger_data is not None ) if is_done: # report the final progress _print_sweep_progress( results, expected_num_results, self._get_freq_sequencer(results), newline=True, ) return result_logger_data if results > 0: raise TimeoutError( f"failed to get a new result in {result_timeout} seconds, so far " f"only got {results}!" ) raise TimeoutError(f"failed to get any result in {result_timeout} seconds!") def _wait_for_results_host(self, freq, num_results): """ Waits for the results in the host-based sweep Arguments: freq: the current frequency (only needed for the status printouts) num_results: the desired number of results to wait for """ poll_time = 0.05 result_timeout = 10 # seconds # avoid too many iterations but print often enough print_interval = 0.5 # seconds elapsed_time_since_result = 0 elapsed_time_since_print = print_interval # force print in first iteration results = 0 while elapsed_time_since_result < result_timeout: poll_start = time.perf_counter() poll_results = self._daq.poll(poll_time, timeout_ms=10, flat=True) poll_duration = time.perf_counter() - poll_start if self._acquired_path in poll_results: results = poll_results[self._acquired_path]["value"][-1] elapsed_time_since_result = 0 else: elapsed_time_since_result += poll_duration if elapsed_time_since_print >= print_interval: _print_sweep_progress(results, num_results, freq) elapsed_time_since_print = 0 else: elapsed_time_since_print += poll_duration if results == num_results: # we are done - but we must report the final progress _print_sweep_progress(results, num_results, freq) utils.wait_for_state_change( self._daq, self._spec_enable_path, 0, timeout=1 ) return if results > 0: raise TimeoutError( f"failed to get a new result in {result_timeout} seconds, so far " f"only got {results}!" ) raise TimeoutError(f"failed to get any result in {result_timeout} seconds!") def _wait_for_results_host_sw_trig(self, expected_results, wait_time=1): """ Waits for the results in the host-based sweep using the software trigger Arguments: expected_results: the expected number of results wait_time: the expected maximal time to wait for the results """ # leave margin for the swtrigger and the dataserver to be updated wait_time = 1.2 * (wait_time + 0.3) # iterate often (20ms) to improve performance utils.wait_for_state_change( self._daq, self._acquired_path, expected_results, timeout=wait_time, sleep_time=0.02, ) def _run_freq_sweep(self): """ Runs the frequency sweep. Dispatches between the different sweep approaches. """ if self._sweep.use_sequencer: self._run_freq_sweep_sequencer() elif self._is_sw_triggered: self._run_freq_sweep_host_sw_trig() else: self._run_freq_sweep_host() def _run_freq_sweep_sequencer(self): """ Runs the frequency sweep with the sequencer-based approach. """ self._print_sweep_details() num_results = self._configure_result_length_and_averages_sequencer() _subscribe_with_assert(self._daq, self._data_path) _subscribe_with_assert(self._daq, self._acquired_path) self._daq.sync() self._enable_measurement() self._enable_sequencer() try: self._result = self._poll_results( self._data_path, self._acquired_path, num_results ) finally: self._daq.unsubscribe(self._data_path) self._daq.unsubscribe(self._acquired_path) def _run_freq_sweep_host_sw_trig(self): """ Runs the frequency sweep with the host-based approach using the software trigger """ self._print_sweep_details() freq_vec = self._get_freq_vec_host() self._configure_result_length_and_averages_host() self._enable_measurement() for i, freq in enumerate(freq_vec): self._set_freq_to_device(freq) _print_sweep_progress(i + 1, len(freq_vec), freq) self._issue_single_sw_trigger() self._wait_for_results_host_sw_trig( expected_results=i + 1, wait_time=self._avg.integration_time ) utils.wait_for_state_change(self._daq, self._spec_enable_path, 0, timeout=1.0) self._result = self._get_data_after_measurement() def _run_freq_sweep_host(self): """ Runs the frequency sweep with the host-based approach (not software-triggered) """ self._print_sweep_details() freq_vec = self._get_freq_vec_host() num_results = self._configure_result_length_and_averages_host() self._result = [] _subscribe_with_assert(self._daq, self._acquired_path) self._daq.sync() for freq in freq_vec: self._set_freq_to_device(freq) self._enable_measurement() try: self._wait_for_results_host(freq, num_results) except Exception as wait_exception: # make sure we also unsubscribe from the node in case of an exception self._daq.unsubscribe(self._acquired_path) raise wait_exception self._result = np.append(self._result, self._get_data_after_measurement()) # after the sweep has finished, we unsubscribe from the node self._daq.unsubscribe(self._acquired_path) def _get_playzero_hold_off_samples(self) -> int: """ Returns the hold-off time needed per iteration of the the inner-most loop of the SeqC program. The return value respects the minimal hold-off time and the granularity of the playZero SeqC command. Returns: the number of samples corresponding to the hold-off time """ hold_off_time_margin = 72e-9 hold_off_time = _round_for_playzero( self._avg.integration_time + hold_off_time_margin, self._shf_sample_rate ) # ensure minimum hold-off time for the integration min_hold_off_samples = 2048 return max(round(hold_off_time * self._shf_sample_rate), min_hold_off_samples) def _get_playzero_settling_samples(self) -> int: """ Returns an integer number of samples corresponding to the settling time The return value respects the granularity of the playZero SeqC command. Returns: the number of samples corresponding to the settling time """ return round( _round_for_playzero(self._sweep.settling_time, self._shf_sample_rate) * self._shf_sample_rate ) @property def _freq_step(self) -> float: """ Returns the frequency step size according to the sweep settings """ return (self._sweep.stop_freq - self._sweep.start_freq) / self._sweep.num_points def _generate_sequencer_program(self): """ Internal method, which generates the SeqC code for a sweep """ seqc_header = textwrap.dedent( f""" const OSC0 = 0; setTrigger(0); configFreqSweep(OSC0, {self._sweep.start_freq}, {self._freq_step}); """ ) seqc_wait_for_trigger = ( "waitDigTrigger(1);" if self._trig.source is not None else "// self-triggering mode" ) seqc_loop_body = textwrap.dedent( f""" {seqc_wait_for_trigger} // define time from setting the oscillator frequency to sending // the spectroscopy trigger playZero({self._get_playzero_settling_samples()}); // set the oscillator frequency depending on the loop variable i setSweepStep(OSC0, i); resetOscPhase(); // define time to the next iteration playZero({self._get_playzero_hold_off_samples()}); // trigger the integration unit and pulsed playback in pulsed mode setTrigger(1); setTrigger(0); """ ) averaging_loop_arguments = f"var j = 0; j < {self._avg.num_averages}; j++" sweep_loop_arguments = f"var i = 0; i < {self._sweep.num_points}; i++" if self._avg.mode == _AveragingMode.CYCLIC.value: outer_loop_arguments = averaging_loop_arguments inner_loop_arguments = sweep_loop_arguments else: outer_loop_arguments = sweep_loop_arguments inner_loop_arguments = averaging_loop_arguments seqc = ( seqc_header + textwrap.dedent( f""" for({outer_loop_arguments}) {{ for({inner_loop_arguments}) {{""" ) + textwrap.indent(seqc_loop_body, " " * 8) + textwrap.dedent( """ } } """ ) ) return seqc def _load_sequencer_program(self, sequencer_program: str, timeout: float = 10): """ Compiles and loads a sequencer program for the fast sweep" Arguments: sequencer_program: the sequencer program to be compiled and loaded timeout: the maximum time to wait during compilation in seconds """ # first, reset the sequencer self._daq.syncSetInt(self._path_prefix + "generator/reset", 1) device_type = self._daq.getString(f"/{self._dev}/features/devtype") device_options = self._daq.getString(f"/{self._dev}/features/options") elf, _ = compile_seqc( sequencer_program, device_type, device_options,, sequencer="qa", ) self._daq.setVector( f"/{self._dev}/qachannels/{}/generator/elf/data", elf ) # wait until the device becomes ready after program upload utils.wait_for_state_change( self._daq, self._path_prefix + "generator/ready", 1, timeout=1.0 ) time.sleep(0.1) def _enable_sequencer(self): """ Starts the sequencer for the sequencer-based sweep """ self._daq.setInt(self._path_prefix + "generator/single", 1) self._daq.syncSetInt(self._path_prefix + "generator/enable", 1) hundred_milliseconds = 0.1 time.sleep(hundred_milliseconds) def _print_sweep_details(self): detail_str = ( f"Run a sweep with {self._sweep.num_points} frequency points in the range of " f"[{self._sweep.start_freq / 1e6}, {self._sweep.stop_freq / 1e6}] MHz + " f"{self._rf.center_freq / 1e9} GHz. \n" f"Mapping is {self._sweep.mapping}. \n" f"Integration time = {self._avg.integration_time} sec. \n" f"Measures {self._avg.num_averages} times per frequency point. \n" f"Averaging mode is {self._avg.mode}.\n" ) if self._trig.source is not None: detail_str += f"Trigger source is {self._trig.source.lower()}." else: detail_str += str( "Trigger source is set to None, which means the sequencer " "defines the repetition rate." ) print(detail_str) def _configure_result_length_and_averages_host(self) -> int: """ Configures the result vector length and number of averages for the host-based sweep to the device Returns: the configured number of results """ if self._is_sw_triggered: num_results = self._sweep.num_points * self._avg.num_averages elif self._avg.mode.lower() == _AveragingMode.SEQUENTIAL.value: num_results = self._avg.num_averages else: num_results = 1 self._daq.setInt(self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/length", num_results) # for the host-based approach, we always average in software, thus set the # hardware averages to 1 self._daq.setInt(self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/averages", 1) return num_results def _configure_result_length_and_averages_sequencer(self) -> int: """ Configures the result vector length and number of averages for the sequencer-based sweep to the device Returns: the expected total number of results, which is the product of the result vector length and number of averages """ self._daq.setString( self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/mode", self._avg.mode ) self._daq.setInt( self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/length", self._sweep.num_points ) self._daq.setInt( self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/averages", self._avg.num_averages ) return self._sweep.num_points * self._avg.num_averages def _get_result_logger_data(self): result_path = self._path_prefix + "spectroscopy/result/data/wave" data = self._daq.get(result_path, flat=True) return data[result_path.lower()][0] def _average_samples(self, vec): if self._avg.num_averages == 1: return vec avg_vec = np.zeros(self._sweep.num_points, dtype="complex") if self._avg.mode == _AveragingMode.CYCLIC.value: total_measurements = self._sweep.num_points * self._avg.num_averages for i in range(self._sweep.num_points): avg_range = range(i, total_measurements, self._sweep.num_points) avg_vec[i] = np.mean(vec[avg_range]) else: # sequential for i in range(self._sweep.num_points): start_ind = i * self._avg.num_averages avg_range = range(start_ind, start_ind + self._avg.num_averages) avg_vec[i] = np.mean(vec[avg_range]) return avg_vec def _check_integration_time(self, integration_time_s): max_int_len = ((2**23) - 1) * 4 min_int_len = 4 max_integration_time = max_int_len / self._shf_sample_rate min_integration_time = min_int_len / self._shf_sample_rate if integration_time_s < min_integration_time: raise ValueError( f"Integration time below minimum of {min_integration_time}s." ) if integration_time_s > max_integration_time: raise ValueError( f"Integration time exceeds maximum of {max_integration_time}s." ) def _check_delay(self, resolution_ns, min_s, max_s, val_s): if val_s > max_s or val_s < min_s: raise ValueError(f"Delay out of bounds! {min_s} <= delay <= {max_s}") if (val_s * 1e9) % resolution_ns != 0: raise ValueError(f"Delay not in multiples of {resolution_ns} ns.") def _check_integration_delay(self, integration_delay_s): resolution_ns = 2 max_s = 131e-6 self._check_delay(resolution_ns, 0, max_s, integration_delay_s) def _check_envelope_delay(self, delay_s): resolution_ns = 2 max_s = 131e-6 self._check_delay(resolution_ns, 0, max_s, delay_s)