
zhinst-labber Changelog

Version 0.3.0

  • Adapt drivers to zhinst-toolkit 0.3.x which is a major refactoring and improves speed, stability and feature availability.

  • Introduce python package zhint-labber which is able to automatically generate the Labber driver for each Zurich Instruments device (including HF2).

  • Easy to access CLI for zhinst-labber.

  • Node naming aligned with LabOne.

  • Automatic support for all nodes available on the device.

  • Enhanced logging functionality.

  • Waveform Processor that is able to convert native AWG Waveforms into its parts.

  • Add DAQ, Sweeper and SHFQA sweeper modules

Version 0.2.0

  • Add SHFQA and SHFSG support

Version 0.1.0

  • initial release