.. image:: images/zhinst_logo_sep_horiz_2019_1000.png :width: 400 :target: https://www.zhinst.com :alt: "" | Zurich Instruments Toolkit |version| Documentation ================================================== zhinst-toolkit is a high level driver package that allows communication with Zurich Instruments devices from the Python programming language. It is based on top of the native `Python API `_ (``zhinst.core``) of LabOneĀ®, the Zurich Instruments control software. The central goal of zhinst-toolkit is to provide a Pythonic approach to interact with any Zurich Instruments device and is intended as a full replacement for the low level ``zhinst.core`` package. zhinst-toolkit is published under the :ref:`MIT License ` and contributions are highly welcome. (Before you invest a lot of time into a new feature or adaption we recommend getting in touch with us so that we can give you some insights into our planning.) Get started with the :ref:`first_steps/installation:Installation` and then get an overview with the :ref:`first_steps/quickstart:Quickstart` guide. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents first_steps/index examples/index package_documentation changelog/index contributing/index license/index about/index Index ===== * :ref:`genindex`